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Dad’s not ready for a baby...

im very pro choice

you sounding pro life
I am pro life. And you make it seem as of pro life is a bad thing g.

i am also a staunch believer in free will. And also not being able to sidestep the consequences of your choices as a result of the free will you have
No, she'd be making a counter-decision based on your decision of the decision that YOU made when YOU bust a nut in her, knowing it could result in YOU having a baby.

Oh so the raw fuckin' not a two way thing any more?

Also, yeah. If you need money from a man you kno' doesn't want the kid then you should think twice about havin' that baby. Shouldn't be confident to have a child alone because you kno' the law will compel an unwillin' participant to pay for it
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Oh so the raw fuckin' not a two way thing any more?

Also, yeah. If you need money from a man you kno' doesn't want the kid then you should think twice about havin' that baby. Shouldn't be confident to have a child alone because you kno' the law will compel an unwillin' participant to pay for it

Of course it was a two way thing. I mean, it takes two people to fuck. You keep talking about should should should. Like anybody disagrees with you. The facts are that you pulled your dick out and she opened her legs up. Both go you. So you buy the formula and she'll buy the diapers, nigga. Lol.

Full disclosure

when I was in high school...a 17 yr old kid...myself and a young lady conceived...

I was scared as hell...didnt know what to do...but was ready to face the weight and responsibility that came with the decision I made to have unprotected sex

she ended up having an abortion after given an ultimatum by her mother which was essentially

have the baby and we disown you or abort and we act like this never happened.

I wanted to keep the child...but I also understood the position she was put in...so I just supported whatever she decided

there is not a day that goes by that I dont think about that life we created and what he or she could be right now.

Again it is my belief that neither party should be absolved of the concesquneces. However I am not naive to the fact that people dont like to be accountable and will avoid and sidestep the concesquences if allowed to...

so if a woman has the choice to get rid of a child legally against the will of the father....the man should be afforded that same choice to absolve all fiscal and legal responsibility against the will of the mother
I am pro life. And you make it seem as of pro life is a bad thing g.

i am also a staunch believer in free will. And also not being able to sidestep the consequences of your choices as a result of the free will you have
pro life isnt a bad thing unless you are anti choice
I'm with Dave on this one. Her body her choice but niggas should have a legal option to opt out before the child is born.

Too many chicks be plotting on that child support knowing damn well they ain't in any better position to raise the kid themselves. Yea its alot of dead beat niggas out there not doing shit for they kids but we know just as many hoodrats that got 6+ kids by 4+ dudes just waiting on they stamps to come in.

So...you're advocating for MORE deadbeat niggas out here not doing shit for their kids? Makes senes.
We've somehow managed to turn checkers into chess...again.

If I lay down, bust a nut in a woman, then that nut fertilizes an egg, than that means that she's pregnant. She didn't get herself pregnant. It took MY dna and it took HER dna. We both made a joint decision to have sex, knowing that the sex could result in a child. The end.

I ain't never seen a nigga rob a bank, then get caught and argue at his trial, 'I mean, yeah I did that shit, your honor. You can clearly see me in the fucking video. But I made it clear before I walked into that bank that I was NOT ready to go to jail for this, should I get caught. And so now that I'm caught, I should be absolved of all responsibility.'

Fuck outta here.

I don't understand how niggas really want a women to be the only one's financially responsible for a child you BOTH made.

If both women and men could somehow deposit their DNA into a petrie dish, combine them shits and then grow babies in a lab, the laws would be different. Either parent would likely be able to terminate that this at any point, up to a certain age. But because that is NOT how it is, and because babies DO grow inside women's bodies, that ain't the reality. And that's because, of the following choices:

1. Allow men to tell women when to kill a fetus that BOTH of them helped make but is actually inside HER body

2. Force one parent to bear the financial load alone for providing for a child that BOTH of you made

3. Force both parents to be financially responsible for the child that they BOTH made, even if one of them doesn't want to be

...only one of them is viable and DOESN'T bring up all sorts other huge issues and is even possibly do-able. 3.

Like Marlo said, 'Niggas want it to be ONE way, but it's the OTHER way.'

It sucks that men have no remorse for a child that they might not want, should the woman they are having sex with gets pregnant. No one is saying that it doesn't suck. No one is saying that it's a GOOD solution. But there are no easy solutions, that don't inherently result in the only person involved who has no blame in the situation to be the most affected.

The way it is now is honestly the best out of a bunch of pretty bad options.
This is a lot of words about nothing

Must be a slow work day
So...you're advocating for MORE deadbeat niggas out here not doing shit for their kids? Makes senes.

nawl Im saying some women live to have a ton of kids and let the government take care of them. It takes two to make a baby and one night of feeling good to make a mistake that last the rest of the child's life. I'm saying if Child support wasn't as abused as much as it is then maybe folks would rethink letting every nigga nut in them raw. I'm not absolving any deadbeat donors of their responsibility but this is turning into another topic altogether.

women shouldn't be the only ones that get to choose if they they would rather opt out of being a parent.
Also, we should establish that pro-life and anti-abortion aren't the same thing.
nawl Im saying some women live to have a ton of kids and let the government take care of them. It takes two to make a baby and one night of feeling good to make a mistake that last the rest of the child's life. I'm saying if Child support wasn't as abused as much as it is then maybe folks would rethink letting every nigga nut in them raw. I'm not absolving any deadbeat donors of their responsibility but this is turning into another topic altogether.

women shouldn't be the only ones that get to choose if they they would rather opt out of being a parent.

'niggas should have a legal option to opt out before the child is born.'

I don't know how this sentence can be interpreted in any way other than you think more niggas should be able to be dead dead dads. But if you're telling me that it doesn't mean that, then I guess it doesn't.
nawl Im saying some women live to have a ton of kids and let the government take care of them. It takes two to make a baby and one night of feeling good to make a mistake that last the rest of the child's life. I'm saying if Child support wasn't as abused as much as it is then maybe folks would rethink letting every nigga nut in them raw. I'm not absolving any deadbeat donors of their responsibility but this is turning into another topic altogether.

women shouldn't be the only ones that get to choose if they they would rather opt out of being a parent.

i dont think there is a single woman on this planet who just enjoys having children so the govt can take care of them b
I was just reading up on it. Said most judges won't sign off on it unless there is someone else there to adopt the child. And you still have to pay back child support

Seems pointless really because if it all about the finances you still gotta pay