‘Trans Life Survivors’ is a godsend for people struggling with trans regret, no matter what stage of transition or de-transition they are in.
Walt Heyer knows firsthand what it’s like to undergo sex change surgery and then regret it. After living as a woman for nearly a decade, he decided to accept his biological sex and de-transition back to male. By then, Walt had received intensive cognitive therapy that helped him recognize early childhood trauma he had experienced.
The trauma resulted in a mental condition known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). In the clarity of that realization, his gender dysphoria simply vanished. His life as a “woman” all amounted to an attempt to escape reality. Sadly, too few people consider the possibility that gender dysphoria can manifest as a byproduct or symptom of other mental conditions, and most certainly of DID. "
This sentiment is echoed by Dr Paul McHugh, former chair of the school of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins. His belief is simple: GID is caused by trauma that needs to be dealt with through psychological therapy, not by chopping off body parts and lifelong dependence on hormone pills. It's more compassionate to help them with their issues rather than permanently mutilating their bodies.
Because of this very simple, very logical view, he's pretty much one of the most hated men in LGBT circles.