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Colin Powell Dies of Covid At 84 Years Old

no excuse for war and those who willingly participate

Black white puerto rican or asian

This could probably be another thread but I'm curious...

how are you expecting to defeat white supremacy and dismantling this crooked system without war of some kind... seeing as how voting is clearly off the table for you as well... What other options are you left with in your opinion?
War never solved anything….

…except attempted genocide…
…forced colonization….

Other than that, yeah. War is useless.

Lol and what war have we had in your lifetime that did any of that? Do you study history in any capacity?
Like the last justified war was World war 2 and that ended in 1945. We haven’t liberated shit I can’t believe this smh
I kicked a puppy when I was 2 I heard.

guess no Rest In Peace for me
no excuse for war and those who willingly participate

Black white puerto rican or asian

Hold on how can you support violence in the name of protest but be against a war like WWII where we only entered after we were attacked and most agree that we entered too late given that a genocide was happening at the time?
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I don't think it's a double edged sword but that's another thread.

He did die of underlying health conditions that were exacerbated by covid-19 and he had not one, but multiple cancers. Vaccine not gonna protect him from cancer.

That being said the media has a tendency to jump the gun which they clearly did here. Media cares about clicks, not journalistic integrity or honesty.

absolutely, CNN has an excellent track record and hasn’t been pushing any agendas correlated to their sponsors whatsoever, their neutrality during the Covid crisis is quite recommendable … They clearly just jumped the gun here..

You can’t really be this callow and gullible fam, but alright, carry on.
Hold on how can you support violence in the name of protest but be against a war like WWII where we only entered after we were attacked and most agree that we entered too late given that a genocide was happening at the time?

wait, I thought you were the lord of war fam? You of all people should know the US didn’t just enter due to pearl harbor etc? Should be a different thread but let’s not be naive here lol smh
wait, I thought you were the lord of war fam? You of all people should know the US didn’t just enter due to pearl harbor etc? Should be a different thread but let’s not be naive here lol smh

lol I'm not the lord of war. I'm anti-war. I'm just not stupid about it. There are bad actors in the world, and sometimes fighting is necessary.

You're right that the U.S. didn't enter the war solely because of Pearl Harbor, but it's a fact that we didn't enter until after Pearl Harbor, and that the attack was basically what pushed public support to the levels that made entering the war easy.