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Colin Powell Dies of Covid At 84 Years Old

world war 2 was not faught to save anyone from death camps. what are you talking about?

that justification didnt come about until after the war

No war is fought for one reason, but if you don't think the Holocaust was one of the things that contributed to getting nations on board to engage in war, then, like I said, you don't know what you're talking about.

On top of that, even if you don't believe that stopping the Holocaust was the primary justification for any nation, there is not question that the conclusion of WWII is what brought the Holocaust to an end. What would your alternative been? Do you think it would have been ok to not fight the war and potentially let the Nazis take over Europe and ethnically cleanse a whole continent?

Eh, atleast he knows they gone be shitting on him when he dies. Shit, ppl gone be celebrating in the streets around the world when he dies (jus like Osama bin laden)

The "donate button" is nice touch too
I don't have an issue with the first Iraq war, wasn't Saddam using chemical weapons against Kuwait and Kuwait couldn't defend themselves
Whites in the north by and large did not care about freeing slaves they did not want slavery to reach out west and have rich southern planters bring slaves to work all that Indian land. Cuz that leads to white northern laborers out of jobs. Let’s not act like at least two northern states MD and KY(they never left the union) wernt slave holding states. Even early in the war in Alexandria slaves were returned to their masters.
Amazing that people who have no experience in military affairs know so much about leaders' motivations in historical wars.

I have my beliefs and opinions, but I wouldn't be so arrogant as to claim those as facts.
lincoln made it about slavery when it looked like the north may actually lose. either way, post civil war, the enslaved still faced a form of neo slavery thru convict leasing so i guess…

Lincoln cared more about preserving the Union than ending slavery. That much is true, but the Union was only fractured in the first place because the South believed that the North was trending towards ending slavery. The Confederates themselves confirmed that the seceded over the issue of slavery.

White people by and large did not fight because they thought black people should be free, but slavery was central to why the war was fought and slavery ended as a direct result of the war. If you think the war was unjustified, do you believe the Union should have just allowed the Confederacy to exist as a slave state for another century before it fizzled out?
let me be clear, I am not aganist oppressed ppl fighting for liberation. I do feel that is just cause for violence. I am however aganist oppressive regimes such as the U.S, inciting unnecessary wars that bring nothing but needless suffering.
Lincoln cared more about preserving the Union than ending slavery. That much is true, but the Union was only fractured in the first place because the South believed that the North was trending towards ending slavery. The Confederates themselves confirmed that the seceded over the issue of slavery.

White people by and large did not fight because they thought black people should be free, but slavery was central to why the war was fought and slavery ended as a direct result of the war. If you think the war was unjustified, do you believe the Union should have just allowed the Confederacy to exist as a slave state for another century before it fizzled out?

many countries ended slavery without a civil

I think the u.s is morally and ethically bankrupt. so no I honestly dont believe chattel slavery would have just fizzled out.
many countries ended slavery without a civil

I think the u.s is morally and ethically bankrupt. so no I honestly dont believe chattel slavery would have just fizzled out.

Most of the countries/kingdoms/empires that ended slavery without civil war either did so as a result of violent revolts or were like the Persians and Qin Dynasty in that they had strong imperial figures that could unilaterally make decisions without any fear of uprising.

I think the Civil War was justified, but I agree with you in the sense that it was only justified because of how fucked up the U.S. was (and still is) as a nation.