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Colin Powell Dies of Covid At 84 Years Old

I have to have signed up to know why a president went to war? I mean their are millions of books on this.
All I'm saying is going to war is a decision that involves a ton of different considerations, not the simple considerations everyone here is boiling them down to. And you can't really begin to understand what war is like unless you are directly involved in some shape or form.

I don't believe many of us have had to make the difficult decision to send people to their deaths or to stare down the barrell of a gun in the name of your country.
All I'm saying is going to war is a decision that involves a ton of different considerations, not the simple considerations everyone here is boiling them down to. And you can't really begin to understand what war is like unless you are directly involved in some shape or form.

I don't believe many of us have had to make the difficult decision to send people to their deaths or to stare down the barrell of a gun in the name of your country.

You act like civilians ain’t part of war you act like nobody lives around the military black Samson himself said his year over there was a waste. In your opinion what recent war we been that benefitted that country?
All I'm saying is going to war is a decision that involves a ton of different considerations, not the simple considerations everyone here is boiling them down to. And you can't really begin to understand what war is like unless you are directly involved in some shape or form.

I don't believe many of us have had to make the difficult decision to send people to their deaths or to stare down the barrell of a gun in the name of your country.

I get what you saying, but you don't have to know what it's like to send people to war to understand that people who lie to get us into wars are bad people or at the very least guilty of committing a very bad act.
You act like civilians ain’t part of war you act like nobody lives around the military black Samson himself said his year over there was a waste. In your opinion what recent war we been that benefitted that country?
Being a civilian during a war does not carry the same weight as being directly involved in some capacity unless a loved one is involved at that level.

And I never said wars have benefitted other countries. I was really just speaking on people pretending to know exactly why "x" war was started. But if that's where you want to go, I'm sure someone somewhere feels like the US being in their country was a great thing. Look at all of those Afghan women right now losing their freedom since the US pulled out. Bet they thought the war in Afghanistan was beneficial.
I get what you saying, but you don't have to know what it's like to send people to war to understand that people who lie to get us into wars are bad people or at the very least guilty of committing a very bad act.
100%. Lying to get us into wars of course is horrible and I'd never agree with that. But to say the Civil War was just "x" and WWII was just "y" is oversimplifying why we've gone to war.
100%. Lying to get us into wars of course is horrible and I'd never agree with that. But to say the Civil War was just "x" and WWII was just "y" is oversimplifying why we've gone to war.

It's true, but after letting the discussion unfold. I think @Race Jones was making the point that regardless of the outcome or potential upsides of the war, the people pushing the wars weren't necessarily doing so for righteous or justified reasons. Again, I believe the Civil War and WWII were justified, but I also believe she's right to point out that the reasons that many of these leaders have for going to war, even those two wars, are less that noble.
It's true, but after letting the discussion unfold. I think @Race Jones was making the point that regardless of the outcome or potential upsides of the war, the people pushing the wars weren't necessarily doing so for righteous or justified reasons. Again, I believe the Civil War and WWII were justified, but I also believe she's right to point out that the reasons that many of these leaders have for going to war, even those two wars, are less that noble.
That's my opinion as well, but it's just that, an opinion. I don't know for sure.
I don't believe many of us have had to make the difficult decision to send people to their deaths or to stare down the barrell of a gun in the name of your country.

I was having random thoughts the other day ... since America is gung ho about military conflicts around the world which they are ever hardly successful in anyway...

How about an amendment to the constitution that states that before any American head of state declares war on another country....

One of his blood relatives is mandatorily enlisted (child, nephew, niece, siblings etc) and is sent to that particular war and fights on the frontline with no security or protection? And that must be a requirement before any military action is engaged

If there was a law that fed this ... American prez's will think twice about starting wars that largely (like the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars) personally benefit them and their acolytes financially and otherwise
I was having random thoughts the other day ... since America is gung ho about military conflicts around the world which they are ever hardly successful in anyway...

How about an amendment to the constitution that states that before any American head of state declares war on another country....

One of his blood relatives is mandatorily enlisted (child, nephew, niece, siblings etc) and is sent to that particular war and fights on the frontline with no security or protection? And that must be a requirement before any military action is engaged

If there was a law that fed this ... American prez's will think twice about starting wars that largely (like the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars) personally benefit them and their acolytes financially and otherwise
I'd 100% agree with this. Somebody in another thread posted a list of foregone amendments that said going to war would only happen by majority vote in the citizenry and everyone who voted for war would automatically be enlisted.

I think at minimum we need to roll back the executive military privilege and require majority vote in Congress before a single bullet is fired in any conflict. And if they say some things are time sensitive that's not an excuse anymore. Wake everybody up and get them on a big ass Zoom call to get debriefed and vote.
Some of ya should listen to the NPR Colonel Larry Wilkerson interview. He was Colin's chief of staff. Very interesting