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Colin Powell Dies of Covid At 84 Years Old

its expected coming from a man that posted him gleefully reading obamas imperial manifesto opps i meant autobiography

boy shut up and grow up
I get y’all respected dude but he was a black Republican just cause he was respectful don’t mean that’s a good thing. But then again I think most top military folks are probably conservatives.
I just don't see how people can call a man who deliberately lied to the UN about WMDs to invade and massacre a country "honorable". Do yall really think about these things before you go into an automated generic RIP?

Lol they mean honorable by American standards not real honor
My only gripe with this is how it'll be taken without any consideration to Powell's health.

He was 84, enormously immuno-compromised and battling 2 different cancers. He died of covid-19 complications. Anti-vaxxers on social media are milking this. If covid-19 is this deadly and evolving I dont see how not getting the vaccine is better than getting it.

at the same time you got Pro vaxxers like @StringerBell posting shit like the sole reason he died was due to Covid and not said underlying health conditions etc - which seems to be happening a lot by all manner of news outlets and influencers - so the polarizing dance of mis information still reigns supreme… It’s a double edged sword…

Just look at the tweet in the opening post, most people don’t read further than the headlines…

CNN ain’t really helping here are they ?
A muhfucka has to have the soul black as Batman’s cape to scold someone for being human to someone else.

Sounds like shock jock shit. Just let it pass.
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I get y’all respected dude but he was a black Republican just cause he was respectful don’t mean that’s a good thing. But then again I think most top military folks are probably conservatives.

Him being a black Republican doesn't matter though because he was willing to stand up and speak out against most of fucked up shit Reps do and want. He could get a pass for that if not the war shit.

Helping start that war was inexcusable, and I feel like he knew that too. He should have refused to play any part in that. They would have done it with or without him, but he could have maintained that honor if he didn't allow himself to be used.