Chick alleged drug raped in the middle of an ATL

I don't know if the guy knew it was wrong to drug and rape a chick but her certainly thought it was ok. As did everybody else that saw it going down and did nothing. Yet for some reason the focus is on what the rape victim should have done differently.

Do you show up at funerals and be like "nigga shoulda ducked"?

Personally I'd be like "he shouldn't have been doin <insert criminal activity that gets you shot at>"

Again, I got hit by a cop's bullet. I shouldn't have been out in that part of Detroit, that late at night, selling crack. I knew better, my parents didn't raise me to be out there like that. I had a decent job, was in college, I was DJ'ing regularly, had women, so what was I doing out there like that?

Because I chose to do it.

And it could have cost me my life and that would have been 100% my fault. And if that bullet would have gone 6 inches to the left, I would likely have died. And if someone showed up to my funeral and said "this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't out there trying to be Nino Brown..."

They would have been dead-ass right.
Thing is, i'm 100% against women who wake up and claim rape bcuz they are ashamed of the way they acted while they were drunk.....

there's a huge difference between a woman who gets drunk with the mindset of partying and fucking and a woman who was unconscious, unresponsive and got raped not even knowing what the fuck is going on...

if u can give head, and take ur clothes off, n all that shit..... i ain't gonna have a whole lotta defense for u...

but if you passed the fuck out and some quagmire ass nigga drags you over to a corner.....

that shit aint whassup....

bcuz no mater where you go at the end of the night, it's normal as fuck for a few people to have had too much and be passed out somewhere...

you might scold them a little, but it ain't the end of the world...

but for a dude to be humping on one of those passed out chicks... that should never be normalized as some shit that just happens...

someone could get passed out drunk 100 times and never get raped.....

the rape part is the abnormality, and should be treated as such.....

you don't tell someone to watch their drinking so they don't get raped, as if it's a forgone conclusion...u tell someone to watch their drinking cuz it's a smart fucking thing to do..... no just cuz niggaz rape drunk chicks... for a whole plethora of reasons

Fam, there has been no attempt to normalize raping a chick that's passed out drunk; stop that shit. There is something regarding rape that has been normalized in society, but that's a whole different thread that I think I may make another day.

For the last 30 years, we have been telling women to watch their drinks so niggas don't slip something in it and they wind up raped. That has absolutely been the reason we tell them that. You're younger than me by quite a bit, so I get it that you probably don't remember back in the early 90's when Rohypnol, aka "roofies", had been branded "the date rape drug". There was a lot of noise about it, we had entire seminars on campus devoted to awareness for women to let them know to never take a drink you didn't see the bartender pour and never take your eyes off of your drink. In the late 90's that went from roofies to GHB and we went through the same battery of seminars, pamphlets, and PSA's. We have been preaching awareness to women with regards to drug induced date rape constantly since Daddy Bush was in office. But I get it, you may not have been aware of all of this 'cause shit like that wasn't on your radar back then. I'm just letting you know that this has always been the case.
I clearly said "I don't know if the guy knew it was wrong to drug and rape a chick but he certainly thought it was ok..."

It was the very first sentence.

Perhaps you misunderstood me. My point was that if you truly "don't know if the guy knew it was wrong," you're either being naive or just saying shit to keep the argument going.

No - your focus is on what the rape victim should have done because you're an asshole. Nothing personal but blaming a rape victim for getting raped is assholish behavior.

A chick gets drugged and raped in public and you wanna be like "Yeah rape sucks and all but it's kinda her bad for leaving the house in the first place." FOH

You can frame it as me blaming the victim all you want. Point out where I said that it was her fault or that she did something to deserve it. She didn't. He was the villain. He was in the wrong. What I am saying has nothing to do with blame. That's just the stupid tactic that idiots use to deflect the conversation. It's about self protection. Again, when I tell my daughters not to talk to strangers it's not because I believe that if they get kidnapped, it will be their faults. It's because I don't want them to be kidnapped and so I want them to do everything possible for it not to happen. If saying a chick shouldn't take drinks from people they don't know makes me an asshole. So be it, hopefully someone listens to this asshole because listening to the advice I give could help a chick avoid that situation. Listening to the nonsense you spout helps no one because it doesn't actually address anything. You're just trying to villify anyone who says something you don't agree with. So your words are worthless. That's why you constantly resort to mischaracterizing what I say and the intent behind why I'm saying. Your fake quote at the end says it all. That's such a ridiculous strawman that no intellectually honest person would say it, but you're saying it because silly shit like that is all you've got.
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So word is the guy that did it was a bouncer at the club? Is that true or is people talking fuckery?
I see a lot of bickering on her FB page that does not correlate to this specific situation. The woman only had one drink before linking up with dude. Once dude gave her that drink it was over for her after a couple of sips. She was blacking out half way through the drink. She said in one of the videos,"this is only my second drink and i'm fucked up already." So she wasn't irresponsible, she was poisoned and tooken advatage of. People are toxic af online.
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So word is the guy that did it was a bouncer at the club? Is that true or is people talking fuckery?
it's fuckery. Dude do security on the side for VIP clients. It's little hustle ex-military ppl be doing after they get they security license and concealed weapons permit.
I see a lot of bickering that does not correlate to this specific situation. The woman only had one drink before linking up with dude. Once dude gave her that drink it was over for her after a couple of sips. She was blacking out half way through the drink. She said in one of the videos,"this is only my second drink and i'm fucked up already." So she wasn't irresponsible, she was poisoned and tooken advatage of.

Everyone agrees that if the situation went down how it was described that she was a victim and that he was a scumbag that deserves to be punished. That's why you don't see anyone arguing over those points. As much as these dudes want to act like people are in here blaming her, that's a lie. No one has said that the fault for her be raped lies with anyone but that guy.
Everyone agrees that if the situation went down how it was described that she was a victim and that he was a scumbag that deserves to be punished. That's why you don't see anyone arguing over those points. As much as these dudes want to act like people are in here blaming her, that's a lie. No one has said that the fault for her be raped lies with anyone but that guy.

my bad. I should of been more clearer. I was reffering to people on Facebook
Everyone agrees that if the situation went down how it was described that she was a victim and that he was a scumbag that deserves to be punished. That's why you don't see anyone arguing over those points. As much as these dudes want to act like people are in here blaming her, that's a lie. No one has said that the fault for her be raped lies with anyone but that guy.

Then what the fuck else are you talking about? Some other hypothetical rape unrelated to this thread in any way shape or form but allows you to somehow assign some level of blame to the imaginary victim?

Shit. Here I am thinking we're talking about what the goddamn thread is about.
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Then what the fuck else are you talking about?

Mutha fucka I've said the shit multiple times. It's not about placing blame. It's about looking at a situation and presenting what can be taken from it to help others avoid it in the future. For the last time, when I said "chicks have to stop taking drinks from dudes they don't know." It was not to say that this girl's rape was her fault because she took a drink. That's the stupid ass mischaracterization you keep pushing. I said it because if chicks take that lesson then maybe some of them will be able to escape these monsters in the future. It's fucked up that innocent people have to be the one to take measures to protect themselves. But that's how it is. You can't expect the bad guys to do the responsible and righteous thing. In every other part of life, we all adhere to that line of thought, however when it comes to rape, suddenly thinking like that makes you the devil. It's ridiculous. Rape victims should not be blamed, but if there is anything to learn from their stories, it should be put out there.
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Fam, there has been no attempt to normalize raping a chick that's passed out drunk; stop that shit. There is something regarding rape that has been normalized in society, but that's a whole different thread that I think I may make another day.

For the last 30 years, we have been telling women to watch their drinks so niggas don't slip something in it and they wind up raped. That has absolutely been the reason we tell them that. You're younger than me by quite a bit, so I get it that you probably don't remember back in the early 90's when Rohypnol, aka "roofies", had been branded "the date rape drug". There was a lot of noise about it, we had entire seminars on campus devoted to awareness for women to let them know to never take a drink you didn't see the bartender pour and never take your eyes off of your drink. In the late 90's that went from roofies to GHB and we went through the same battery of seminars, pamphlets, and PSA's. We have been preaching awareness to women with regards to drug induced date rape constantly since Daddy Bush was in office. But I get it, you may not have been aware of all of this 'cause shit like that wasn't on your radar back then. I'm just letting you know that this has always been the case.
it's just different when you work in bars...

you see it a different way. bartenders, bouncers, we see drunks so often, it is normalized to us......

the day when no on ever gets that wasted imo is just unrealistic... it's always gonna be at the very least one....

and it's not a given that these people will get raped.....

they have to be stalked...and that's what we watch out for...the stalkers....

telling people to not be prey imo is foolish, cuz we still sell alcohol....we still have an environment where drinking is encouraged... it's only natural that someone drinks too much....

there's only so much you can do about that besides cutting someone off or escorting them out....but you can watch for stalkers and predators......

i'd rather people teach women how to spot a predator than to try to coach them on how not to be prey....

cuz the only thing you can realistically say is. don't go out ad don't drink...drinking lowers your inhibitions, so it's easier to have 2 and 3 and 4 drink after 1.......just being at a party with a drink in your hand can make you a target
Mutha fucka I've said the shit multiple times. It's not about placing blame. It's about looking at a situation and presenting what can be taken from it to help others avoid it in the future. For the last time, when I said "chicks have to stop taking drinks from dudes they don't know." It was not to say that this girl's rape was her fault because she took a drink. That's the stupid ass mischaracterization you keep pushing. I said it because if chicks take that lesson then maybe some of them will be able to escape these monsters in the future. It's fucked up that innocent people have to be the one to take measures to protect themselves. But that's how it is. You can't expect the bad guys to do the responsible and righteous thing. In every other part of life, we all adhere to that line of thought, however when it comes to rape, suddenly thinking like that makes you the devil. It's ridiculous. Rape victims should not be blamed, but if there is anything to learn from their stories, it should be put out there.
My mother tell my niece not to take drinks from guys and to watch her drink all the time. Its not victim blaming, its protecting yourself. There is a reason we put money in the bank, lock our doors and hide our SSN.
it's just different when you work in bars...

you see it a different way. bartenders, bouncers, we see drunks so often, it is normalized to us......

the day when no on ever gets that wasted imo is just unrealistic... it's always gonna be at the very least one....

and it's not a given that these people will get raped.....

they have to be stalked...and that's what we watch out for...the stalkers....

telling people to not be prey imo is foolish, cuz we still sell alcohol....we still have an environment where drinking is encouraged... it's only natural that someone drinks too much....

there's only so much you can do about that besides cutting someone off or escorting them out....but you can watch for stalkers and predators......

i'd rather people teach women how to spot a predator than to try to coach them on how not to be prey....

cuz the only thing you can realistically say is. don't go out ad don't drink...drinking lowers your inhibitions, so it's easier to have 2 and 3 and 4 drink after 1.......just being at a party with a drink in your hand can make you a target

But you don't put advice out there because you believe that everyone will listen to it. You put it out there with hopes that someone will. Believe it or not, so do. Not every kid that graduates from high school goes to college and gets sloppy drunk wherever he or she goes.

My mother tell my niece not to take drinks from guys and to watch her drink all the time. Its not victim blaming, its protecting yourself. There is a reason we put money in the bank, lock our doors and hide our SSN.

Exactly, I really don't understand why these cats always make it to be something different. I mean I guess I do understand. Some people literally do victim blame, so I get being sensitive to that. But when someone explains their side 10 times and you're still mischaracterizing it, you aren't being productive.
My mother tell my niece not to take drinks from guys and to watch her drink all the time. Its not victim blaming, its protecting yourself. There is a reason we put money in the bank, lock our doors and hide our SSN.
iight, but lets say the one time she gets a bit tipsy and forgets.. and then someone spikes her drink

you gonna walk up on her like " you dumb bitch!!! u brought that shit on yourself!!! we told you what to do to avoid it, how could you be so fucking stupid??!"
iight, but lets say the one time she gets a bit tipsy and forgets.. and then someone spikes her drink

you gonna walk up on her like " you dumb bitch!!! u brought that shit on yourself!!! we told you what to do to avoid it, how could you be so fucking stupid??!"

lol Why do ya'll keep doing that? Who in this topic did that to that chick? How is discussing something in this forum with that chick nowhere around comparable to going up to a victim and beating them over the head with their mistake or poor judgement? It's not. The points y'all are making are dishonest at their core.
But you don't put advice out there because you believe that everyone will listen to it. You put it out there with hopes that someone will. Believe it or not, so do. Not every kid that graduates from high school goes to college and gets sloppy drunk wherever he or she goes.

Exactly, I really don't understand why these cats always make it to be something different. I mean I guess I do understand. Some people literally do victim blame, so I get being sensitive to that. But when someone explains their side 10 times and you're still mischaracterizing it, you aren't being productive.

my whole thing is, thees nothing wrong with telling people how to protect themselves..... but we can't get so caught up in it we fault them for not following through while they're going through a traumatic that point it's not about protective measures...

again, we're all black men....we know you're supposed to listen to the police so you don't get killt....

yet niggaz stay getting shot by the some point all the preparedness in the world ain't cutting it.. the problem is the predators
iight, but lets say the one time she gets a bit tipsy and forgets.. and then someone spikes her drink

you gonna walk up on her like " you dumb bitch!!! u brought that shit on yourself!!! we told you what to do to avoid it, how could you be so fucking stupid??!"
Of course not. Personally I only drink in my home or with family. I would rather she drink when she get home.
lol Why do ya'll keep doing that? Who in this topic did that to that chick? How is discussing something in this forum with that chick nowhere around comparable to going up to a victim and beating them over the head with their mistake or poor judgement? It's not. The points y'all are making are dishonest at their core.
is it?

we wouldn't even be here discussing the shit if people weren't so willing to point out what not to do to get raped.
is it?

we wouldn't even be here discussing the shit if people weren't so willing to point out what not to do to get raped.

I'm not saying no one does that, but no one here did that, so why is that point being made?

my whole thing is, thees nothing wrong with telling people how to protect themselves..... but we can't get so caught up in it we fault them for not following through while they're going through a traumatic that point it's not about protective measures...

again, we're all black men....we know you're supposed to listen to the police so you don't get killt....

yet niggaz stay getting shot by the some point all the preparedness in the world ain't cutting it.. the problem is the predators

I agree with you 100%. No one in this topic is going at the victim and bashing her for making a mistake. I don't think anyone here believes that is appropriate.

And I'm consistent with the police shit too. I always say niggas need to keep their cool when dealing with the cops. That won't guarantee you survive the encounter, but it may help. It's gotten me out of a couple incidents when I had guns drawn on me. Am I blaming the victims of police brutality by making that comment?
it's just different when you work in bars...

you see it a different way. bartenders, bouncers, we see drunks so often, it is normalized to us......

the day when no on ever gets that wasted imo is just unrealistic... it's always gonna be at the very least one....

and it's not a given that these people will get raped.....

they have to be stalked...and that's what we watch out for...the stalkers....

telling people to not be prey imo is foolish, cuz we still sell alcohol....we still have an environment where drinking is encouraged... it's only natural that someone drinks too much....

there's only so much you can do about that besides cutting someone off or escorting them out....but you can watch for stalkers and predators......

i'd rather people teach women how to spot a predator than to try to coach them on how not to be prey....

cuz the only thing you can realistically say is. don't go out ad don't drink...drinking lowers your inhibitions, so it's easier to have 2 and 3 and 4 drink after 1.......just being at a party with a drink in your hand can make you a target

You were very clear in what you were talking about:

"... but for a dude to be humping on one of those passed out chicks... that should never be normalized as some shit that just happens..."

^^^ That line right there: No one is even attempting to normalize that behavior. Not in this thread, not in real life.

For 30 years we've been telling women that there are predatory scum out there that will drug you via your drink and rape you and these are the precautions to take to avoid becoming a victim. 30 years of the shit. Y'all yutes think this is a brand new way of thinking and looking at this problem, but it's not. Y'alls way of looking at problems like this is the new way of thinking.
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