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Chick alleged drug raped in the middle of an ATL club...wtf

Apparently we don't need to teach men not to be rapists because we already do that but we need to teach women how not to get raped.

If that shit doesn't sound stupid to you I don't know what to say.

Bruh, the idea that you can teach a man not to be a rapist is stupid. Do you really think that guy drugged and raped that chick because he didn't know rape was wrong? Come on man, that's retarded. Criminals don't do bad things because they don't know those things are bad. Niggas ain't out there robbing people at gunpoint because they don't know stealing is wrong. No one says we should "teach people not to rob" because everyone understands that's a stupid sentiment. There will always be bad people. We can't change that. What we can do is give people some tools that will allow them to lessen their chances of becoming victims.

Thing is you can point shit out all day and folks will ve aware girls learn these things early but sometimes people slip

It's true that no matter how much you point things out, some people will still do the wrong thing. That's unavoidable. Still, what is your solution? You think we should stop teaching people because not everyone learns? That's silly. You continue to put the right message out there, not because you think that everyone will listen. You do it with the hopes that some will listen. Even if it only saves one person, that's good enough.
It's wild that the "opposing viewpoints" in every damn rape related thread is the same cast of characters.

Actually no it isn't.

Looking forward to the upcoming antics in the Chris Brown rape thread.
point them out....

i ready for smoke.
i got an hour before i go get wifey.
Oh yeah, I remember that. I don't think that's right. However, I do believe it's tricky. I believe it absolutely is rape when a guy purposely uses drugs or alcohol to rob a chick of her faculties so he can take advantage of her. I also think it is rape when a guy takes advantage of a chick that is under the influence and unable to resist. So, no, I don't believe it is valid to blame a female when she is raped under those circumstances. All the blame rests with the rapist. He is the bad guy in that scenario and the females shouldn't be shouted down.

That said, I think it's completely valid to look at those scenarios and point out things that could have possibly been done to protect the victim. No one should be going up to women who were traumatized and saying "you wouldn't have been raped if you weren't drinking." That's fucked up. However, no one should have a problem with people promoting responsible behavior either.

The other issue is that there absolutely are instances where chicks aren't victimized. I'm sorry, I don't think a chick gets to call rape when she has a little alcohol or drugs, has her inhibitions lowered, and chooses to have sex in that state. I get that legally that's still rape, but that's unfair. Yes, alcohol and drugs can affect your decision making, but people who choose to partake in those things know that. If you get drunk, get in a car, and cause and accident, you will be held responsible. Why should it be any different for a person when it comes to sex?

We would have to measure blood alcohol levels i guess
Well there was a time when he would bring rape victims on to confront their abusers and what not, and audience members would shout them victims down, blame them for their mishap, and use the same points of alcohol, attire and free spirit-ness as excuses for why they got raped.
yea...thats just dumb. i hope it wasnt women doing thats shit.
its one thing to point out how a person placed themselves in a situation...but it needs to come from a warning /sympathetic point not some you aint shit and its all your fault point.
i think this is where people are getting things mixed up.
We would have to measure blood alcohol levels i guess

It's not really about that. I just think there is a line between someone being preyed on and shit just going down. This is one of those things that only works this way with women. Let's be real. Men drink to much and unintentionally have sex with women all the time. Women in those cases are never seen as rapists. And they shouldn't be. However, if you flip it, then here we are in today's world. I feel like if, on this issue, people did acknowledge that is isn't black and white, you'd have fewer people so quick to resort to victim blaming. At the end of the day, nobody wants to catch a rape charge because they misread how intoxicated somebody was or because they themselves were too intoxicated to know to stay away. That fear is basically what fuels a lot of the resistance in these cases.
Bruh, the idea that you can teach a man not to be a rapist is stupid. Do you really think that guy drugged and raped that chick because he didn't know rape was wrong? Come on man, that's retarded. Criminals don't do bad things because they don't know those things are bad. Niggas ain't out there robbing people at gunpoint because they don't know stealing is wrong. No one says we should "teach people not to rob" because everyone understands that's a stupid sentiment. There will always be bad people. We can't change that. What we can do is give people some tools that will allow them to lessen their chances of becoming victims.

It's true that no matter how much you point things out, some people will still do the wrong thing. That's unavoidable. Still, what is your solution? You think we should stop teaching people because not everyone learns? That's silly. You continue to put the right message out there, not because you think that everyone will listen. You do it with the hopes that some will listen. Even if it only saves one person, that's good enough.

I guess we disagree that antisocial/destructive/criminal behavior can be taught or in the very least an acceptance of it can be taught but it's not that difficult to observe throughout history or even throughout segments of society.

Also your second paragraph contradicts your first.
I guess we disagree that antisocial/destructive/criminal behavior can be taught or in the very least an acceptance of it can be taught but it's not that difficult to observe throughout history or even throughout segments of society.

Also your second paragraph contradicts your first.

What I'm saying is that people who are criminals and intentionally do the wrong thing aren't doing that because they don't know it's wrong. Again, look at this case. Do you honestly believe that guy didn't know it was wrong to drug and rape that chick while she was begging for someone to help her. Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that if someone sat him down before he went out and told him that raping is wrong that he wouldn't have done that?

Nothing I said is contradictory. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be taught right from wrong. We do need to tell boys that if they see a chick that is visibly intoxicated that they should move on and not try to get anything from her just like we need to tell girls (and boys) that getting sloppy drunk in public is irresponsible and dangerous. I'm not against that. I'm against the idea that such teaching is all that is necessary to stop criminals from being criminals. That's extremely naive.
What I'm saying is that people who are criminals and intentionally do the wrong thing aren't doing that because they don't know it's wrong. Again, look at this case. Do you honestly believe that guy didn't know it was wrong to drug and rape that chick while she was begging for someone to help her. Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that if someone sat him down before he went out and told him that raping is wrong that he wouldn't have done that?

Nothing I said is contradictory. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be taught right from wrong. We do need to tell boys that if they see a chick that is visibly intoxicated that they should move on and not try to get anything from her just like we need to tell girls (and boys) that getting sloppy drunk in public is irresponsible and dangerous. I'm not against that. I'm against the idea that such teaching is all that is necessary to stop criminals from being criminals. That's extremely naive.

I don't know if the guy knew it was wrong to drug and rape a chick but her certainly thought it was ok. As did everybody else that saw it going down and did nothing. Yet for some reason the focus is on what the rape victim should have done differently.

Do you show up at funerals and be like "nigga shoulda ducked"?
I don't know if the guy knew it was wrong to drug and rape a chick but her certainly thought it was ok. As did everybody else that saw it going down and did nothing. Yet for some reason the focus is on what the rape victim should have done differently.

Do you show up at funerals and be like "nigga shoulda ducked"?

If you're saying that the guy did not know what he was doing was wrong, you're just being contrary. The description said that the chick protested the action and asked for help. If you think he heard that but really didn't see anything problem with his action, you're just denying reality and reason for the sake of carrying on with a pointless line of argumentation.

And no, I don't show up at a funeral and say anything like that, just like I didn't show up at this chick's house to tell her not to take drinks. Stupid little retorts like that are why your side in this matter never gains any ground. Show me a person in this topic who said the rapist was right. Go on, tell us how no one in the topic said anything about him being wrong or said he should be punished. The focus is on what the rape victim should have done because everyone already acknowledges that the rapist was wrong, is a bad guy, and should be punished. There is no disagreement there and therefore no reason for debate. The reason the discussion about the victim continues is because you silly niggas can't seem to ever understand that there are things that can be done to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim and people should be made aware of those things.
Nobody is asking for a perfect world yall but saying we can do better about this shit. I really think overall its much more we can do for male and femake victims. Its plenty women who think a man cant be raped by a woman. And plenty niggas act like dude in the video.

Nobody is against being aware of your surroundings but telling a rape victim after the fact what they did wrong aint helping or teaching

how else do you learn if not by your mistakes or someone pointing out where you went wrong? How to you become more aware of how to move so this doesn't happen again? Nah, y'all want perpetual victims, that's why can't nobody say nothing to women to show them how not be aware.
Thing is, i'm 100% against women who wake up and claim rape bcuz they are ashamed of the way they acted while they were drunk.....

there's a huge difference between a woman who gets drunk with the mindset of partying and fucking and a woman who was unconscious, unresponsive and got raped not even knowing what the fuck is going on...

if u can give head, and take ur clothes off, n all that shit..... i ain't gonna have a whole lotta defense for u...

but if you passed the fuck out and some quagmire ass nigga drags you over to a corner.....

that shit aint whassup....

bcuz no mater where you go at the end of the night, it's normal as fuck for a few people to have had too much and be passed out somewhere...

you might scold them a little, but it ain't the end of the world...

but for a dude to be humping on one of those passed out chicks... that should never be normalized as some shit that just happens...

someone could get passed out drunk 100 times and never get raped.....

the rape part is the abnormality, and should be treated as such.....

you don't tell someone to watch their drinking so they don't get raped, as if it's a forgone conclusion...u tell someone to watch their drinking cuz it's a smart fucking thing to do..... no just cuz niggaz rape drunk chicks... for a whole plethora of reasons
They already got 'em in parts of Europe, and there are no issues.
man they got whole spas thats co-ed
wifey took me to this spas......with a outdoor pool thats warmed in the winter....it was kinda fly...then you go onto the other side and chicks walks around naked.
naw it's not fantasy land...

that's why companies like uber and lyft make a ton of money....

pass out drunks..

that's why new years offers free cab service on new years...pass out drunks...

you ain't gonna stop people from getting pass out drunk.... that's living in a fantasy... but you can stop them from getting raped, that's very real

infact many diligent places look out specifically for that type of shit..

cant tell you how many times we've gotten into it with dudes who had to prove they knew a passed out chick to take hr home......it's a fucked up reality, but i'm dealing with reality here
naw it's not fantasy land...

that's why companies like uber and lyft make a ton of money....

pass out drunks..

that's why new years offers free cab service on new years...pass out drunks...

you ain't gonna stop people from getting pass out drunk.... that's living in a fantasy... but you can stop them from getting raped, that's very real

infact many diligent places look out specifically for that type of shit..

cant tell you how many times we've gotten into it with dudes who had to prove they knew a passed out chick to take hr home......it's a fucked up reality, but i'm dealing with reality here

If man or woman gets passed out drunk in public there's a chance somebody might fuck with you. Should it happen? Of course not but we don't live in a perfect society.

Looking for a utopia? That ain't happening.
In the words of the dude from the intro to love sosa..Dem niggaz savages out there.

Shorty ain't deserve that, and I hope women that seen that. Recognize that...a smart man that floss a lot of jewels needs to have protection. A woman that wants to flaunt her sexuality, needs to have protection.

Not from man, from them savages..they exist..

:chile:and they savage
If you're saying that the guy did not know what he was doing was wrong, you're just being contrary. The description said that the chick protested the action and asked for help. If you think he heard that but really didn't see anything problem with his action, you're just denying reality and reason for the sake of carrying on with a pointless line of argumentation.

And no, I don't show up at a funeral and say anything like that, just like I didn't show up at this chick's house to tell her not to take drinks. Stupid little retorts like that are why your side in this matter never gains any ground. Show me a person in this topic who said the rapist was right. Go on, tell us how no one in the topic said anything about him being wrong or said he should be punished. The focus is on what the rape victim should have done because everyone already acknowledges that the rapist was wrong, is a bad guy, and should be punished. There is no disagreement there and therefore no reason for debate. The reason the discussion about the victim continues is because you silly niggas can't seem to ever understand that there are things that can be done to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim and people should be made aware of those things.

I clearly said "I don't know if the guy knew it was wrong to drug and rape a chick but he certainly thought it was ok..."

It was the very first sentence.

The focus is on what the rape victim should have done because everyone already acknowledges that the rapist was wrong, is a bad guy, and should be punished.

No - your focus is on what the rape victim should have done because you're an asshole. Nothing personal but blaming a rape victim for getting raped is assholish behavior.

A chick gets drugged and raped in public and you wanna be like "Yeah rape sucks and all but it's kinda her bad for leaving the house in the first place." FOH