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Cheating Culture

Cheating is deception, there's no way to defend it

However, I'll say

Women cheating is 10x worse than men cheating


Locks and keys, locks and keys..

This whole thought pattern with the lock and key is faulty. Usually said by dudes that have easily bruised egos. If they cheat and then their woman finds out and do the same thing, most go into cardiac arrest

Using your anaology, a lock that accepts every key is a bad lock, correct? Well, a bad and broken key can damage a lock. If dude got an std and spreading it, he is damaging lives.
This whole thought pattern with the lock and key is faulty. Usually said by dudes that have easily bruised egos. If they cheat and then their woman finds out and do the same thing, most go into cardiac arrest

Using your anaology, a lock that accepts every key is a bad lock, correct? Well, a bad and broken key can damage a lock. If dude got an std and spreading it, he is damaging lives.

That shit is what incel niggas was saying back in 2008. Not surprised Dis bitch ass says some shit like that cuz he a ho
By the way.

This is the very first sentence in this thread

“I feel cheating should be looked down on much more than it is”

Because some yall acting like I said it totally acceptable. The social consequences ain’t hard enough for me

Then you need to enact them on those around you. Be the change you wanna see and all that shit...
I honestly think y'all confusing media for real life.

Cuz niggaz would be mad disappointed in me if I got caught cheating on my wife of 13 years... With 2 kids.... Nobody would give me an "oh well" that shit would be a nightmare and I'd be considered a fucking idiot.

It's only normalized amongst known cheaters.. Cuz it's essentially their personality.

And celebrities.... Cuz that shit all for show anyway...

Life way deeper than the shit y'all see in y'all phones

Exactly. Ain't nobody who done lost their families due to cheating looked at like "oh well tough break nigga". They're generally regarded as idiots who fucked their life up over some pussy/dick.

Y’all are something else. It’s like talking to a brick wall in this thread.

Putting “words” in people mouth and doing everything else
I guess I'll say it since it seems no one wants to explicitly state it but it appears cheating is defined in this discussion is dick in pussy

Or I'm sorry, it's Sunday, so intercourse with someone other than your significant other

Or outside of the whatever intimacy boundaries you and your partner have established
There's a line between distancing yourself from this kinda stuff and minding your own business

You not gonna stop a nigga from doing what he wants to do

Basically this too. You can ostracize somebody for their choices...it's still on that person to make better decisions. Like anything else in life a person will stop cheating when they want to.
I guess I'll say it since it seems no one wants to explicitly state it but it appears cheating is defined in this discussion is dick in pussy

Or I'm sorry, it's Sunday, so intercourse with someone other than your significant other

Or outside of the whatever intimacy boundaries you and your partner have established

I gave a definition already. Anything intimate and/or sexual that you do with somebody else that goes against the boundaries of your relationship. So it can be physically but it doesn't always have to be.
I gave a definition already. Anything intimate and/or sexual that you do with somebody else that goes against the boundaries of your relationship. So it can be physically but it doesn't always have to be.

I said many many years ago on this site with this topic that I'll never tell someone what they can/can't forgive

There are people that emotionally cheat, physically cheat, and something somewhere in between

But I also think this might be a topic where SM has made this be a bigger thing than it really is maybe??

I don't deny it happens, I just personally don't know anyone who actively engages in this practice

I said many many years ago on this site with this topic that I'll never tell someone what they can/can't forgive

There are people that emotionally cheat, physically cheat, and something somewhere in between

But I also think this might be a topic where SM has made this be a bigger thing than it really is maybe??

I don't deny it happens, I just personally don't know anyone who actively engages in this practice

Because contrary to popular belief after a certain point people don't broadcast their cheating even to their close friends because they know the judgement that will come with it. Ain't nobody about to applaud their friend losing a good man/woman for real. Especially when full families with kids involved.
I guess I'll say it since it seems no one wants to explicitly state it but it appears cheating is defined in this discussion is dick in pussy

Or I'm sorry, it's Sunday, so intercourse with someone other than your significant other

Or outside of the whatever intimacy boundaries you and your partner have established

Because contrary to popular belief after a certain point people don't broadcast their cheating even to their close friends because they know the judgement that will come with it. Ain't nobody about to applaud their friend losing a good man/woman for real. Especially when full families with kids involved.
This right here...

Niggaz acting like what they see on social media is normal.....

I'm a regular ass dude, I ain't no celebrity,I ain't a digital creator or whatever the call themselves..I don't do shit for clout and likes, and make videos to post and bait for reactions.... I'm like most regular ass people who if they in a relationship... The absolute last thing they want is anybody finding out...

I ain't walking into a barber shop bragging and getting high fives from niggaz about some chick I snuck in a bathroom... Every body laughing and applauding.

I ain't saying wild shit like that don't happen... I'm saying is not normal... And we as a society have a bad habit of treating crazy shit like it's normal just cuz they saw it online...

Oh this one goofy ass nigga made this reel that's prolly fake and he did it for likes.... But imma go ahead and treat it like EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW do the extra same shit....
This right here...

Niggaz acting like what they see on social media is normal.....

I'm a regular ass dude, I ain't no celebrity,I ain't a digital creator or whatever the call themselves..I don't do shit for clout and likes, and make videos to post and bait for reactions.... I'm like most regular ass people who if they in a relationship... The absolute last thing they want is anybody finding out...

I ain't walking into a barber shop bragging and getting high fives from niggaz about some chick I snuck in a bathroom... Every body laughing and applauding.

I ain't saying wild shit like that don't happen... I'm saying is not normal... And we as a society have a bad habit of treating crazy shit like it's normal just cuz they saw it online...

Oh this one goofy ass nigga made this reel that's prolly fake and he did it for likes.... But imma go ahead and treat it like EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW do the extra same shit....

It's the same as when people see 1 person say something and turn it into "OH that's how we feel about *insert random topic". No nigga..that's how that person feels. And even on social media people don't brag about cheating. They get embarrassed and often delete their entire internet identity if caught in some exposure type shit. And if you're an influencer whose branding is tied to their relationship then cheating is even worse.

Hell look at that Derrick Jackson dude. He lost everything when it came out he was cheating on his wife.
This right here...

Niggaz acting like what they see on social media is normal.....

I'm a regular ass dude, I ain't no celebrity,I ain't a digital creator or whatever the call themselves..I don't do shit for clout and likes, and make videos to post and bait for reactions.... I'm like most regular ass people who if they in a relationship... The absolute last thing they want is anybody finding out...

I ain't walking into a barber shop bragging and getting high fives from niggaz about some chick I snuck in a bathroom... Every body laughing and applauding.

I ain't saying wild shit like that don't happen... I'm saying is not normal... And we as a society have a bad habit of treating crazy shit like it's normal just cuz they saw it online...

Oh this one goofy ass nigga made this reel that's prolly fake and he did it for likes.... But imma go ahead and treat it like EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW do the extra same shit....

Yeah, this is why I said this. I just cannot act like I know what goes on behind closed doors for everyone and it's entirely possible my perspective is being colored.

I can't say how widespread it is and I can't rule out that my own personal situation has made me hyper aware of the subject matter. All I do know is that I wish I felt like it was as hated as I believe it should be.

I do have personal experience with people not necessarily supporting the behavior, but absolutely turning a blind eye.
I brought up the friend angle because when I was in my teens and 20s, I been part of friend groups where the norm was all of us had hoes, single or not.

Learned how to set those boundaries and/or create distance for the sake of relationships but it took time and discipline.

I have only cheated in one relationship though when I was in college, that taught me I am not a long distance type person