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why does vlad ask these type questions tho? for entertainment????

i think someone said in here “a brotha would never ask these kinds of questions” and im like hmmm maybe youre right.

of course youre a fool if you rat on yourself to vlad but what is the purpose of vlads line of questoning???

You're right, you're probably not going to catch Nore or anybody else in our culture asking the types of questions Vlad asks. Vlad is suspect on so many levels. If he's not outright the feds, he definitely has fed tendencies. From his perspective...you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take though. He's taking crazy shots, and "they're going in". He's getting people to spill on the beans on his platform and it all benefits his bottom line at the end of the day. His line of questioning is a sign that he lacks basic integrity and/or has ulterior motives. Niggas been calling Vlad out for this type of shit for as long as I can remember, but people still go on his platform and divulge more than a lawyer would advise..lol.
If your very specific hip hop platform is being used by federal agencies to bring about indictments on black people, then yea you're taking part of the blame.
I have yet to see an instance of someone being indicted, solely from a Vlad interview. Its always, they get caught up years later for other shit and randoms online say its because of Vlad, while ignoring all the other shit.

why does vlad ask these type questions tho? for entertainment????

i think someone said in here “a brotha would never ask these kinds of questions” and im like hmmm maybe youre right.

of course youre a fool if you rat on yourself to vlad but what is the purpose of vlads line of questoning???
Vlad asks shit thats gunna get clicks, thats it. In the last thread about this, they were complaining on him for asking Saigon about his criminal past and not his new music. In 2020 who the fuck clicking an interview to just head about Saigons new music? They clicking to hear the wild shit he did to get locked up.

Vlad has the mob guys on talking about their criminal past too, but some people have selective memory. Even when he asks other questions they usually ignore those videos and only clicking for videos of the dumb shit. So they pushing the same narrative they claim to hate.
Saycheese do the same thing. He asks rappers about their friends dying even though the rapper in question said he doesn't wants to speak about it. He rewords the question and eventually get them to answer it. They fantasize off these rappers lifestyles, who the fuck wanna hear about a rapper upbringing for half a hour? Shit is crazy
Dudes want everybody to know.

and everybody wanna know.

that’s why Vlad ask

that’s why people watch
I don't want to know how these rappers upbringing was if I could listen to their music & find out myself. I want to hear about their upcoming projects and shit like that. Not no fucking "Can you elaborate what you meant by when you see the person who shot you, you going to kill him?" questions
I don't want to know how these rappers upbringing was if I could listen to their music & find out myself. I want to hear about their upcoming projects and shit like that. Not no fucking "Can you elaborate what you meant by when you see the person who shot you, you going to kill him?" questions
The views on these type of stories say that other people wanna hear about it