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Calling a rich black man “a capitalist is like calling them the N word”- Jay Z

The hatred of black men here is disgusting.
That needs to talked about.
plus, the fuck is out of touch?
could it be growth? Maturity? New way of life and perspective? And how you niggas know you’re not the ones out of touch? Real shit.

Jay Z has amassed an amount of wealth 99.9% of the world will never see. Of course people are out of touch with him and he's out of touch with the people he's talking to.
Issues is much than this.
Why are they safe in those war zones?
Why it be white chicks with poodles jogging unfazed, but a black grandma can have her pocketbook snatch and drag her for her last Pennie’s?
We definitely need a gentrify thread

Because the thugs moved out like the other residents
The hatred of black men here is disgusting.
That needs to talked about.
plus, the fuck is out of touch?
could it be growth? Maturity? New way of life and perspective? And how you niggas know you’re not the ones out of touch? Real shit.

How is this black man hate when folks in abw definitely trashed the women who ran blm and do the same thing. You really just want to defend rich people all the time.
That was some evil shit. Like... you're already a billionaire... why are you trying to squeeze a few bucks out of poor people? And then you look at the billionaire handbook and be like... ok... this tracks.
I like to study jigga warriors because some of them don't realize Jay Z's Judas characteristics they adopted.
Jay Z has amassed an amount of wealth 99.9% of the world will never see. Of course people are out of touch with him and he's out of touch with the people he's talking to.
I can agree with this. The shit goes both ways
I agree that folks shaming capitalism are often more upset they're on the wrong end of it than actually having an issue with capitalism itself. Also @5th Letter was very click baity with the title because you're right Jay never says the quote in the thread title at all.

However there is a real disconnect that rich folks have from the everyday person that makes alot of shit they say and/or do just silly. For Black folks specifically the whole "one person gets rich we all get rich" shit just ain't selling. You saw it with the reaction to what's been going on with Verzuz when they tried to spin it as a "win for the culture" when it's really just a win for those niggas pockets. And I think that's what the real backlash is against. The idea that a handful of Black folks getting on and getting money is somehow a win for us all when that shit rarely if ever trickles down to those who need it most
He basically said and showed what hes about over the years, but people forget or arnt paying attention.

Take this interview from 2013

In a July 24 interview with journalist Elliot Wilson, Jay Z responded to a series of comments that Harry Belafonte made about Jay Z, Beyoncé, and other black celebrities in an interview last year. When asked to respond to Belafonte’s lamentation about current black celebrities’ inability or unwillingness to use their fame to advocate for social change, Jay Z shot back:

I’m offended by that because first of all, and this is going to sound arrogant, but my presence is charity. Just who I am. Just like Obama’s is. Obama provides hope. Whether he does anything, the hope that he provides for a nation, and outside of America is enough. Just being who he is. You’re the first black president. If he speaks on any issue or anything he should be left alone. … I felt Belafonte … just went about it wrong. Like the way he did it in the media, and then he bigged up Bruce Springsteen or somebody. And it was like, ‘whoa,’ you just sent the wrong message all the way around. … Bruce Springsteen is a great guy. You’re this civil rights activist and you just bigged up the white guy against me in the white media. And I’m not saying that in a racial way. I’m just saying what it is. The fact of what it was. And that was just the wrong way to go about it.
This is why I have a deep dislike for this nigga Jay..

Dope music….but I can tell if I met Jay in person he would irk my last nerve…he loves to play narratives

You wanna make your own money in your own way without a governmental system having total control over your pockets? You’re a capitalist