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Breastfeeding In Public

This is breastfeeding we are talking about. What you mentioned can't compare.

Is breastfeeding unholy?

Understand that we are talking about breastfeeding.

1. I don't have any issues with a mama doing her thing to their child.

2. I was just stating that some may be offended by such act being done in a certain setting and provide some receipts

3. I don't know if it's holy or unholy, I know that some churches may want the mama to excuse herself and conduct that act in the back instead of doing it in service.

4. I'm just giving you examples, some church members take the grounds of the church as holy, so they may see breastfeeding in service as an inappropriate act
Lol! Why you taking this shyt so personal?

Do I call you out your name for your NSA style of breaking into folks phones, emails, etc.? I disagree wit it, but I don't call you names.

We can debate on this topic and others, disagree like adults, without the name calling. You're better than this BNE.

I still respect your opinions tho. Regardless if we agree or not. Lol
my opinion is that ppl who think women should go to the bathrooms to feed kids r shit human beings. that is how I see it. u might see ppl who snoop in the same light.

aight, I'll cool it on the name calling.
Understand that we are talking about breastfeeding.

1. I don't have any issues with a mama doing her thing to their child.

2. I was just stating that some may be offended by such act being done in a certain setting and provide some receipts

3. I don't know if it's holy or unholy, I know that some churches may want the mama to excuse herself and conduct that act in the back instead of doing it in service.

4. I'm just giving you examples, some church members take the grounds of the church as holy, so they may see breastfeeding in service as an inappropriate act

1. Thats great.
2. What do you think they would think was offensive about it?
3. Fuck them.
4. So, now breastfeeding is inappropriate? Oh and possibly unholy.

@Knock_Twice How is breastfeeding in church or anywhere publicly offensive?

An offense is an attack. What is the offense?

Maybe I should have used a better word than offense, but doing that act in service, some members may feel it's being disrespected towards the word.

I just haven't seen a mama breastfeed their child in the churches I've attended.

Maybe it's against a code of conduct that the church follows or that want that respect.

Some churches look at that act being the world co-signs it and accepts it, but worldly acts shouldn't be accepted in the church. The church shouldn't adopt the things that the world do and think is ok. I'm just saying.

Again, I have no issue with the act, I'm just saying that you may be asked to remove yourself if a mama starts to breastfeed their kid in some churches.
u're mistaken. i got accounts from the early 1900s of women publicly breastfeeding. wearing revealing clothing was a bigger scandal than publicly breastfeeding back then.

breastfeeding is very different from tending to human waste. again, your equivalencies are more telling of your mindset than the actual weight of the action.

I disagree but that's how your mindset operates, you're only going to see it from your lens to justify the act, after I mention that some ppl don't subscribe to what you think is ok and different, most put all those acts in the same group and will ask you to remove yourself from the services
I disagree but that's how your mindset operates, you're only going to see it from your lens to justify the act, after I mention that some ppl don't subscribe to what you think is ok and different, most put all those acts in the same group and will ask you to remove yourself from the services
why do they put those acts in the same group? still remains unanswered.
Maybe I should have used a better word than offense, but doing that act in service, some members may feel it's being disrespected towards the word.

I just haven't seen a mama breastfeed their child in the churches I've attended.

Maybe it's against a code of conduct that the church follows or that want that respect.

Some churches look at that act being the world co-signs it and accepts it, but worldly acts shouldn't be accepted in the church. The church shouldn't adopt the things that the world do and think is ok. I'm just saying.

Again, I have no issue with the act, I'm just saying that you may be asked to remove yourself if a mama starts to breastfeed their kid in some churches.

"The world" doesn't really accept it either. But what about breastfeeding would be disrespectful to the word?
my opinion is that ppl who think women should go to the bathrooms to feed kids r shit human beings. that is how I see it. u might see ppl who snoop in the same light.

aight, I'll cool it on the name calling.

But its YOUR opinion. I may not agree wit it, but I accept it. You have that right.

Just like me and others outside of this site have that right to feel the way we do about the breastfeeding in public. Its our opinions. No right or wrong mayne. We disagree...cool. We just disagree.
But its YOUR opinion. I may not agree wit it, but I accept it. You have that right.

Just like me and others outside of this site have that right to feel the way we do about the breastfeeding in public. Its our opinions. No right or wrong mayne. We disagree...cool. We just disagree.
I'll leave you alone

1. Thats great.
2. What do you think they would think was offensive about it?
3. Fuck them.
4. So, now breastfeeding is inappropriate? Oh and possibly unholy.


1. Beautiful

2. I guess disrespecting GOD's House or Worship, and disrespecting others space (IDK)

3. Marvelous

4. Again, just mentioning that what you may think is ok, others may see it as not. Could be unholy, I don't know. I'm not a pastor of a church.
why do they put those acts in the same group? still remains unanswered.

I don't know, I'm not a pastor of a church but some churches take churching serious. So they don't tolerate a lot of things that we may see that's it's not a biggie.

Them old women (deaconess) that wear all white and sit on the 1st and 2nd pews, are the ones that really go hard about certain things being done. It really stems from them. So it really aint us males that's pushing the issue.
I don't know, I'm not a pastor of a church but some churches take churching serious. So they don't tolerate a lot of things that we may see that's it's not a biggie.

Them old women (deaconess) that wear all white and sit on the 1st and 2nd pews, are the ones that really go hard about certain things being done. It really stems from them. So it really aint us males that's pushing the issue.
the 1s in the thread that are pushing the issue tend to be men.

aren't those old ladies known for being bitter n judgy? lol
"The world" doesn't really accept it either. But what about breastfeeding would be disrespectful to the word?

Holy, Pure, anything that will cast a blemish on the word may be disrespectful. As I stated, I've been in churches where I was about to go to the restroom and the person I was like "Can you hold it, we are not suppose to get up and walk to the bathroom while the pastor is preaching" So I was sitting there holding it outta respect but in the back of mind I was like "I aint neva coming here again" Even the gum thing is real, chewing gum, texting, all that is considered a no-no in some churches