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Black Couple BEATEN BADLY For Trying To Stop Teen Girls From jumping their kid(non-twerking incident)!!

Lol the old heads weren’t wrong but they have to be cognizant of the ppl they are dealing w

I’m certain if u ask them today they ll tell u it wasn’t worth catch an eye jammy
lol Ya'll niggas love defending some wrong shit.

Those kids jumped and hospitalized two people because they didn't like the things those people were saying, and let ya'll tell it, the big crime here is that two people didn't mind their business.

This is why I don't want to hear any pro-black shit from most of you. Ya'll are perfectly fine with some out of control black teens thinking its ok to beat up black adults over some trivial shit, but I'm supposed to believe you care about the black community? Ok.

As adults we gotta know when to let'em be.

Older Lady: *calmly* " Young lady, you should have more respect for yourself and not dance like that in public"

Teen Girl: "Fuck you old bitch, you aint my momma"

Bro, at that point there's nothing else to talk about, you see this kid isn't receptive to correction. So you go sit there and argue with a child and end up in a fight with them? How is that any better?
lol Ya'll niggas love defending some wrong shit.

Those kids jumped and hospitalized two people because they didn't like the things those people were saying, and let ya'll tell it, the big crime here is that two people didn't mind their business.

This is why I don't want to hear any pro-black shit from most of you. Ya'll are perfectly fine with some out of control black teens thinking its ok to beat up black adults over some trivial shit, but I'm supposed to believe you care about the black community? Ok.
if they aren't your kids you choosing to talk to them on your own doing.. you get your ass whipped afterwards that's on you.. you wanna save the world? go ahead but make sure you prepared for the consequences.. them kids were dead wrong but i don't feel sympathy for people who don't mind their business.. kids weren't committing no crime.. take yo old ass on to wherever you going and leave them alone to be stupid ass kids like you used to be.
Damn Twerking....
See the source image
20 years strong.

I still remember when Whistle while you twerk came out. That song hit different...
Could you please show me one (1) example of anybody in this discussion “defending wrong shit”?

I’ll wait.

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If your take away from what happened is "Those people should have minded their own business." You're justifying what happened, which is defending wrong shit.

As adults we gotta know when to let'em be.

Older Lady: *calmly* " Young lady, you should have more respect for yourself and not dance like that in public"

Teen Girl: "Fuck you old bitch, you aint my momma"

Bro, at that point there's nothing else to talk about, you see this kid isn't receptive to correction. So you go sit there and argue with a child and end up in a fight with them? How is that any better?

I hear what you're saying, but everyone should have a problem with something like that escalating to a bunch of kids jumping two people. That shit ain't normal. Adults and kids have disagreements all the time without the kids hospitalizing the adults. It's just weird to me that people are ignoring that two people were put in the hospital over some bullshit.
if they aren't your kids you choosing to talk to them on your own doing.. you get your ass whipped afterwards that's on you.. you wanna save the world? go ahead but make sure you prepared for the consequences.. them kids were dead wrong but i don't feel sympathy for people who don't mind their business.. kids weren't committing no crime.. take yo old ass on to wherever you going and leave them alone to be stupid ass kids like you used to be.

The details are irrelevant. Kids shouldn't feel like it's ok to attack adults for being corrected.

If you feel otherwise then we can agree to disagree.

two things can be true.

Yes, but the two adults not minding their own business is trivial compared to a gang of youths putting two people in the hospital. If you're focused on the trivial part, something is wrong.
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The details are irrelevant. Kids shouldn't feel like it's ok to attack adults for being corrected.

If you feel otherwise then we can agree to disagree.

Yes, but the two adults not minding their own business is trivial compared to a gang of youths putting two people in the hospital. If you're focused on the trivial part, something is wrong.
it's not trivial because you say it is lol.. the two adults not minding their business directly led to them in the hospital.. also you don't know what they said to them kids.. who knows if they "corrected" them or not.. all we know is they inserted themselves in them kids business instead of going where they needed to go.. which is their choice.. choices have repercussions..i bet they won't do that shit again lol..im cool with agreeing to disagree tho.
it's not trivial because you say it is lol.. the two adults not minding their business directly led to them in the hospital.. also you don't know what they said to them kids.. who knows if they "corrected" them or not.. all we know is they inserted themselves in them kids business instead of going where they needed to go.. which is their choice.. choices have repercussions..i bet they won't do that shit again lol..im cool with agreeing to disagree tho.

It is trivial. Whatever they said was just words. They didn't damage those kids, and chances are they work trying to be corrective for the benefit of the kids. If you think that them being beaten is a fair consequence for that, then like I said we can agree to disagree.
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That it takes a village era is over. If it's not your kid then keep it moving. They didn't deserve the beating but if the kids not receptive to what you're saying then let them be.
It is trivial. Whatever they said was just words. They didn't damage those kids, and chances are they work trying to be corrective for the benefit of the kids. If you think that them being beaten is a fair consequence for that, then like I said we can agree to disagree.
that's the disconnect.. you talking about fair.. and chances.. how things are supposed to be..a perfect world..i might agree with you on that.. but that ain't how shit is.. reality of it is these niggas will kill your ass for less.. mind your business or try save the world and accept the consequences.. we all have choices.