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Barber's and Hairstylists charging too much?

Im seeing some that go every two weeks to get a cut. Am I the only person that goes every week to get a cut? ????
Seems like it bro lol

only time I heard about guys doing it every week are the ones who were worried about their waves and trying to be pretty boys and everything

I mean if you’re hair and hairline is strong enough to cut it every week and it still looks good then I guess it’s fine but I used to go once every other week all the way until I was about 26 then I realized my hair could go a month as long as I took care of it in the meantime
My barber charges $60 but she is a beast with the clippers. You just can't have everybody operating on your shape up.
I call my barber and ask what he got open he say 1 pm I say bet lock me in. We get there at 1255 chair open. I'm like awwwww shit he had to have read this thread........ mane he said lemme get this guy right quick and I got you. It'll be quick I said to myself yea he did read this thread. I said aight and we chilled for about 30 minutes before we got in the chair sighs....... it be your own folks
I call my barber and ask what he got open he say 1 pm I say bet lock me in. We get there at 1255 chair open. I'm like awwwww shit he had to have read this thread........ mane he said lemme get this guy right quick and I got you. It'll be quick I said to myself yea he did read this thread. I said aight and we chilled for about 30 minutes before we got in the chair sighs....... it be your own folks
Did you tip him?
For Spring ,Summer and Fall I do a haircut every 2 weeks.When it’s the winter time ,like now I go 3 weeks between haircuts.
Same barber for almost 20 years.
Started at $10 for the cut, $5 for a lineup , $15 if you were including beard work.
After like 10 years it went up to
$25 for the cut, + $10 if touching up beard.

As far as appointments go, i was strictly doing walk ins whenever i had a day off prior to the pandemic. Ever since though, i do appointments since squeezing in a cut is harder. Before i could walk in and sit for like 20 mins before i coud get a cut. Now if you don't have an appointment you might have to sit a couple hours or so.
i got a OG in my apt building that charge $20...... i have no problems throwing the man a $5 tip... being 26y/o tbh i prefer having a older barber cut my hair..... it's alot less bullshit you deal with.
Last time I went to a barbershop a cut was only $10.

This was around 2004.

Can't imagine paying $30 or more for a cut.

Can't even see paying $20.