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Are you still listening to R. Kelly?

Some of his tracks & features are on mixes I have & like, so technically yeah. But I don't have his music as standalone saved anywhere.
When 'The Storm Is Over' popped up on my playlist a few months back, at the time I thought daum this dude is screwed up, singing such happy, righteous gospel music but in reality dude is the fckn devil... IMO it shows what a sociopath he is, as to make that kinda song dude must really think hes not a bad human...

Wasn't he molested as a child ? At the end of the day he's an abuse victim so he might think his behavior is "normal" because that's what he knows. I'm not excusing what he's done.
But it will you'll see.

MJ died and not a peep about the allegations against him.

Same thing with Cosby too. When he dies people will bring up that he went to jail but they'll also bring up that he played a Huxtable.

Did MJ get charged with anything though? Was there any documented occurrence of what he was accused of? I think he's in the clear to be honest.

Cosby, I don't think he will be when he kicks the bucket. There are documented cases of his fuckery. Same for Kells. Even worse, this dude documented his own case/s.
But it will you'll see.

MJ died and not a peep about the allegations against him.

Same thing with Cosby too. When he dies people will bring up that he went to jail but they'll also bring up that he played a Huxtable.

Bruh didn't they release a whole documentary shitting on MJ's name after he died, and then had to back track because they found out there was proof that the accusers were lying.

Yeah, it'll be kinda hard for R Kelly to get t hat same treatment when he's the one on tape committing the crime. Let's not forget R Kelly also was willing to accuse his brother of being the person on tape without telling his brother all to create some doubt in the jury.

I don't think there will be a quick fix for his image even with death. He's going to die perceived as a predator and scumbag and remain that way in death.
Only in private. Damn shame too because I been slow stroking/grinding/beating backs out with his music as the soundtrack for two decades, but I feel weird as hell turning his shit on now when a woman come through.

I'll rock it in the car solo and reminisce on some good smashes buuuuuuuuuuuut that's a whole lot of skipping to do in the R&B playlist.
niggas was listening to him while he date aliyah but now u guys wanna cancel him loll

Its ridiculous. Niggas knew from when the back n forth video dropped in 94 this man was suspect. I remember my older siblings and their friends talking about it.

No one gave a fuck then, no one cared when there was a video of him pissing on a young girl, everyone laughed when Dave Chappelle made a skit about it.

Now all of a sudden mfs can't stand the sound of him lmao. Its repulsing. Theyve "only heard 2-3 songs" and "never liked him anyway" After him giving us 25-30 years of fire.