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Are you still listening to R. Kelly?

Niggas can like what they like... butbtge facts were the same 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15, years ago, 20 years ago, 25 years ago and so on.

What changed for yall?
MJ's reputation was shot after the trial and he was the butt of jokes and many movie parodies. He had to leave the country. They released a documentary during his trial that almost cost him his freedom and after he died the Never Leaving Neverland documentary was released and it didn't stick because MJ is dead so he's loved more in death as a mythical figure and legend vs being alive.

R. Kelly will forever be viewed as a predator but you wildin if you think people wont shed tears and drop maaaad R. Kelly tributes after he dies. In death all is forgiven. The only person who will never be forgiven is Hitler. But R. Kelly ? When he dies people will dance in the streets and sing aaaalll his songs and music networks will play his music all day.

Never Leaving Neverland didn't stick because the people involved were shown not to be truthful and it all fell apart. MJ hasn't been condemned in death because no one can definitively say that he was guilty.

That's not the case with R Kelly. I'm not saying no one will cry for him, but he's not going to get the send off that he would have gotten had he not been a predator. I don't think as many radio stations will have that all day R Kellython that you think.
Niggas can like what they like... butbtge facts were the same 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15, years ago, 20 years ago, 25 years ago and so on.

What changed for yall?
Some dudes may have had daughters during that time🤷🏾‍♂️
Its ridiculous. Niggas knew from when the back n forth video dropped in 94 this man was suspect. I remember my older siblings and their friends talking about it.

No one gave a fuck then, no one cared when there was a video of him pissing on a young girl, everyone laughed when Dave Chappelle made a skit about it.

Now all of a sudden mfs can't stand the sound of him lmao. Its repulsing. Theyve "only heard 2-3 songs" and "never liked him anyway" After him giving us 25-30 years of fire.

Can't I speak for everybody. I am just saying to me this thought process is all wrong. Niggas can listen to whatever you like but the doc. went into detail of how much of a monster he was...that could be a BIG difference for some people.

There wasn't anything out there about how much "pain" he caused some of the victims

The abuse of his wife

what was going on with him having youngins still at his crib when all this ish was going on..

like listen to whatever you want to listen to but after that doc. to not come out of that and think how much of a monster he REALLY was, is crazy to me.(not saying you , just a statement)

I was never a fan like that and I don't miss his music now...like shit there are plenty of RnB katz I can listen to if I need to vibe from back then

KC and Jojo

Just saying
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And a lot of folks who cancelled R are younger like in the 20s they didn’t grow up with fiesta they don’t care. I don’t bump his music like at all but he wasn’t somebody I listened too like that. Pied piper lol
outside of r.kelly’s singles i never really listened to his catalog like that. his transgressions coupled with the fact i wasn’t in love with his music to begin with leads me to having no real desire to explore his discography. there’s nothing for me to “cancel” so to speak

but i’m a hypocrite. i’m not 100% convinced michael jackson didn’t touch them kids but i still listen to his music. zero fucks given. i already heard off the wall. it’s too late. what do you want from me?

it’s michael jackson, nigga
he wasn’t ever heavy in my ro...a little too early for me

I’m not going to turn it off unless the song sucks 🤷🏾‍♀️

if I wasnt there, airtight evidence, I stay out of your bedroom

not my biz nor do I care
For MJ his defense lawyer said after the first trial it was open season on Michael Jackson and people were shaking MJ's hands and taking pictures in the street and then suing him a week later. Either way it's irrelevant.

Cosby wont be celebrated the way MJ or R. Kelly will but people will remember him the way they want to. Shit there's people on ABW who will go to bat for Cosby. All those men are pieces of shit but hey to each their own. But to say R. Kelly won't be celebrated more in death in a country where half the people voted for Donald Trump to get a second term, is laughable.
I think what helped MJ's music not get tarnished was the lack of sexuality in it compared to Kelly's. A lot of Kelly's music is picking up chicks, taking her home/to the hotel, etc. etc. that reminds you of what he did but MJ wasn't even close to risqué like that.
outside of r.kelly’s singles i never really listened to his catalog like that. his transgressions coupled with the fact i wasn’t in love with his music to begin with leads me to having no real desire to explore his discography. there’s nothing for me to “cancel” so to speak

but i’m a hypocrite. i’m not 100% convinced michael jackson didn’t touch them kids but i still listen to his music. zero fucks given. i already heard off the wall. it’s too late. what do you want from me?

it’s michael jackson, nigga
Mj was innocent. 100% Play on