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are you happy with biden currently?

Are you satisfied with Bidens presidency?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Still waiting to see whats in store

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Youre hardcore loyal to "a side". There are some good people on your side and none at all on the other. That's kinda extreme but to u it's 100% logical and couldn't fathom it any other way. U just proved my point. It's mfs on the other side who think EXACTLY like u about u and "your side".

Those type of thoughts (n I don't care what side youre loyal to) strengthen the divide that those in power capitalize on. Hamster wheel.

I don't have a side.
Lol i don't dislike you

You don't exude that conditioned mindset imo


I'm not.

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.

I think the problem is you're at the "both sides are the same" rhetoric too literally. I don't think anyone believes that the two sides are exactly the same. I believe the point is that functionally, the differences are large enough to put too much support into either side. Like yeah, the Reps might be pure evil, and the Dems aren't that, but when it comes down to handling business, you're not going to see anything markedly different.

There is truth to that. Lately, the cycle has been back and forth between Reps fucking shit up and Dems repairing the damage. Dems have been using that to refuse to do anything revolutionary. People are getting tired of that shit and want real change. You can't fault anyone for that.
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All Republicans are in lock step. They are all behind the same ideals.

Democrats are not. There are literally factions of Democrats within the party. So how can Democrats and Republicans be the same when all Democrats are not the same but all Republicans are?
The republican party is literally going thru their own civil war lol c'mon fam

I typed a question in Google:
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its funny how cowardly ass niggas try to project their cowardice onto others because of their inability to imagine a world better than this one.

YOU would be scared because YOU lack imagination. a world without police has always been a fundamental goal for most Black activist and its something we speak about and organize around often.

so no, i wouldnt shit bricks. it would be YOU and everyone else that is ill prepared in navigating a world outside of death, corruption, and destruction

To be real as hell he's not wrong. If all of a sudden tomorrow morning the world woke up and literally all forms of government were gone, no police, etc niggas would not be throwing a party. It would be anarchy as people fought to now become the new person/group in power. And there would be plenty of violence and death on the way to that new entity in power.

That's part of the issue that some have with the pov you and others push. It's as if you think simply removing the current system will instantly cure the ills of the world and correct things when human beings just aren't like that. In the absence of someone or entity in power another one would then rise to take it's place. And to be even more frank given the specific dangers that speak to you as a Black woman your immediate safety would probably be in danger more than most.
The republican party is literally going thru their own civil war lol c'mon fam

I typed a question in Google:
View attachment 546194
View attachment 546195

This may be the thing that saves the country. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's true. If the Reps fracture, then they become a nonfactor going forward, at least for a while. That sets up the possibility for some well meaning people to rise up in the Democratic party and maybe take some power away from the do nothings.
This may be the thing that saves the country. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's true. If the Reps fracture, then they become a nonfactor going forward, at least for a while. That sets up the possibility for some well meaning people to rise up in the Democratic party and maybe take some power away from the do nothings.
I'm a lil more pessimistic than u lol. I don't think the well meaning people in either party have risen up or will bc they're not supposed to. U gotta be dirty to play that game that's just me though.

UOTE="Los216, post: 2206857, member: 853"]
I'm not.

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.

I think the problem is you're at the "both sides are the same" rhetoric too literally.

No. I don't actually.

UOTE="Los216, post: 2206857, member: 853"]
I'm not.

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.
I don't think anyone believes that the two sides are exactly the same.

The overwhelming majority of people who do not vote believe this to be true. Hell if you polled just the people on this site who don't vote they will tell you that both sides are the same.


UOTE="Los216, post: 2206857, member: 853"]
I'm not.

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.
I believe the point is that functionally, the differences are large enough to put too much support into either side.

The differences are definitely large enough to make a clear distinction between each side and choose to support one over the other. I mean, one side has been cramming anti abortion laws through at the local level since the election ended in November. I'm talking about laws that make women who suffer a miscarriage have to pay a penalty in Pennsylvania. Or the law in Texas that states that women can be charged with murder for aborting a fetus as early as 6 weeks. That's not eve enough time to know you missed your period. So you can cherry pick some shit that Democrats do or don't support but as a governing body they do not directly attack your life the way Republicans do.

See. There's clear and distinct differences.


UOTE="Los216, post: 2206857, member: 853"]
I'm not.

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.
Like yeah, the Reps might be pure evil, and the Dems aren't that, but when it comes down to handling business, you're not going to see anything markedly different.

But that's not because both sides are the same or close to the same. The reason you want see things markedly different is because both sides are functioning in the same system.

Lately, the cycle has been back and forth between Reps fucking shit up and Dems repairing the damage. Dems have been using that to refuse to do anything revolutionary. People are getting tired of that shit and want real change. You can't fault anyone for that.

You are not going to get real chance by switching the players and running the same system. You need to run a new system.

Why do people cry about real change in a system that is not designed to change much if at all?

Our government is still functioning a century behind the current times that we live in. Any change you see is moot until there is an entirely new system or the changes are so radical that you do not recognize the current system anymore as it stands today.
This may be the thing that saves the country. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's true. If the Reps fracture, then they become a nonfactor going forward, at least for a while. That sets up the possibility for some well meaning people to rise up in the Democratic party and maybe take some power away from the do nothings.

This sounds like........checks notes....................gasp

A completely new system.............hmmm
Agree with the post but emphasis on this ^^^

Blue/red is pretty much yin/yang

The fact that civil discourse is gone (from both sides) means we've devolved into just "him bad me no like"

It takes two

It only takes two because of how our government is currently structured. It doesn't have to be that way though.
Our government is still functioning a century behind the current times that we live in. Any change you see is moot until there is an entirely new system or the changes are so radical that you do not recognize the current system anymore as it stands today.

Not going to go through your whole post because of the messed up quotes (my fault I think).

But this right here is exactly what some of us are advocating.
It only takes two because of how our government is currently structured. It doesn't have to be that way though.
I do f with this part of your post heavy 👍

You are not going to get real chance by switching the players and running the same system. You need to run a new system.

Why do people cry about real change in a system that is not designed to change much if at all?

Our government is still functioning a century behind the current times that we live in. Any change you see is moot until there is an entirely new system or the changes are so radical that you do not recognize the current system anymore as it stands today.
To be real as hell he's not wrong. If all of a sudden tomorrow morning the world woke up and literally all forms of government were gone, no police, etc niggas would not be throwing a party. It would be anarchy as people fought to now become the new person/group in power. And there would be plenty of violence and death on the way to that new entity in power.

That's part of the issue that some have with the pov you and others push. It's as if you think simply removing the current system will instantly cure the ills of the world and correct things when human beings just aren't like that. In the absence of someone or entity in power another one would then rise to take it's place. And to be even more frank given the specific dangers that speak to you as a Black woman your immediate safety would probably be in danger more than most.

Im not scared of violence nor death.

especially if it means a better world for someone else
i get that the majority of people are scared so they cling to empire

but whats weird is this idea that police curtail violence and crime

its quite the opposite
Not going to go through your whole post because of the messed up quotes (my fault I think).

But this right here is exactly what some of us are advocating.

I know. We all understand that.

So now that we know that how do we get there?

First, we have to acknowledge how we are structured and why.

Well we are largely a two party system (Democrats, Republicans) and we are that way because that's what our founding fathers built the system to be.

Okay, so now we have to ask how do we get rid of our current structure and offer a new more effective structure.

The easiest and most logical path to this would be to eliminate the Republican party.


That's easy. It's because when it comes down to simply governing which is what politicians are tasked to do, Republicans cannot govern. Democrats have shown that they can govern. Republicans can't.

So then let them go. As a party. All of them muthafuckas.

What I would suggest it to allow The Republicans to continue on this new radical Trumpism path that they are on. Let that consume the entire party to the point where simply being a Conservative or a Republican will no longer be a thing. They'll all be MAGA no matter what. You want have the luxury to say "Oh I'm not MAGA I'm just Republican or Conservative. Nah. You're either MAGA or you're not.

The reason why I think it makes sense to allow the entire Republican party as it stands today to be consumed by MAGA is because in the long run MAGA is not sustainable. That's....factually true. The hole idea behind Trumpism and MAGA is simply not sustainable in the world today. It can have it's moment liek winning the election in 2016 but ultimately it cannot and will not stand the test of time.

So let them eat each other up and become one giant MAGA entity and watch the world defeat them for good. They might come back decades later like Nazi's came back to latch on to MAGA today but they will never be as strong as they were in 2016.

Trump winning the election was their peak. So let them all come together with the beliefe that they are actually a sustainable movement when the reality is that they are not.
i get that the majority of people are scared so they cling to empire

but whats weird is this idea that police curtail violence and crime

its quite the opposite

Everyone who opposes your viewpoint is not scared.

You're talking about removing an entity that has been apart of their lives since as far back as they can trace their family lineage.

People opposing that doesn't make them scared or even fearful at all. If anything they are unsure.

What are they unsure of? They don't know. None of us do. That's because police have been around since slavery and none of us can trace our families back that far. It was never designed for us to be able to.

For as far back as any Black American can remember police have always been a presence. You can't expect people to know how things will function if you remove that.
Im not scared of violence nor death.

especially if it means a better world for someone else

Not being scared of violence or death doesn't mean that people gotta be pro increasing the chances of it happening. I said this before in an old thread about this same topic but expecting everyone to be willing to commit to the same level of sacrifice when everybody's life circumstances are different and then insulting or accusing them of being scared is hustling backwards. And even if they are scared of it if there's good reason to be then that's not something to shame someone for.

For instance you say you're not scared of death. Cool. You say you're not scared to go without in order to rid the world of capitalism...cool. you may be able to afford that sacrifice. I wouldn't expect someone who is let's say a parent, whether single or married, to be just as gung-ho to also go without if that means their children will also suffer behind that decision. Yet according to what some of yall say that person would be a coward, sell out, coon etc for not wanting their children to suffer for a future result that is not promised and an immediate result that would put them into a position where they will be more negatively affected than others.

That's the perspective some who hold your pov seem to lack. As much as classism and privilege is talked about it's often left out how much classism and privilege is involved when criticizing someone for not doing what you, a general you not you personally, are able to.
i get that the majority of people are scared so they cling to empire

but whats weird is this idea that police curtail violence and crime

its quite the opposite

I'm sure you've listened to enough rap music to hear some variation of the quote/idea "Why tell niggas to get off the corner if you don't have another option for them to eat." And that's what's often missing. So destroy this current system and replace it with what? And what happens in the interim when there's the 99.9% guaranteed power struggle over who takes over and sets the new rules for society to operate under? Who protects them? And not talking about police or government entity. Who is gonna protect the weak, vulnerable and those who can't do for self due to whatever reasons?

It's alot easier to talk about "Yeah I'm ready to die for the cause" without taking proper stock of the amount of work that would go into rebuilding an entire society. That's why people cling to the narrative of not being afraid to die so hard. It gives a sense of martyrdom that makes them feel good. They're dead meanwhile people who still here left to pick up the pieces and rebuild which would create an entirely new struggle to overcome.