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are you happy with biden currently?

Are you satisfied with Bidens presidency?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Still waiting to see whats in store

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I think Obama was in over his head and over promised. He was inheriting a country that was in a bad position. He probably should have just come out and said that he'd do what he could to turn the country around and he would have looked better at the end of his term. That's not what politicians do though. So he made a bunch of promises and couldn't deliver on many of the more important ones.

I'd be obliged to give him more of a pass on that given his inexperience going into his presidency if he wasn't so damn smug now. He's always talking down on people trying to fight for more, and he's a corporatist through and through. I won't say he's uncaring in the same way as people like McConnel or Trump, but Obama definitely cares about his legacy and his ability to continue to make money of his name more than the good of the people.

You making me defend people that don't particularly like me, but @Race Jones, @Disanthrope , and the others aren't anti-government. They clearly don't want the government to go away. They want the government to do better especially for black people. There is a big difference in those two things.
Then I digress if I'm wrong
I think Obama was in over his head and over promised. He was inheriting a country that was in a bad position. He probably should have just come out and said that he'd do what he could to turn the country around and he would have looked better at the end of his term. That's not what politicians do though. So he made a bunch of promises and couldn't deliver on many of the more important ones.

I'd be obliged to give him more of a pass on that given his inexperience going into his presidency if he wasn't so damn smug now. He's always talking down on people trying to fight for more, and he's a corporatist through and through. I won't say he's uncaring in the same way as people like McConnel or Trump, but Obama definitely cares about his legacy and his ability to continue to make money of his name more than the good of the people.

Clinton, Obama, and Biden all inherited a country that was a mess due to their predecessors.

I don't understand how on one hand people can acknowledge how Republicans simply can't govern but then expect Democrats to not only clean up Republicans mess but also govern as their own body. Like straight up. Republicans can't govern. We know this and then we watch Democratic Presidents come in right behind them and everybody believes that Democratic Presidents can easily right the ship.

I think people should stop looking at our government as a two party system. There are not two parties. It's just Democrats. Now weather you like or agree with democrats is a whole separate issue. You don't have to agree with democrats on anything to acknowledge that they are a legitimate governing body.

What are Republicans right now?

What's their whole party based on?

Republicans are not even legitimate.

And I understand 100% the viewpoint of Black people who want to go in on Democrats but this country is made up of over 350 Million people and half of them are Republicans.

So there's no tangible way to even hold Democrats in check and hold them accountable until we can get rid of that overwhelming opposition which is the Republican party.
Clinton, Obama, and Biden all inherited a country that was a mess due to their predecessors.

I don't understand how on one hand people can acknowledge how Republicans simply can't govern but then expect Democrats to not only clean up Republicans mess but also govern as their own body. Like straight up. Republicans can't govern. We know this and then we watch Democratic Presidents come in right behind them and everybody believes that Democratic Presidents can easily right the ship.

I think people should stop looking at our government as a two party system. There are not two parties. It's just Democrats. Now weather you like or agree with democrats is a whole separate issue. You don't have to agree with democrats on anything to acknowledge that they are a legitimate governing body.

What are Republicans right now?

What's their whole party based on?

Republicans are not even legitimate.

And I understand 100% the viewpoint of Black people who want to go in on Democrats but this country is made up of over 350 Million people and half of them are Republicans.

So there's no tangible way to even hold Democrats in check and hold them accountable until we can get rid of that overwhelming opposition which is the Republican party.

Bruh stop.

The Republicans are trash. Period. Full stop. We can no longer afford to give Dems any credit for being better than the Reps. They have to be judged according to the way they handle the problems faced by the country. Right now, they aren't doing that good of a job. They just aren't. They aren't trying to make any big changes. They are doing little shit and pushing symbolic gestures to avoid having to take hard stances on issues that matter. Biden has made promises to do more, but he's already pushed on his first major initiative ($15 minimum wage). If he wasn't even willing to battle for that do you really thing he's going to fight for better healthcare, free college, or justice reform? We can completely forget about any effort towards something like reparations.
“cut him some slack, hes a nice person” yeah explain that to the millions of people he let down by blatantly lying for votes, tell that to the Palestinians now that hes aiding and abetting zionist, tell that to every Black person facing heavy police militarization, to students in debt, to families that cant afford healthcare to folks demanding higher wages

like wtf 🤣

is it crack?

You don't have to cut him slack. Nobody is forced to agree with or even like Joe Biden or Democrats for that matter.

Just know that it's impossible to speak directly to democrats and ignore that half of this country is made up of Trump, MTG, Matt Gaetz types.

Holding Democrats accountable is like when the teacher in the classroom is trying to critique one of the A or B students on their work but you got that lil bad ass kid in the back who ain't doing shit but disrupting the class and doesn't do anything but come to school an get a free meal.

When you're the teacher, it's only so long that you can try to carry on with the class and focus on the better well behaved kids while ignoring that bad ass kid. You can't effectively teach the class with those bad kids in there.

So when people judge your classroom and they say you aren't getting enough out of these A and B students. They should be performing better. You're gonna be pissed off because they have no idea that you simply can't just teach the good kids and work on them. You absolutely have to continue to put up with those bad ass kids too.

Republicans are those bad ass kids. So when we try to go in on Democrats who are the better kids in this case, it's always going to end up being a moot point until those bad ass kids get out of the class.

Hell some of those good kids aren't even all that good. They're just better then the bad ass kids but there's no way for you to find out until those bad ass kids are removed.
Bruh stop.

The Republicans are trash. Period. Full stop. We can no longer afford to give Dems any credit for being better than the Reps. They have to be judged according to the way they handle the problems faced by the country. Right now, they aren't doing that good of a job. They just aren't. They aren't trying to make any big changes. They are doing little shit and pushing symbolic gestures to avoid having to take hard stances on issues that matter. Biden has made promises to do more, but he's already pushed on his first major initiative ($15 minimum wage). If he wasn't even willing to battle for that do you really thing he's going to fight for better healthcare, free college, or justice reform? We can completely forget about any effort towards something like reparations.

You totally missed the point.

You are in denial on how our government functions. If you understood how our government function then you wouldn't be yelling about how things aren't going the way that you want them to.

I mean look at what's happening right now this second. They're voting on the motion for the 1/6 Commission right now. Look at how our government functions. Of course it's fucked up and we don't like it but that's literally how it functions.

So you can either cry about how it functions (good luck with that, people have been doing it for years) or you can understand how it functions and focus on how it needs to change in order for things ($15 minimum wage) that you want to see happen become easier to make happen and not have to go through our antiquated governing process.
Bruh stop.

We can no longer afford to give Dems any credit for being better than the Reps. They have to be judged according to the way they handle the problems faced by the country.

And this is the point that you're missing.

The way that our government is setup you cannot judge a single party on it's own.


At the end of the day you literally cannot judge only the actions of one party. the two of them are tied together. That's how it's built to function.

The only way to judge one party fairly would be to get rid of the other one. That's why I support ending the Republican party. For good.
lol Bruh I'm in the DC area working a job where I support three different Federal government department and write reports that go direct to Congress. Miss me with this "you don't know how the government works" shit. I know for a fact that this crap you keep pushing is bullshit. There is a lot that people in the government don't do because of their own personal interests. How do I know, because we have to fight with these corrupt assholes all the time. Believe what you want.
The fact that people don't understand this is a two sides of the same coin ass country shows we'll be spinning our wheels forever. My guess is shit is too far gone to fix it bc it would mean tearing everything down as it currently is. So kicking the can down the road and putting your head in the sand is probably easier than blowing the whole system up in even the most genuine civil attempt.

Every side blames the other side for everything that's wrong. It's childish af.
There is a lot that people in the government don't do because of their own personal interests. How do I know, because we have to fight with these corrupt assholes all the time.

You're saying this like it's a big secret. It's not. We all know that to be true.

Now knowing all of this take a look at our government as it stands right now.

They are not two sides of the same coin. There are exactly zero people on one side (Republican)who actually care about people and actually attempt to do things for the good of the people.

There are at least some people on the other side (Democrats) who do care about doing things for the good of the people.

It's that simple.

But since there's not enough people on one side (Democrats) who care enough to do things for the good of the people they all get painted with a broad brush and I think that's dumb.
The fact that people don't understand this is a two sides of the same coin ass country shows we'll be spinning our wheels forever. My guess is shit is too far gone to fix it bc it would mean tearing everything down as it currently is. So kicking the can down the road and putting your head in the sand is probably easier than blowing the whole system up in even the most genuine civil attempt.

Every side blames the other side for everything that's wrong. It's childish af.

Saying that this is two sides of the same coin is a lazy ass take. Be honest about what it really is.
I'll say it because no one else have. ..............................................all the anti-government posters in here would shit themselves if all laws and government went away tomorrow. If all the police disbanded niggas wouldn't walk outside and that's fact. Secondly people who voted Dem or Rep 99% of you alll for for your own needs and that's it. A squirrel could run for office no matter the party but if the nigga is in you r party you're voting for the squirrel. Stop it with arguing

YOU would shit yourself lmao tf

stop projecting
its funny how cowardly ass niggas try to project their cowardice onto others because of their inability to imagine a world better than this one.

YOU would be scared because YOU lack imagination. a world without police has always been a fundamental goal for most Black activist and its something we speak about and organize around often.

so no, i wouldnt shit bricks. it would be YOU and everyone else that is ill prepared in navigating a world outside of death, corruption, and destruction
lmao its not a lazy take is well thought out assement of modern day politics

and accurate.

They're not though.

All Republicans are in lock step. They are all behind the same ideals.

Democrats are not. There are literally factions of Democrats within the party. So how can Democrats and Republicans be the same when all Democrats are not the same but all Republicans are?

There is a difference between Joe Manchin and Cory Bush. there is no difference between Josh Howley and Mitt Romney. At the end of the day Howley and Romney will fall in that Republican line. Cory Bush will not fully compromise herself and stoop to Joe Manchin levels but they are still in the same party.

So no. Not two sides of the same coin.
its funny how cowardly ass niggas try to project their cowardice onto others because of their inability to imagine a world better than this one.

YOU would be scared because YOU lack imagination. a world without police has always been a fundamental goal for most Black activist and its something we speak about and organize around often.

so no, i wouldnt shit bricks. it would be you and everyone else that hasnt read a book since rainbow fish

All Democrats don't even agree on the state of policing so how can they all be the same?

You see how Democrats and Republicans are not the same?

Both sides can't be the same if you have segregated groups of individuals in the same party who don't even agree on policy and ideals.
You're saying this like it's a big secret. It's not. We all know that to be true.

Now knowing all of this take a look at our government as it stands right now.

They are not two sides of the same coin. There are exactly zero people on one side (Republican)who actually care about people and actually attempt to do things for the good of the people.

There are at least some people on the other side (Democrats) who do care about doing things for the good of the people.

It's that simple.

But since there's not enough people on one side (Democrats) who care enough to do things for the good of the people they all get painted with a broad brush and I think that's dumb.

Why are you so vested into trying to prove to us that these people care? You don't know them. You seem to take our opinions of them personally. Why?
Saying that this is two sides of the same coin is a lazy ass take. Be honest about what it really is.
Youre hardcore loyal to "a side". There are some good people on your side and none at all on the other. That's kinda extreme but to u it's 100% logical and couldn't fathom it any other way. U just proved my point. It's mfs on the other side who think EXACTLY like u about u and "your side".

Those type of thoughts (n I don't care what side youre loyal to) strengthen the divide that those in power capitalize on. Hamster wheel.
I think Obama was in over his head and over promised. He was inheriting a country that was in a bad position. He probably should have just come out and said that he'd do what he could to turn the country around and he would have looked better at the end of his term. That's not what politicians do though. So he made a bunch of promises and couldn't deliver on many of the more important ones.

I'd be obliged to give him more of a pass on that given his inexperience going into his presidency if he wasn't so damn smug now. He's always talking down on people trying to fight for more, and he's a corporatist through and through. I won't say he's uncaring in the same way as people like McConnel or Trump, but Obama definitely cares about his legacy and his ability to continue to make money of his name more than the good of the people.

You making me defend people that don't particularly like me, but @Race Jones, @Disanthrope , and the others aren't anti-government. They clearly don't want the government to go away. They want the government to do better especially for black people. There is a big difference in those two things.
Lol i don't dislike you

You don't exude that conditioned mindset imo
Why are you so vested into trying to prove to us that these people care?

I'm not.

You seem to take our opinions of them personally. Why?

I don't. I'm commenting on how it makes no sense to view both entities as exactly the same when they clearly are not. If you approach it thinking that both sides are the same when they clearly aren't then you'll never see things for what they really are.

It's a poor form of evaluation that commonly leads to mistakes and misplaced frustration or anger. I'm watching it right now.