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April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the statistics are staggering

white woman logic huh?

is that your new "buzzword"?

thats your problem now, you cant MAKE anybody do anything. Hell, at some point, even with kids, you cant MAKE them do anything.

what would you do in that same situation?

Would you MAKE your relative get in the car so you can drive her to the station?

Would you call 911 for her and MAKE her tell the authorities then?

What if she was in a relationship when it happened, and the perpetrator was someone other than her s/o...would you MAKE her tell him?

Nah, i got it...you would fill out the paperwork and MAKE her sign it huh?

sit down

You gotta hit niggas in the face so they'll get it, I'ma choke you and race with yall wit yall own logic

Your wife/gf is harassed or raped at work and tells you: Let's take your post here and apply it to the situation and let's see if @Race Jones think you are a protector.

You are there just for support huh?

@Race Jones, they you go baby, that protector who has his shoulder for you to lean on. You can't (make) them do anything as you stated.

You niggas need to stop living outta the eyes of white women and gays, that shit doesn't make sense.

Re-read@Kzzl and I and @The Mad Titan responses and others who are saying report the shit, all this coddling and white woman logic shit needs to be deaded.

You can march and protest, blog about it, but you can't march yo ass into HR or the police station, Got it smh Silly donkey kong shit
You gotta hit niggas in the face so they'll get it, I'ma choke you and race with yall wit yall own logic

Your wife/gf is harassed or raped at work and tells you: Let's take your post here and apply it to the situation and let's see if @Race Jones think you are a protector.

You are there just for support huh?

@Race Jones, they you go baby, that protector who has his shoulder for you to lean on. You can't (make) them do anything as you stated.

You niggas need to stop living outta the eyes of white women and gays, that shit doesn't make sense.

Re-read@Kzzl and I and @The Mad Titan responses and others who are saying report the shit, all this coddling and white woman logic shit needs to be deaded.

You can march and protest, blog about it, but you can't march yo ass into HR or the police station, Got it smh Silly donkey kong shit

did your lord Tariq teach you this?

"living outta the eyes of white women and gays"

brah, im telling you, you better not EVER say this shit irl to somebody
On this site alone you have people trying to redefine and make light of rape/physical/mental abuse. By people I mean men. Some of the views are downright insensitive, now think about who does a woman have to report to. A damn man, who more than likely shares some of these asinine views. Yea, they let you talk to a female officer, who's been trained by and reports to a man. Not to mention she's probably already dealing with her own shit on a daily basis and overlooking shit so she 'fits in with the boys" to keep her position.

So when it comes to rape/abuse ..NOW yall wanna be advocates for the judicial system, NOW yall have faith in the police... Lol...How many of yall have actually been to a police station to try to report anything? If it's such a logical answer to just report, wouldn't that make you think that maybe there's something wrong with that process? You know instead of being passive aggressive and blaming somebody for not reporting.
Try being a black woman reporting a sex crime, who according to society we are already hypersexual baby making machines. Or having a male officer ask you 10 plus times "Are you sure you didn't lead them on?"

Yes everyone should report rape/assault, but do yall think you just fill out a form and go home? Like, don't even take into account the mental state a person would be in after going through something like that, then having to prove an actual assault took place. Most rapes are committed by people the victim knows/interacts with, which would be hard as hell to convince someone the shit wasn't consensual...

The fact that this thread was supposed to be about sexual assault awareness month but instead turned into pointing fingers and wisecracks by grown ass men who can't relate is the very reason shit is the way it is. .
You gotta hit niggas in the face so they'll get it, I'ma choke you and race with yall wit yall own logic

Your wife/gf is harassed or raped at work and tells you: Let's take your post here and apply it to the situation and let's see if @Race Jones think you are a protector.

You are there just for support huh?

@Race Jones, they you go baby, that protector who has his shoulder for you to lean on. You can't (make) them do anything as you stated.

You niggas need to stop living outta the eyes of white women and gays, that shit doesn't make sense.

Re-read@Kzzl and I and @The Mad Titan responses and others who are saying report the shit, all this coddling and white woman logic shit needs to be deaded.

You can march and protest, blog about it, but you can't march yo ass into HR or the police station, Got it smh Silly donkey kong shit
You acting like this about reporting a stolen car. I guess it makes sense that it would be this easy.. Stolen car = Stolen Pussy ...samething
You acting like this about reporting a stolen car. I guess it makes sense that it would be this easy.. Stolen car = Stolen Pussy ...samething

Rem baby,

We just don't see out the same lens.

Anybody, out here violating needs to be punished, that's how I see things. I don't care how it gets reported, who reports it, it needs to be reported to somebody, an uncle, cuzin, pastor, whoever, someone needs to know, the rapist need to be punished,.

We don't have to agree about how easy or difficult reporting, we focusing and shifting on that part, that's the gap, report it is what I'm on.

I ain't got time for white woman logic to be applied on a black woman/man. Kids yes have it hard and once they reach adult age or at an age to express, tell it, grown ass women, (black women) report it to somebody
did your lord Tariq teach you this?

"living outta the eyes of white women and gays"

brah, im telling you, you better not EVER say this shit irl to somebody


Breh, What the hell are you even talking about, saying what irl? Report a harassment or rape?

So I shouldn't tell a person that has been raped not to report the act? The fuck you talking about dude? My whole 7-9 post in here is encouraging black females or males to report the act to someone, don't just sit on it.

Say what in real life?

Breh you really trying to fish for cosigns you not even making any sense.

I be quick to tell a female in my family that has been raped, about her marching, protesting with some white women, but yet not marching down to the police station or not allowing the men in the family not to do something to her bf or whoever.

Fuck is you talking bout
man yall niggaz stupid

(lookin at you knock)......

i woulda walked away from this shit after that post remy made... shit's just too on point to argue......

feeligns are fucking real bruh, niggaz can't just "logic " their way through everything... too often we find ourselves diminishing the value of a woman's input becuz the shit "don't make sense"......

our opinion... being men... is not the only valid opinion.....

you know how annoying it is when someone asks for your advice, and you know that no matter what you say, they already got their mind made up...

that's what yall doing to this argument......

i don't even want no parts of it, i just wanted to come in here and laugh, but i fear going back to see how out of control this discussion got....

walk away fam......slowly......walk away
Rem baby,

We just don't see out the same lens.

Anybody, out here violating needs to be punished, that's how I see things. I don't care how it gets reported, who reports it, it needs to be reported to somebody, an uncle, cuzin, pastor, whoever, someone needs to know, the rapist need to be punished,.

We don't have to agree about how easy or difficult reporting, we focusing and shifting on that part, that's the gap, report it is what I'm on.

I ain't got time for white woman logic to be applied on a black woman/man. Kids yes have it hard and once they reach adult age or at an age to express, tell it, grown ass women, (black women) report it to somebody

Focusing only on reporting and not what happens after is the very problem of your whole stance. Instead of focusing solely on just the act of reporting what needs to be focused on is what happens with convictions and protection for the victims which then would more than likely increase the number of reports made.

Nobody gonna report something harmful that happened if they feel even more harm will follow. - White woman Logic
This has nothing to do with race. White people are labeled as tattle tales or those who are quick to call the cops. How can it be both ways?

It's wrong to call the situation "white women logic". Things of this nature are easier said than done. You have grown men and women who have been sexually abused as...nvm. The shit ain't as easy as just typing what somebody should or not doing.

It's disappointing reading some of the stuff yall type man.
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man yall niggaz stupid

(lookin at you knock)......

i woulda walked away from this shit after that post remy made... shit's just too on point to argue......

feeligns are fucking real bruh, niggaz can't just "logic " their way through everything... too often we find ourselves diminishing the value of a woman's input becuz the shit "don't make sense"......

our opinion... being men... is not the only valid opinion.....

you know how annoying it is when someone asks for your advice, and you know that no matter what you say, they already got their mind made up...

that's what yall doing to this argument......

i don't even want no parts of it, i just wanted to come in here and laugh, but i fear going back to see how out of control this discussion got....

walk away fam......slowly......walk away

If you have 6 sisters, hell one is enough and they got raped by men.

You just want them to take that rapin' to their grave because of this so called feelings?

You think they are helping out the black community by going to the grave with that shit huh?

Man what is yall niggas on?

What we doing in year number 2 after the rape, What we doing 4-6 months down the line, Oh "we still asking, how you're holding up sis"

We just go be on some "Their feelings tip" and let shit go un-reported? This what you and the rest are championing for?
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Breh, What the hell are you even talking about, saying what irl? Report a harassment or rape?

So I shouldn't tell a person that has been raped not to report the act? The fuck you talking about dude? My whole 7-9 post in here is encouraging black females or males to report the act to someone, don't just sit on it.

Say what in real life?

Breh you really trying to fish for cosigns you not even making any sense.

I be quick to tell a female in my family that has been raped, about her marching, protesting with some white women, but yet not marching down to the police station or not allowing the men in the family not to do something to her bf or whoever.

Fuck is you talking bout

you better not tell any woman irl that she needs to stop viewing stuff through the eyes white women and gays

that shit is mad disrespectful and ignorant af

fish for cosigns...lol...im not sure what that even means, but i'll assume you think thats what im doing to get in the good graces of females here which is the VERY shit i was talking about when i said the dudes here perpetuate the locker room culture. If you agree with a female, it must be b/c im trying to get them to like me? LAWD

Again, since you have missed the point YET AGAIN...telling someone to go to the authorities is one thing...getting that person to actually do it is another.
Focusing only on reporting and not what happens after is the very problem of your whole stance. Instead of focusing solely on just the act of reporting what needs to be focused on is what happens with convictions and protection for the victims which then would more than likely increase the number of reports made.

Nobody gonna report something harmful that happened if they feel even more harm will follow. - White woman Logic

So with this white woman logic, we don't say anything and continue to get raped?

So continue to get raped or the rapist maybe rap'n another black woman, isn't that more harm?
If you have 6 sisters, hell one is enough and they got raped by men.

You just want them to take that rapin' to their grave because of this so called feelings?

You think they are helping out the black community by going to the grave with that shit huh?

Man what is yall niggas on?

What we doing in year number 2 after the rape, What we doing 4-6 months down the line, Oh "we still asking, how you're holding up sis"

We just go be on some "Their feelings tip" or and let shit go un-reported? This what you and the rest are championing for?
why does someone have to have 6 sisters?

idc how many people you put in your illustrations, you have NO idea what its like for to just simply reduce it to "got raped? Tell somebody"
If someone violated you you have to do something.

It could be anything. Rape, getting your shit stolen or getting fucked over at work.

Not saying or doing anything is part of the problem.

Same shit that’s going on with police killing unarmed black men. Gotta step up and get out your comfort zone so shit can be stopped and changed.
So with this white woman logic, we don't say anything and continue to get raped?

So continue to get raped or the rapist maybe rap'n another black woman, isn't that more harm?
will you PLEASE stop saying "white woman logic"

that shit just sounds so ass backwards

what tf does that even mean?
If someone violated you you have to do something.

It could be anything. Rape, getting your shit stolen or getting fucked over at work.

Not saying or doing anything is part of the problem.

Same shit that’s going on with police killing unarmed black men. Gotta step up and get out your comfort zone so shit can be stopped and changed.
not you too Shiz...damn
This has nothing to do with race. White people are labeled as tattle tales or those who are quick to call the cops. How can it be both ways?

It's wrong to call the situation "white women logic". Things of this nature are easier said than done. You have grown men and women who have been sexually abused as...nvm. The shit ain't as easy and typing what somebody should or not doing.

It's disappointing reading some of the stuff yall type man.


White woman logic is this whole "we need to be strong in numbers, or being along sometimes can be afraid" That's the goofy shit I"m speaking about, out here marching and protesting and you've been rape'd 2 or 3 times, hell one, and haven't utter a word to anybody. That's the white woman logic, feeling good inside marching instead of feeling good about punishing the rapist by sending him or her to prison.

Yall missing the whole mark and changing it to fit yall views and wanna go against what I and others have stated.

I asked @AP21 if his gf or wife got harassed at work, would he be on some "Bae just take the shit to your grave because I know it's hard to talk about it"

He come back with some Tariq shit

What black man on earth will sit up here and let their wife/gf get harassed or rape'd and just be on some "feelings" it ain't logic to report the act.
It's always the men tellin women what they should and shouldn't be doin. Wish yall would take a backseat sometimes.

Some of yall won't even "snitch" to solve a rape, murder, burglary, etc., hate the police, but asking why women ain't goin to the police.

not you too Shiz...damn

Naw bruh.

You gotta get these weirdos off the street. I have a wife, mother and sister.

Only way is to go at this muthafuckas. If you got raped please tell someone (family or police or whoever) so the shit can get taken care of because it will happen again.

And if I was to find out my sister got raped and her neighbor got raped by the same dude and she knew who he was and she didn’t do anything about. I would be ready to take off on the neighbor too.