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April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the statistics are staggering

Came to say the same thing.

Black ppl follow whites too much, wanna be accepted or feel praised, included smh, shit is getting sad and corny.

@Kzzl dropped some good info and ppl are trying to send the dude to hell without realizing what he's saying makes sense.

Report the shit, if you get rape'd, you as a black woman, report that shit. How you let somebody who violate you walk around free? If you don't wanna report it, tell yo home-girl, mama, brother, pastor, old 4th grade teacher, somebody about it so that they can start the process.

If you don't speak up, why are you out here marching and doing x, y and z, Do your part and report it and lock these dudes away.

Out here giving these niggas passes so they can do it to somebody else, man cut that shit out and report it.


im legit shocked at this coming from you

kids be scared as shit to tell their parents they got an F on a test, yet you think its easy for a woman or man for that matter to come forward about being sexually assaulted or raped

MAN...not on a friday
This I agree with, in the sense that it is absolutely possible for a woman to be raped out of fear of resisting. I can't blame a woman being afraid in a potentially violent situation. This is why I am an avid supporter of women carrying whatever they need to to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, there are women who are trying to be sly with the whole "coercion" thing. That movement really needs to stop.

i agree with you, however, there does appear to be a very thin line in a lot of these cases when it comes to consent or coercion.

if it even looks like its a fishy situation, just back away and leave the chick alone if you are that fearful
when the last time a nigga called the cops when he woke up with his dick in a chicks mouth or her riding him?

would the cops even take it seriously?

ever had a chick press you then take ya dick out and then you be like ....oh ok?

can you say you didnt want it, if ya shit hard enough t cut diamonds?
but men are conditioned to think that they should allow a chick to grab his meat if he dont feel like it b/c thats thats the "manly" thing to do

I am not speaking about monogamous situations where this is a common practice in ya'lls relationship, HOWEVER, just like women, men, if feeling pressured to sleep with a woman, should be allowed to say no without ridicule
I said the same exact thing Knock is saying in the Harvey Weinstein thread, look at what the first, second and third victim could have prevented but they let that dude allegedly do this for as long as he did. The same with Cosby, keeping your mouth shut causes someone else to become a victim and the cycle kept going because no one stopped them. You wanna stop raping Bill now when he's damn near on his death bed.


im legit shocked at this coming from you

kids be scared as shit to tell their parents they got an F on a test, yet you think its easy for a woman or man for that matter to come forward about being sexually assaulted or raped

MAN...not on a friday

See this:

This the shit I'm talking bout, this pandering.

Post like this is what's wrong with black community and this board?

Kids, being molested and a grown woman being raped are 2 different things breh

So a woman marching at a protest and giving speeches is scared to come forward? She can march, but she can't march her ass down to a police station and do her part?

Address the bolded part, let's stick to this
See this:

This the shit I'm talking bout, this pandering.

Post like this is what's wrong with black community and this board?

Kids, being molested and a grown woman being raped are 2 different things breh

So a woman marching at a protest and giving speeches is scared to come forward?

Address the bolded part, let's stick to this
thats not what i said

i equated how difficult it is to report things to authorities

i never mentioned anything about kids getting molested...this is how i know you only skimming posts and coming to baseless conclusions.

There is power in numbers. Alone, you might feel afraid but when you are with people who've had similar experiences, it can give you the strength and courage to overcome obstacles.
i agree with you, however, there does appear to be a very thin line in a lot of these cases when it comes to consent or coercion.

if it even looks like its a fishy situation, just back away and leave the chick alone if you are that fearful

Well yeah, if a dude is all up on a woman and she ain't doing shit but acting mad awkward, let her be.

The thin line is being created because people are straying away from common sense and rationale all in an attempt to create a social advantage. That's another thread though.
and el oh fucking el at "pandering"

man...calm down AP
This I agree with, in the sense that it is absolutely possible for a woman to be raped out of fear of resisting. I can't blame a woman being afraid in a potentially violent situation. This is why I am an avid supporter of women carrying whatever they need to to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, there are women who are trying to be sly with the whole "coercion" thing. That movement really needs to stop.
what you describing dont sound like coercion.....that sound like afraid and nothing more
what you describing dont sound like coercion.....that sound like afraid and nothing more

Coercion is getting somebody to do something they really don't wanna do. If a woman is afraid of a potential violence so she goes along with it, then yeah I'd consider that coercion. I see what you're getting at though because the potential for violence is up for interpretation.
thats not what i said

i equated how difficult it is to report things to authorities

i never mentioned anything about kids getting molested...this is how i know you only skimming posts and coming to baseless conclusions.

There is power in numbers. Alone, you might feel afraid but when you are with people who've had similar experiences, it can give you the strength and courage to overcome obstacles.

How difficult it is Ap?

Breh SU Lol

Breh you sound like a 43 year old white woman, (there is power in numbers, alone, you might feel afraid) That's the shit I'm talking about, that goofy silly shit. That white talking points, that shit aint for us, we are so soaked up into that shit, we got niggas sounding like this in 2018. Nigga if you don't cut that shit out and get on board and drive home that the act should be reported always.

Let me ask you this

Would you tell any female in your family that goofy shit that you just told me, or would you say
(Report the shit)

Aint no time to be tight and afraid, report the shit, but yet we got niggas in here saying, what 39-50 year old white women saying smh. Cut that shit out

You as a black woman, get raped, harassed, report that shit,

Don't give a fuck about what these white women be saying, we aint them. They can afford to let shit slide or whatever, we as a ppl can't. Report the shit and get these niggas off the street.

Fuck about white woman and this liberal shit, Black ppl fall and wanna be aligned with any and everybody.

Report the act and get these niggas off the street so that it won't become repetitive
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The percentage of women lying on rape compared to real victims of rape is so small tho. Maybe 2% lie about it. Not saying its not a cause for concern but its really not that many women lying about that.

Last I checked there were a few studies all saying different things, probably cause they focused on different ages. Some of them found false claims are like 15%, though. Just a thing to keep in mind cause we still don't have a good way to measure this stuff
Shit is just plain stupid now.

Legit rapes are committed by pieces of shit who deserve lengthy prison time and let the other prisoners do what they do to them

All this redefining of rape is silly ass white people shit (not to mention a slap in the face to real rape victims). And some black folks seem they won't be satisfied until they follow their white saviors straight to hell. A culture is being created to where if you don't agree with the popular opinion no matter how irrational it is, you're ostracized. That's very dangerous

I agree with this but at the same time Im unsure of what you are referring to because Knock twice is agreeing with you and I totally disagree with him

does that make sense?


im legit shocked at this coming from you

kids be scared as shit to tell their parents they got an F on a test, yet you think its easy for a woman or man for that matter to come forward about being sexually assaulted or raped

MAN...not on a friday

Bruh. You just made a parallel line to women being kids
How difficult it is Ap?

Breh SU Lol

Breh you sound like a 43 year old white woman, (there is power in numbers, alone, you might feel afraid) That's the shit I'm talking about, that goofy silly shit. That white talking points, that shit aint for us, we are so soaked up into that shit, we got niggas sounding like this in 2018. Nigga if you don't cut that shit out and get on board and drive home that the act should be reported always.

Let me ask you this

Would you tell any female in your family that goofy shit that you just told me, or would you say
(Report the shit)

Aint no time to be tight and afraid, report the shit, but yet we got niggas in here saying, what 39-50 year old white women saying smh. Cut that shit out

You as a black woman, get raped, harassed, report that shit,

Don't give a fuck about what these white women be saying, we aint them. They can afford to let shit slide or whatever, we as a ppl can't. Report the shit and get these niggas off the street.

Fuck about white woman and this liberal shit, Black ppl fall and wanna be aligned with any and everybody.

Report the act and get these niggas off the street so that it won't become repetitive

wow...this is all over the place, but thats par for the course...

i would tell a female in my family to report it, but i cannot force her to. I dont know the mental or emotional anguish that comes with being attacked and I wont pretend like i do. All i can do at that point is try to be a support system for her so that hopefully, she'll gather the courage to go ahead and report it

I love how you are trying to simplify the process though. This aint ya car/house getting broken into.

Re-read your post, and ask yourself if it's shouting for attention for a certain group?

It's an empty post, which means it's pandering.

an empty post huh?

i'ma chill
wow...this is all over the place, but thats par for the course...

i would tell a female in my family to report it, but i cannot force her to. I dont know the mental or emotional anguish that comes with being attacked and I wont pretend like i do. All i can do at that point is try to be a support system for her so that hopefully, she'll gather the courage to go ahead and report it

I love how you are trying to simplify the process though. This aint ya car/house getting broken into.

White woman logic
I agree with this but at the same time Im unsure of what you are referring to because Knock twice is agreeing with you and I totally disagree with him

does that make sense?

lol, it makes sense.
He and I are basically saying the same thing:

Rape is wrong and deserves to be punished(severely). I believe most of us all agree on that one

Where I think the disagreement comes in is the way rape is trying to be defined into being any and every little sexual advance from a man. Hell even flirtations are being pushed toward being criminalized. That's what I ain't with and I agree with him saying more women need to be reporting it. I also feel that false claims deserve jail.
White woman logic
white woman logic huh?

is that your new "buzzword"?

thats your problem now, you cant MAKE anybody do anything. Hell, at some point, even with kids, you cant MAKE them do anything.

what would you do in that same situation?

Would you MAKE your relative get in the car so you can drive her to the station?

Would you call 911 for her and MAKE her tell the authorities then?

What if she was in a relationship when it happened, and the perpetrator was someone other than her s/o...would you MAKE her tell him?

Nah, i got it...you would fill out the paperwork and MAKE her sign it huh?

sit down