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April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the statistics are staggering

She has an account here

She'll post when she's ready

FYI she lurks
She has an account here

She'll post when she's ready

FYI she lurks

Does she have another account or something?

Because according to her profile, she hasn't been on here since Dec 21, 2017.

Or is activity here just based on whether or not someone makes a post?
here the thing tho......
fatigue is apart of human existence....especially for black people.

shit i get tired of trying to get black dudes but act like men and not grown boys.

but i do think that with this discussion...we need to understand everyone and hold everyone accountable for their misunderstanding.

alot of women can be just as guilty as men...of the very thing they are frustrated about. but it often gets over looked,.

and even when you agree with the womens side depending on her level of hate for you or the subject it still wont matter to her....thats not constructive.

just like we need to hold men accountable we need to hold women accountable for the lies they tell. its enough of not believing when something has happened....but to have chicks lie and not get punished makes it harder for the true victims. never forget that part.
alot of women can be just as guilty as men...of the very thing they are frustrated about. but it often gets over looked,.

and even when you agree with the womens side depending on her level of hate for you or the subject it still wont matter to her....thats not constructive.

just like we need to hold men accountable we need to hold women accountable for the lies they tell. its enough of not believing when something has happened....but to have chicks lie and not get punished makes it harder for the true victims. never forget that part.

This is exactly why me and Westie got into it on the IC last summer.

All I tried to do was get her to acknowledge that false rape accusations were a serious problem, but she didn't interpret it that way.

She made it seem like I was saying that false rape accusations were a bigger problem than women getting raped........which I never said.

Just because one problem isn't as serious as another problem...........it doesn't negate the fact that it's still a problem that needs to be addressed.

With her it was all or nothing.

Now, to her credit, during the course of our exchanges..........she did acknowledge that false rape accusations were indeed a problem.

However, she didn't think it was as big of a problem as I was making it out to be.

The way I see it, the more women make false rape accusations........the more skeptical people become of legitimate rape accusations.

Kinda like "the boy who cried wolf" analogy.

It gets harder to determine who's telling the truth and who's lying because so many people are lying about it.
man shit.......a person accused of rape is not the same as the physical aspect of a rape...but the mental aspect of it can be comparable.

i have no idea how it would feel to be physically violated..maybe the 5letter dude knows...but having someone lie and ruin your reputation and even when proven innocent the shit still haunts you..with the maybes and woulda coulda shouldas.

we have a lot thats all or nothing but thats not helping it hurting the situation.

so saying niggas aint shit.....does nothing for a victim.
then we have women who are associating flirting with violation and harassment now.

that shit can ruin a man as well.....all because he thought you were attractive, he can lose his lively hood and may not be able to find another job..
now if hes a pervert or a legit stalker type nigga...cool. get the nigga off ya back.

but when was harmless conversation a crime?

alot of chicks are heading in the wrong direction with this.

think they will have the power to choose when they want to be spoken too.
it dont work like that.....niggas gonna think everything is a set up..

and then we have the rise of hoe-ism and niggas going to prostitutes and sex bots.
people will call them lame....but is it not safer than possibly catching a case?

and where does that leave these women? vibrators and side chicks.
Don't even engage with these ppl. There's no point so don't waste your time friend.

What do you mean
This is exactly why me and Westie got into it on the IC last summer.

All I tried to do was get her to acknowledge that false rape accusations were a serious problem, but she didn't interpret it that way.

She made it seem like I was saying that false rape accusations were a bigger problem than women getting raped........which I never said.

Just because one problem isn't as serious as another problem...........it doesn't negate the fact that it's still a problem that needs to be addressed.

With her it was all or nothing.

Now, to her credit, during the course of our exchanges..........she did acknowledge that false rape accusations were indeed a problem.

However, she didn't think it was as big of a problem as I was making it out to be.

The way I see it, the more women make false rape accusations........the more skeptical people become of legitimate rape accusations.

Kinda like "the boy who cried wolf" analogy.

It gets harder to determine who's telling the truth and who's lying because so many people are lying about it.

The thing is false rape isn't even 50% of cases. To compare them when it doesn't apply doesn't make sense since less than half of rape cases involve that kind of lying
here the thing tho......
fatigue is apart of human existence....especially for black people.

shit i get tired of trying to get black dudes but act like men and not grown boys.

but i do think that with this discussion...we need to understand everyone and hold everyone accountable for their misunderstanding.

alot of women can be just as guilty as men...of the very thing they are frustrated about. but it often gets over looked,.

and even when you agree with the womens side depending on her level of hate for you or the subject it still wont matter to her....thats not constructive.

just like we need to hold men accountable we need to hold women accountable for the lies they tell. its enough of not believing when something has happened....but to have chicks lie and not get punished makes it harder for the true victims. never forget that part.

The percentage of women lying on rape compared to real victims of rape is so small tho. Maybe 2% lie about it. Not saying its not a cause for concern but its really not that many women lying about that.
The percentage of women lying on rape compared to real victims of rape is so small tho. Maybe 2% lie about it. Not saying its not a cause for concern but its really not that many women lying about that.
and this is based on what?

whats told vs what we dont know?

watch how this skyrockets within in the next few years.
Does she have another account or something?

Because according to her profile, she hasn't been on here since Dec 21, 2017.

Or is activity here just based on whether or not someone makes a post?
i've already said too much
Men can be raped too let's stop with the sexism, all we can to combat it is to teach our kids to be better and protect our women better, I make sure my girl is never walking the streets at night by herself and I will be doing the same for my daughter when she gets older, I will also be teaching my son to respect women.
Rape, but she allowed herself to get punked into it. No action is reaction, then she just let it happen. Suffering survival, instinct I know. But now she's got no evidence that she was a victim. Gave no indication it was against her will before the act. I wouldn't be surprised if the cops did nothing, they've got nothing to follow up on.

Yo get this nigga the entire fuck outta here
Men can be raped too let's stop with the sexism, all we can to combat it is to teach our kids to be better and protect our women better, I make sure my girl is never walking the streets at night by herself and I will be doing the same for my daughter when she gets older, I will also be teaching my son to respect women.
yea....i walk my wife to work or the tram every morning and walk her home from work.....chicks reall y think its crazy to see me doing that.

one chick even asked if i was possessive.
some women dont know what being respected is
@Kzzl, rape isnt always a force-able act

a chick can be coerced into rape
That's the problem with Russell Simmons, he talked that girl into having sex and afterwards she felt a type of way