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April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the statistics are staggering

They don't work well because the definition of "rape" keeps changing, unlike other crimes.

When I was in college, rape was forced sexual contact either through violence, threat of violence, or coercion.

Nowadays drunk sex makes you, the male, a rapist even if both of y'all are drunk.

You got chicks out here that intentionally tell a dude "no, not tonight" in the hopes that he will further pursue sex from her and if he hops up and bails he's a "lame". You have others that absolutely mean "no" when they say "no" and pushing the issue will get you an attempted rape charge.

Constant affirmation means if you don't stop and pull out the moment she says "ummmm..." instead of "yes" you're a rapist.

Some women welcome a pair of hands on her ass at the club while y'all are dancing. To others you've just sexually assaulted her.

There's entirely too many gray areas when it comes to rape and sexual assault made even worse by how one person may welcome things that another doesn't. That's why it's not working well aside from underreporting.

nah man

you bear some responsibility in it too

Naw dawg.

I sat in the police station next to my girl while she gave her report. I've seen the shit first hand. I've heard the questions they asked and I watched her answer them all like a champ. She went into all the details, nothing was spared, and when it was over I took her back to her room to make sure she was good.

I know we can't expect everyone to do the same thing in these kinds of situations, but shit at least try. If not for you then for the greater good.

I said this on the IC: If even ONE of those women had filed a report back in the 70's against Bill Cosby, the likelihood of there being more after her would be slim to none. Back then Bill would have been hit with everything the legal system had. Black celeb drugging and raping white women? At a time when white prosecutors would have loved to take down a "famous nigger" to help launch their career??? SHEEEEEIT No way that would have went without a media circus and Bill's name permanently tarnished.
Suck some ass


You want that with or without jelly?
Naw dawg.

I sat in the police station next to my girl while she gave her report. I've seen the shit first hand. I've heard the questions they asked and I watched her answer them all like a champ. She went into all the details, nothing was spared, and when it was over I took her back to her room to make sure she was good.

I know we can't expect everyone to do the same thing in these kinds of situations, but shit at least try. If not for you then for the greater good.

I said this on the IC: If even ONE of those women had filed a report back in the 70's against Bill Cosby, the likelihood of there being more after her would be slim to none. Back then Bill would have been hit with everything the legal system had. Black celeb drugging and raping white women? At a time when white prosecutors would have loved to take down a "famous nigger" to help launch their career??? SHEEEEEIT No way that would have went without a media circus and Bill's name permanently tarnished.
good talk
you just skipping over posts fam?

she already acknowledged it happens to men

you could've saved these keystrokes

It took 11 pages to get to that.

Think about that: It took all that time before we got there, there's a handful of sentences, and it's back to "women are victims of sexual assault".

The fact of the matter is males are raped or sexually assaulted by both men and women and it's even MORE underreported, especially when the assailant is a female. So if we're being honest about bringing awareness to sexual assault, do it for everyone otherwise you're being completely dishonest about the whole shit and, truthfully, a shitty ass person.

I wanna see Puff out ya chest for your homies that were raped by a nasty uncle or aunt like you do for these chicks. You and Hell Czar got a whooooooooole lot to say to defend females that are victims but y'all are reeeeeally quiet when it comes to male victims, why is that?
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this is very "either or" of you

no one, i repeat, NO ONE is saying you shouldnt say anything

do we at least agree here

I don't know man. Then what is the fuss about what I've been saying?

I don't know what else about my post they could be mad at. Aside from you and Germs, folks ain't said shit when I wanted them too. I'm a reasonable guy, we can just have different views. But they wanna be children and hurl insults. Not conductive, but does save me time.
It took 11 pages to get to that.

Think about that: It took all that time before we got there, there's a handful of sentences, and it's back to "women are victims of sexual assault".

The fact of the matter is males are raped or sexually assaulted by both men and women and it's even MORE underreported, especially when the assailant is a female. So if we're being honest about bringing awareness to sexual assault, do it for everyone otherwise you're being completely dishonest about the whole shit and, truthfully, a shitty ass person.

I wanna see Puff out ya chest for your homies that were raped by a nasty uncle or aunt like you do for these chicks. You and Hell Czar got a whooooooooole lot to say to defend females that are victims but y'all are reeeeeally quiet when it comes to male victims, why is that?

I've used the term victim several times in my replies. Intentionally at that so that I don't single out a gender. I've also said rape isn't exclusive to women

What else you got
It took 11 pages to get to that.

Think about that: It took all that time before we got there, there's a handful of sentences, and it's back to "women are victims of sexual assault".

The fact of the matter is males are raped or sexually assaulted by both men and women and it's even MORE underreported, especially when the assailant is a female. So if we're being honest about bringing awareness to sexual assault, do it for everyone otherwise you're being completely dishonest about the whole shit and, truthfully, a shitty ass person.

I wanna see Puff out ya chest for your homies that were raped by a nasty uncle or aunt like you do for these chicks. You and Hell Czar got a whooooooooole lot to say to defend females that are victims but y'all are reeeeeally quiet when it comes to male victims, why is that?

The reason men dont report rape is the same reason women dont? Niggas laugh at niggas getting raped Boondocks had a whole episode about the shit. You niggas downplay the culture we live in. Niggas was saying tell a pastor, a cop, a family member when all 3 can be rapists too. It happens in jail and guards know it and it still happens.

But when folks talk about changing the culture to make it easier for victims of these crimes to come out with it yall say everything is too pc too soft. Its ridiculous
The same argument is being had now that was being had at the opening of this topic.

Like I said before, the problem with this topic is there is no nuance when it comes to the discussion of rape and sexual abuse. Some people want to treat a dude that forces a chick to have sex at gunpoint, a dude that gets drunk with a girl and has sex, and a dude that's to thirsty and doesn't really pick up on the fact that the girl isn't into it all as the same thing.

Those are not the same thing and shouldn't be treated as such. That's why there is so much contention over the subject of rape, when there really shouldn't be. Physically forcing a woman to have sex against her will or finding a passed out chick and having sex with her are irredeemable acts, and anyone who isn't a complete piece of shit would agree with that. However, acting like any guy that doesn't get a verbal "yes" before sex is exactly the same as that is disruptive. Is coercion real? Yes. Is every guy in that situation a rapist? No, to me rape requires intent. You have to actually know you're taking the sex against the other person's will. The fact is whether some of you want to accept it or not is that it is possible for a guy to have sex with a chick and not really pick up on the fact that she doesn't want it if she doesn't make that clear. It's unfair to say a guy in that situation is a rapist, but that's where we're at these days.