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Another One Caught On Camera...Man Arrested After Attempted Break In To Woman's Home

none of that talks about women bein overpowered & havin their guns taken & used against them

& again that last one talks about domestic abuse situations, not sum random mf tryna break in your crib

apples & oranges

The overwhelming majority of women who are attacked/assaulted are victims of someone they know. So any topic involving self defense are going going include them by default.. Meaning that for all the "get a gun to shoot your attacker" advice is aimed at that woman shooting someone she knows and it's more than likely a domestic abuse situation.

This is why I said in an earlier posts women are at risk for more than 1 type of assault and the more yall go into it it should be clear why "just shoot them" ain't working in every situation
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legal fees, the inability to hire a decent lawyer, prosecution, etc

are yall this willfully obtuse?

Apparently shooting somebody now comes without needing an attorney when you inevitably have to talk to the police. Because we know they're so trustworthy when dealing with Black people
You're not wrong in that morally she would be more than justified in shooting him...but pretending as if that doesn't come with actual consequences. I love how now there's all this blind faith that the legal system would be in favor of a Black woman. So those commenting as if the legal system wouldn't come into play and she'd just be given a pat on the back are ignoring actual history into how these situations are handled with Black people

I'm not ignoring it, in fact I posted the laws in Maryland regarding this sort of thing which also has case law attached. If the cops tried to stick her with a crime, even a PD should be able to point to case law like "Nah b, and here's why...".

Even still, I'd rather her be alive and fighting it out in court than raped or murdered.
not necessarily

few months ago up the road from me there was a road rage incident

one of them got out their car went up the other person in their car & started assaulting them

the person being assaulted in their car pulled a gun, shot & killed him

no charges


That's TN...gun laws ain't as free everywhere else as they are there unfortunately. So yeah people need to take precautions but also be aware of the gun laws where they live.
I'm not ignoring it, in fact I posted the laws in Maryland regarding this sort of thing which also has case law attached. If the cops tried to stick her with a crime, even a PD should be able to point to case law like "Nah b, and here's why...".

Even still, I'd rather her be alive and fighting it out in court than raped or murdered.

the bolded is all that matter.
I'm not ignoring it, in fact I posted the laws in Maryland regarding this sort of thing which also has case law attached. If the cops tried to stick her with a crime, even a PD should be able to point to case law like "Nah b, and here's why...".

Even still, I'd rather her be alive and fighting it out in court than raped or murdered.

Again you're not wrong but you're further proving the point that discounting the legal aftermath is something to just brush off as not being needed to consider when someone goes to buy a gun for self defense. And again factor in that an instance like this is far less common to happen than a woman being assaulted by someone she already knows and it gets even more shitty to deal with legally.
Again you're not wrong but you're further proving the point that discounting the legal aftermath is something to just brush off as not being needed to consider when someone goes to buy a gun for self defense. And again factor in that an instance like this is far less common to happen than a woman being assaulted by someone she already knows and it gets even more shitty to deal with legally.
The legal stuff should be the furthest thing on a woman's mind when it comes to this situation, protect herself first worry what comes after later
By the time the potential assault is already in progress you think the average sized woman is gonna be strong enough to over power a full grown man, pull a gun out of their purse, aim and shoot? Or should women just start firing off at every nigga they perceive as a threat?

And then if they fire off on every dude these same niggas will complain about that. Saying why they can’t approach women lol
none of that talks about women bein overpowered & havin their guns taken & used against them

& again that last one talks about domestic abuse situations, not sum random mf tryna break in your crib

apples & oranges
It's true in almost any area if the person isn't practiced in use and reaction. So she carries a knife, if she's not practiced in reacting with it like you would practice boxing but with a foam knife, it's gonna get used on her. Women's wrists are sooooo easy to bend and make them drop the something it's sad. Same with bear spray. Have to spray and run, but a lot of times they stick around to see if the attacker is down. Spray and fuckin run. But unless you practice self defense, it's not gonna be muscle memory, and forget what to do.
In this particular incident, I think letting off at dude through the door or window would have been the solution. This is a man she did not know that was actively trying to gain entry into her home and there was really no telling whether or not he would be successful at getting inside. He was an imminent threat to her safety; this ain't just some dude that mean-mugs you from across the street and keeps on walking. No, he tried to forcibly gain entry into this woman's home.

Instead of sitting there cowering in a room on the phone with 911, you take the active role and pop his ass.

At the bold...you also have to take into account that there aren't that many people that have it in them to actually pull a trigger and kill somebody even in self defense. If it were that simple there'd be alot more dead people
At the bold...you also have to take into account that there aren't that many people that have it in them to actually pull a trigger and kill somebody even in self defense. If it were that simple there'd be alot more dead people
This is very much true.
A revolutionary knows we live in a carcal/police state that doesnt give a hot damn about women whether alive or dead, free or imprisoned

your take is complete bullshit.

u can't even make a cogent argument to support ur statement

a revolutionary would rather take action

instead of sitting back waiting and hoping that the same police state apparatus will save them

ur solution is to appeal to the inner morals of devils or to hope the same flawed discriminatory govt will arrive in time to save u

yet u admit that the system was never designed to protect u from the beginning

all I'm saying is I'd rather u have options to defend urself instead of leaving up to others to make decisions for u

u can't argue black women are unprotected and still actively refuse to protect urself
u can't even make a cogent argument to support ur statement

a revolutionary would rather take action

instead of sitting back waiting and hoping that the same police state apparatus will save them

ur solution is to appeal to the inner morals of devils or to hope the same flawed discriminatory govt will arrive in time to save u

yet u admit that the system was never designed to protect u from the beginning

all I'm saying is I'd rather u have options to defend urself instead of leaving up to others to make decisions for u

u can't argue black women are unprotected and still actively refuse to protect urself

who waiting for police. Black women wanna be protected by the black men in their community. Why you keep saying police. Niggas can shoot all day but can’t lay down the rapey nigga?
u can't even make a cogent argument to support ur statement

a revolutionary would rather take action

instead of sitting back waiting and hoping that the same police state apparatus will save them

ur solution is to appeal to the inner morals of devils or to hope the same flawed discriminatory govt will arrive in time to save u

yet u admit that the system was never designed to protect u from the beginning

all I'm saying is I'd rather u have options to defend urself instead of leaving up to others to make decisions for u

u can't argue black women are unprotected and still actively refuse to protect urself

the wager is either prison and or death

shitty options

you can rightfully go to fucking hell