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Another One Caught On Camera...Man Arrested After Attempted Break In To Woman's Home

Niggas really talking about legal funds, how about the funds of therapy after going through a traumatic assault that can take years to get over
By the time the potential assault is already in progress you think the average sized woman is gonna be strong enough to over power a full grown man, pull a gun out of their purse, aim and shoot? Or should women just start firing off at every nigga they perceive as a threat?

In this particular incident, I think letting off at dude through the door or window would have been the solution. This is a man she did not know that was actively trying to gain entry into her home and there was really no telling whether or not he would be successful at getting inside. He was an imminent threat to her safety; this ain't just some dude that mean-mugs you from across the street and keeps on walking. No, he tried to forcibly gain entry into this woman's home.

Instead of sitting there cowering in a room on the phone with 911, you take the active role and pop his ass.
You talking about a woman shooting at every dude in sight for some reason, so now all of a sudden they lose their mind because they have a gun

No. I asked a question based on your response that a gun is a catch all solution about what happens in a situation where a woman is assaulted or how she's supposed to be ready to defend herself. Your lack of response is showing you know the shit won't work in all situations like you think
the alternative is what happens if this psycho is successful attacking her?

u rather she be dead and law-abiding


being alive and facing a legal battle

what kind of revolutionary are u?:cont:

A revolutionary knows we live in a carcal/police state that doesnt give a hot damn about women whether alive or dead, free or imprisoned

your take is complete bullshit.
more likely than who?

show the facts fam instead of rhetoric

how often does a trained individual get their firearm taken from them during an attack?

it ain't about guns being the only solution...........but in this case they would be the best solution......being a vulnerable member of a targeted group and supporting limiting your own options just doesn't make sense

The 1996 study Guns in America found that only 6.6 percent of adult American women owned a handgun—less than one out of every 10 women. But of these women, nearly 85 percent owned their handguns for self-defense—a figure that offers gunmakers continual hope in their marketing endeavors.3 Yet how often are handguns actually used by women to kill in self-defense? The answer, as revealed by unpublished Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data, is hardly ever. Women were murdered with handguns more than 1,200 times in 1998 alone. As these numbers reveal, handguns don't offer protection for women, but instead guarantee peril.4

For all of the promises made on behalf of the self-defense handgun, using a handgun to kill in self-defense is a rare event.5 Looking at both men and women, over the past 20 years, on average only two percent of the homicides committed with handguns in the United States were deemed justifiable or self-defense homicides by civilians.6 To put it in perspective, more people are struck by lightning each year than use handguns to kill in self-defense.

It’s well established that guns make women less safe, especially in cases of domestic violence. As the Trace previously reported: “Every credible scientific study of women and guns in the last two decades strongly indicates that a firearm in a woman’s home is far more likely to be used against her or her family than to defend against an outside attacker.”
A 1997 study found that the presence of a firearm in a woman’s home more than tripled the odds that she would become a homicide victim. It also found that women killed by a spouse, intimate acquaintance, or close relative were seven times more likely to live in a household with at least one gun.
I must be a little psycho cuz I just get mad at the thought of an ahole trying to break in and my mind starts coming up with ways to sneakishly let them in, hide and them ambush their ass, torture em until daylight THEN call the cops. Charge me idc, I'm not waiting for a trial, I'm taking my power back that night!!! 😡🤬😡
“please leave, I can’t afford the legal fees”

thats a solution for sure but you probably going have to be prepared if the threat of your legal fees don’t scare em off
Would legal funds not be needed if you shoot somebody even in self defense?

not necessarily

few months ago up the road from me there was a road rage incident

one of them got out their car went up the other person in their car & started assaulting them

the person being assaulted in their car pulled a gun, shot & killed him

no charges


CHATTANOOGA (WDEF) – Investigators say a fatal shooting last night at a traffic intersection was a case of road rage.

It happened at the traffic light at 1300 block of Hickory Valley Road and the I 75 entrance ramp.

They say witnesses confirm that the shooting victim got out of his vehicle and began assaulting the other driver in his car.

The driver produced a gun and shot 44 year old Travis Peyson, who died later at a hospital.

Police are not filing charges against the driver at this point, but the case will be reviewed by the District Attorney’s Office.
In this particular incident, I think letting off at dude through the door or window would have been the solution. This is a man she did not know that was actively trying to gain entry into her home and there was really no telling whether or not he would be successful at getting inside. He was an imminent threat to her safety; this ain't just some dude that mean-mugs you from across the street and keeps on walking. No, he tried to forcibly gain entry into this woman's home.

Instead of sitting there cowering in a room on the phone with 911, you take the active role and pop his ass.

You're not wrong in that morally she would be more than justified in shooting him...but pretending as if that doesn't come with actual consequences. I love how now there's all this blind faith that the legal system would be in favor of a Black woman. So those commenting as if the legal system wouldn't come into play and she'd just be given a pat on the back are ignoring actual history into how these situations are handled with Black people