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Pretty sure they mentioned not to drink someone dry. That might be why Lestat made her watch the body burn. They couldnt even bring dude back cuz she drank all his blood and was completely dead by the time she brought him back to the crib
Oh I must have missed that. I just remembered him saying to watch the body burn
So Louis been pals with these racists fucks and they still took his business.

I wouldn't even be mad if he took his mom out, she been on bullshit since the first episode.
I didn't like the ending, they could have went another way for him to meet Claudia instead of whites burning down black folks homes and attacking them but I get it with the era this is in
@Chi-Town B seeing as how you're behind.. you can save yaself some time by not spoiling them posts. Any reason you dont watch the latest joints like the rest of us do?
@Chi-Town B seeing as how you're behind.. you can save yaself some time by not spoiling them posts. Any reason you dont watch the latest joints like the rest of us do?
I need something to watch on Sunday's so I don't go ahead. I watch Power, Walking Dead and then Vampire while waiting for the football games to start
So I love this Claudia....

The age works for her themes....

14 is a perfect age where she is grown enough to really wanna be grown.

At that age she would definitely want to be a woman more than a 6 year old or a 12 year old.

Telling the dude she was 19 but all the girls in her family look young would work with a 14 year old. Nobody buying that for a 12 or 6, so they did a good job. The actress looks young enough to make it work. I knew this was gonna be touchy, simply because of Claudia the character and all the crazy shit she got into.

Aging her up was 100% the right move. I fucks with it

Knowing this actress is like 18/19 and "Claudia" is already 20+ but just stuck in a younger body works....

I know a lotta people are going to fight that change.... But they handled it perfect
I didn't like the ending, they could have went another way for him to meet Claudia instead of whites burning down black folks homes and attacking them but I get it with the era this is in
It was tough, but very forgivable.. They immediately make it with with the new episode.
I LOVE that just those two can talk like that

That was brilliantly done
So I love this Claudia....

The age works for her themes....

14 is a perfect age where she is grown enough to really wanna be grown.

At that age she would definitely want to be a woman more than a 6 year old or a 12 year old.

Telling the dude she was 19 but all the girls in her family look young would work with a 14 year old. Nobody buying that for a 12 or 6, so they did a good job. The actress looks young enough to make it work. I knew this was gonna be touchy, simply because of Claudia the character and all the crazy shit she got into.

Aging her up was 100% the right move. I fucks with it

Knowing this actress is like 18/19 and "Claudia" is already 20+ but just stuck in a younger body works....

I know a lotta people are going to fight that change.... But they handled it perfect
Didn't time pass and she wasn't growing/aging? That'd happen the same way if they were accurate with the age. She'd eventually start feeling older but not look older

If they wanted her to be with someone then they could have had the male be a teenager and the same lines work. Not much would need to be changed if they went accurate with her age

I don't think it sucks like some of the complaints but I do think they could have easily stayed accurate and it still work
Novel Accurate is a 5 or 6 year old.

Aging her up is not an option, but at 14 the girl has already started puberty but abruptly stopped....

12 is the very beginning of puberty... They seeing some changes, but not a whole whole lot.. ...... But by 14, many girls are already trying to be women. They knew they still girls... But they trying to be mature... So she was cut off from growing right at that point... Like right at the finish line. She's two years before her sweet 16..... Like that's mad tragic no matter how you look at it. But I think 14 was a good age for this Claudia

the look on her face watching the two teenagers get it on was way deeper than Claudia in the book hiding a dead woman in the house.

She almost forgot to hunt... She was just watching them have sex.

Book/movie Claudia was playing with a dead woman the entire time.

I think showing her try to be grown... especially with the date.... It just adds levels.

Her having no idea how to talk to humans was so dope. I really liked this episode. I'm bout to watch again
Novel Accurate is a 5 or 6 year old.

Aging her up is not an option, but at 14 the girl has already started puberty but abruptly stopped....

12 is the very beginning of puberty... They seeing some changes, but not a whole whole lot.. ...... But by 14, many girls are already trying to be women. They knew they still girls... But they trying to be mature... So she was cut off from growing right at that point... Like right at the finish line. She's two years before her sweet 16..... Like that's mad tragic no matter how you look at it. But I think 14 was a good age for this Claudia

the look on her face watching the two teenagers get it on was way deeper than Claudia in the book hiding a dead woman in the house.

She almost forgot to hunt... She was just watching them have sex.

Book/movie Claudia was playing with a dead woman the entire time.

I think showing her try to be grown... especially with the date.... It just adds levels.

Her having no idea how to talk to humans was so dope. I really liked this episode. I'm bout to watch again

I like how they said a few times how she had been way too sheltered.. before AND after she became a vampire..

and even still her being turned so young it would have been hard to have her around regular people anyway cuz she got impulse control problems.

She's doomed either way sadly imo
Interview with the Vampire
Season 1 : episode 3

Is my very nature, that of a devil?

Very interesting title for the episode as I feel this is the most sinister Louis has felt in the series. Even with the weird dinner from episode 2, it's the lying... Or as he put it, the Odyssey of memory. Either way the series is making it painfully aware that Louis is not an honest or reliable narrator.

Daniel himself picked up when he played various clips from 1973 Louis compared to 2022 Louis. Daniel thinks L
2022 Louis is more rehearsed, and Louis counters by saying 1973 was the performance..... What?!!!

I dunno, I'm still engaged... But it's just ...a lot..... Not to mention he previously said he didn't consider himself a homosexual man, yet here comes this old boyfriend. And tries to play it off like it wasn't nuffin, and Lestat rightfully called him on his shit. He heard their hearts dancing!

The drama in this show is unexpected, and I feel like the direction wants you to question the viewer as to should we trust Louis? Is he really a good guy because he wants to hang on to his humanity.

He doesn't want to be a killer, but like Lestat says...wow, I feel sorry for the kitty population of New Orleans. 🤣🤣

Yes this series remains to be bold with their changes.... But I feel the essence remains. Louis is very reluctant to be a vampire, yet he is struggling very unsuccessfully in maintaining his standing in the human world. His family is rejecting him, his peers had enough of him...and Lestat is getting increasingly irritated they Louis isn't thankful for the dark gift and just embraces being a vampire.

The teaser ending of Claudia was right on time... Because she aides in that transition for Louis. Business is about to pick up. Claudia was easily my favorite character in the novel, and my anticipation on this performance is very high. Can't wait till next week.

Grade 7/10

I had to at least give it a C. Not a bad episode... But a lot of annoying moments, and Louis is deliberately misleading us, and I do not like it.
I like how they said a few times how she had been way too sheltered.. before AND after she became a vampire..

and even still her being turned so young it would have been hard to have her around regular people anyway cuz she got impulse control problems.

She's doomed either way sadly imo
Which makes her such a great character