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I didnt understand the scene where he drank from his own wrist either.. Like that doesnt make sense for a vampire to do
I chopped it up to jerking off....

Didn't feed the hunger, but satisfied the lust to have the taste of blood 🤷🏿‍♂️
I gotta rewatch but in episode 3 when the interviewer was going through different tapes/times/locations I got the feeling that they werent in the same house/location as episode 1 and 2. I might have to run that one back to be sure tho
It's a lot of purposefully misdirects and redirects...

They're definitely fucking with our heads....I can tell that much

that Marius reveal was too deliberately done.

I will be pissed if they name dropped him for no reason....

But that motherfucker........


It would make sense if he was behind all of this. A lot of this seems out of character for Louis.

This is how Marius moves. Again. Marius is a motherfucker.
also that was pretty cool showing how drained he was after mind controlling all those dudes to leave the crib. They've never described a mass hypotonic spell like that.. But it was still pretty dope to show.

Kinda displayed how he can take control of any room at any time.... But he just let's shit play out for his amusement
I was kinda let down by the Louis old lover from back in the day..... It's like they completely trampled over the seduction of Lestat.

Louis very clearly in the first episode said before his experience with Lestat he did not consider himself a homosexual man.... Like imo that spoke be to the overall seductive power of Lestat. He effectively turned Louis out before turning him into a vampire

I mean sure there was signs.... He spent a lotta time just talking to Miss Lily, he said had a few drunken experiences..... But he made a point to say he wasn't a homosexual man.... But here we go with this episode.... He has a dude from his past that he definitely was gay with who he had feelings for.

And in my opinion, that taints Lestat's seduction.
I'll use Jamie Foxx for example.... Now I don't like Jamie Foxx, but I can't help but to admit to laughing at his jokes about Prince. They were funny. And it kinda spoke to the mystique about Prince.... Like Jamie had niggaz dying, like I challenge you to look in his eyes and not feel.. something.....

Now, that joke only works if you're 100% straight. It doesn't work if you're bi, or any other thing that excuses you fucking with men.

The joke is only funny if you are 109% straight and do not fuck with men. That's the kind of memorizing attraction episode 1 did for Lestat.... Like holy FUCK, he just seduced this straight man..... Then episode 3 got you like....man this nigga been gay

Not sure if that's a nit pick... But I could have done without the gay past.... They should have left it as Lestat made that man really question his sexual identity even before he turned.

It made me feel like Louis made a big deal outta nuffin..

WHICH IRONICALLY speaks to the character that is Louis.... That's what he does. So I'm stuck on is this deliberate or a legit gripe.

Especially considering in this episode Daniel went really hard at pointing out how dramatic Louis was in 1973 vs 2022

I hope this show is as smart as my overactive brain is going

Like the things I feel like are missteps.... They can still flip later considering the true nature of these characters.

They've already shown that Louis can be a bad source of information... In this show....so how much of this story... Even now... Is true??

The show is playing with the idea that this is the real story... But also showing you Louis had a tendency to lie in the past.... Or.... Described things differently based on his feelings
Daniel even said this sounds rehearsed

This show can really ad some crazy levels to story telling if that is the long game. But I think my expectations might be a bit too high on that one
Like the things I feel like are missteps.... They can still flip later considering the true nature of these characters.

They've already shown that Louis can be a bad source of information... In this show....so how much of this story... Even now... Is true??

The show is playing with the idea that this is the real story... But also showing you Louis had a tendency to lie in the past.... Or.... Described things differently based on his feelings
Daniel even said this sounds rehearsed

This show can really ad some crazy levels to story telling if that is the long game. But I think my expectations might be a bit too high on that one

I wonder if at some point they will show some of these same events from Lestats perspective and we will see some differences
I think the season ends with Daniel pointing out all the inconsistencies in Louis story to some huge reveal.

Cuz this nigga Louis lying his ass off...

Daniel even said this seems rehearsed
Also it's time for a real vampire.

Claudia on deck. Business about to pick up
Like this by the same dude who produced better call Saul.

And that show did a lot to maintain the original timeline...

I feel like a lotta this shit is deliberately misleading
Lou kinda sloppy killing that racist white dude on the street. I really thought he was going to hurt that baby but just leaving him on the floor wasn't much better
The more i think about it, the more and more I think Louis is a liar, and i'm starting to dislike him...hes fucking without intelligence.. he's fucking with daniel's intelligence....

i'm ready for claudia, cuz Louis is getting on my nerves
i know i keep saying the same thing over and over again, but i keep replaying the shit in my head, and i get more pissed off every time...

i hope it's because i'm so into the story....but yea next week can't come fast enough
Another good episode. I like how they explained partially why she is the way she is. They did a good job of showing her go from joy and wonder initially to bitterness.

Lestat getting clearly annoyed with them both is fuckin hilarious
Kind of disappointed she didn't say the same thing in the movie. I think it was can I have some more or I want more

If drinking blood is like sex to them then did this show just step into some grossness?

Ok so Louie is full on gay in this show and Lestat is bi

Surprised he was praying. I'd think knowing that vampires are real would change this on a religious perspective

Lol for a killing machine I kind of like her. That was funny

Does his family know he's a vampire or do they not like him because he's gay and with a white man?

She's 18? Oh she's talking about if her body didn't stop growing

Well that just made that scene more disturbing to watch. She's got a 14 year old body and that grown man making out with her

Did they teach her not to drink the dead offscreen? Thought that would have been an important teaching scene
Kind of disappointed she didn't say the same thing in the movie. I think it was can I have some more or I want more

If drinking blood is like sex to them then did this show just step into some grossness?

Ok so Louie is full on gay in this show and Lestat is bi

Surprised he was praying. I'd think knowing that vampires are real would change this on a religious perspective

Lol for a killing machine I kind of like her. That was funny

Does his family know he's a vampire or do they not like him because he's gay and with a white man?

She's 18? Oh she's talking about if her body didn't stop growing

Well that just made that scene more disturbing to watch. She's got a 14 year old body and that grown man making out with her

Did they teach her not to drink the dead offscreen? Thought that would have been an important teaching scene

Pretty sure they mentioned not to drink someone dry. That might be why Lestat made her watch the body burn. They couldnt even bring dude back cuz she drank all his blood and was completely dead by the time she brought him back to the crib