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lmao at Louis killin that cac for talkin slick.

Like you could see him going through the motions and then being like wait a gotdamn minute I dont gotta put up with this shit!
That part rubbed me kinda wrong because dude should have never been that confident. I'm sure they'll explore it later.. But the longer humans are around vampires the more uneasy they get. Cuz they start noticing shit.

White dude was violating crazy
That part rubbed me kinda wrong because dude should have never been that confident. I'm sure they'll explore it later.. But the longer humans are around vampires the more uneasy they get. Cuz they start noticing shit.

White dude was violating crazy

Could it be because he was a new vampire? He hasnt mastered his abilities yet and still moving like a human somewhat
Ok so the mom saying to that was foul as hell. I also laughed when he kept asking "did you kill the baby?" lol

The arguing and then making up before going to sleep was funny too

So he's clearly very wealthy and he wants people to know about him. I remember in Queen of the Damned that they didn't want to be known. Are we going to see some current things happening some day when I guess this interview is done?

Getting paid to be fed on is insane lol
No spoilers necessary for episode 1.

But episode 2....I guess until the Sunday premier.

I really don't care either way... But I wanna preserve the integrity for new viewers
Did you catch what Lestat said either right before or after he walked out? Lol
Considering it's episode 2

yeah... He was like .. You'll find that very hard....

It's direct sunlight that burns them. But they're very weakened in the daytime.

Lestat has always been stronger in that regard. He falls asleep last, few wakes up first. It was odd to see Louis go outside.. as a fledgling... He would have been no where near that strong.....But I allowed it cuz it was a dope scene
No spoilers necessary for episode 1.

But episode 2....I guess until the Sunday premier.

I really don't care either way... But I wanna preserve the integrity for new viewers

how bout this.. if you are reading this and still havent seen episode two.. hit ether or quote this post. Otherwise we just gonna run with the assumption that everybody in here seen the shit and wants to discuss it freely lol
I just got caught up with episode 2. Yeah that had me dying when he just ran out in the sun. And Lestat all saying quietly you’ll find that quite hard. Such a dick lol. Great episode. Like Du said not as good as the premier but it was still dope can’t wait for episode 3
Lestat gives good lessons, but just is a complete sociopath. Like he understands killing the man for disrespect. But he just was pissed he had to clean it up.

He's gonna be furious with Claudia....I can't wait for that shit.
Lestat gives good lessons, but just is a complete sociopath. Like he understands killing the man for disrespect. But he just was pissed he had to clean it up.

He's gonna be furious with Claudia....I can't wait for that shit.

chill bruh... lol
Yeah my bad on that one. I'll only talk about what's been aired.
.I won't mention anything from the books or movies that hasn't been revealed. I'll mention differences... But no reveals