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COMMUNITY ABW Court: MeanieJosh vs Goldie/ABW

No. I'm shocked the plaintiff and his father lawyer can make a complete mockery of this court and call them corrupt to their face and this case is continuing.
troubling I know. well let's get to it. elections. Josh. we've all heard it plenty of times before but now that you're under oath and have the stage, can you tell the court....again......circumstances that lead to you being here today
troubling I know. well let's get to it. elections. Josh. we've all heard it plenty of times before but now that you're under oath and have the stage, can you tell the court....again......circumstances that lead to you being here today

The case should've automatically been thrown out due to the fact that they didn't even tell me why I'm being taken to court until the trial began, which is illegal.

The plaintiff doesn't want to face the fact that the people didn't want him as mod and wants to find someone to blame. He thinks by me making the election private I prevented him from winning, but fails to acknowledge that it was his actions that caused the election to be private. I've provided multiple occurrences of him attacking members who didn't vote for him and even @Chi-Town B was under oath and agreed. The pile of evidence speaks for itself.
The case should've automatically been thrown out due to the fact that they didn't even tell me why I'm being taken to court until the trial began, which is illegal.

The plaintiff doesn't want to face the fact that the people didn't want him as mod and wants to find someone to blame. He thinks by me making the election private I prevented him from winning, but fails to acknowledge that it was his actions that caused the election to be private. I've provided multiple occurrences of him attacking members who didn't vote for him and even @Chi-Town B was under oath and agreed. The pile of evidence speaks for itself.
i know i know i know,

but they wanted this.

Josh has history of abuse towards members and that abuse caused you to make his election private is what i'm hearing. do you have evidence of this for the judge to go over? Since we've agreed to go on, I'm assuming the court would like to see this evidence..

and this is a disclaimer for the weak at heart, some of this evidence is extremely explicit.
i know i know i know,

but they wanted this.

Josh has history of abuse towards members and that abuse caused you to make his election private is what i'm hearing. do you have evidence of this for the judge to go over? Since we've agreed to go on, I'm assuming the court would like to see this evidence..

and this is a disclaimer for the weak at heart, some of this evidence is extremely explicit.



Here's him telling a new member who didnt vote for him his vote didn't count

Your honor, I object to the defenses previous "evidence" I already disproved it previously by showing a pic of the same voter agreeing with my statement.

Why is the defense allowed to regurgitate disproven claims?
Gotdamn court needs to get it's shit straight I can't remain vigilant and help protect the planet if I'm stuck here all weekend. Aliens can come any minute

After you attack someone they change their tune, that's how it works. Which is why the private election was necessary , so people wouldn't have to vote in fear.
Your honor. I asked to have to case dismissed. Everyone knows the pattern of behavior by mean Josh, so of course is going to look like the same thing. It's the same story. All he does is abuse. We have literally over 50+ screen shots of him doing this. Some you have seen, some you have not.... And we're prepared to show the court each and everyone. But all it's going to do is provoke mean Josh to abuse some more.