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COMMUNITY ABW Court: MeanieJosh vs Goldie/ABW

Ladies and gentlemen, the fax I've posted throughout this thread tell the story of an inconsistent site owner who failed to properly and consistently perform his duties as an owner. If I was such a danger then why was no one notified of that being the reason why the recent election was made private? I'll tell you why, because the owner goofed and forgot to make it public, I'm not saying he did it out of malice but out of forgetfulness. Not to mention, the fact that a guy who called a poster "cracker" "cave monster" and gave her a blackface avi was allowed a fair and open poll while "big bad" Josh got a private trial, what has the defense shown in this case that was worse than what the previously mentioned poster did?

This show the "defense" has put on has been ripped to shreds throughout the proceedings. I've posted nothing but fax, no need for slander and attacks like the defense has resorted to. I urge the jury to look at this objectively and carefully examine the evidence. I think it's quite obvious that the defendant is in the wrong and I'm right as usual.


To me, this is support from the folks who know what they want in a people's mod, yet, we have no clear way of knowing a) if their vote was counted, b) who else participated in the poll. My client did not attack anyone. His comments, like many other members here were made in jest. A threat is when someone feels they are in danger. Those posters who the defense would have you believe that my client attacked still posted uninterrupted. They never lost posting privileges, they weren't denied access to the site, and their posts were never removed in fear of trying to pass off alternative facts.

They laughed, they ethered, but fearful is one thing they were not. We've all had our moments here where we felt tested or attacked and we did what any reasonable person in that same situation would do. We defended ourselves. Whether that resulted in verbal fisticuffs or backchannel communication, all of us at some point have had to "put someone in check" for disrespecting us at that time. The defense would like you to believe that my client is unhinged and confrontational, but he did what many others before him have done. But that is not the reason we are in court right now and the defense has done everything in their power to make the case about my clients interactions with other members while not providing a proper defense for the defendant who we have shown was not consistent in the way he allowed the two most recent mod elections to happen.

This trial was just like the most recent election. A travesty made in large part by the defendant and his legal representation. Anything besides a guilty verdict is not only a disservice to my client, but a disservice to the fine members of this community.

Your honor, the plaintiff rests.
your honor, the defense normally has a chance to address things in prosecution closing statement. are we not being given that courtesy?
your honor, the defense normally has a chance to address things in prosecution closing statement. are we not being given that courtesy?
He was given that courtesy because his lawyer was in and out on him. I’ll keep my personal thoughts to myself about that. You gave a closing statement and I thought it would be fair for him to give his own seeing he is out a lawyer.

just wow
