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COMMUNITY ABW Court: MeanieJosh vs Goldie/ABW

Man fuck that statement.

Let me make this statement.

DO NOT come into my court unprepared. This trial is a disgrace. I won’t place the full blame on you people.

Lawyers and clients switching roles? Who the fuck does that ?

Lawyer flirting with the judge!

Just pathetic.

I said snappy. Y’all are unprepared!

@King Du statement please.
absolutely your honor

In closing I'll say this.

These charges are the result of a temper tandrum from a angry young man who is mad he didn't get his way.

the reason everyone was so unprepared was because josh just lashed out and said he was taking goldie to court, no one knew why, it wasnt until the start of the trial that his intentions were clear....

Josh.....excuse me....@meanjoshie is by definiton a mean person..

I don't know what happened to him, or what lead him to be this way, but he is a bully, a tyrant, a coecer, a tormentor, an opperssor, an antagonizer, a villain, over all as his name describes, he's not a very nice person.

He has a long history of attacking and berating anyone who opposes him. especially in elections involving him. we have seen a small amount of evidence of him attacking people for their votes, however there was more....much muchmore.. but you know that....you all know that, you've all seen it....

my client did the right thing. any election josh in needs to be private. people can't be bulied into voting for him. It's just not fair election. But because Josh couldn't attack the people who voted against him, he attacked my client. and that's why we're here... josh needs someone to attack......

I just want it to stop,

younall have the power to make it stop.....

and all you ahve to do is vote...

i also ask that this vote be private...josh must be stopped
I said!!!

Closing statement!!!

21 pages...i think the jury has seen enough to make an informed decision

I wanted to call Race to the stand but...you know

My final remarks are as follows:

Ladies and gentleman of the court, this has been a trying day. The defense's shenanigans by Mr. Chiles was a mockery of the ABW judicial system. I submit this final piece to support our case that in fact Josh was the heavy favorite among very well known posters

Josh is killing yall man

Josh should be a mod

etherest nigga on the site

Josh killed this shit but I'm holding the fact that he likes MF Doom against him

To me, this is support from the folks who know what they want in a people's mod, yet, we have no clear way of knowing a) if their vote was counted, b) who else participated in the poll. My client did not attack anyone. His comments, like many other members here were made in jest. A threat is when someone feels they are in danger. Those posters who the defense would have you believe that my client attacked still posted uninterrupted. They never lost posting privileges, they weren't denied access to the site, and their posts were never removed in fear of trying to pass off alternative facts.

They laughed, they ethered, but fearful is one thing they were not. We've all had our moments here where we felt tested or attacked and we did what any reasonable person in that same situation would do. We defended ourselves. Whether that resulted in verbal fisticuffs or backchannel communication, all of us at some point have had to "put someone in check" for disrespecting us at that time. The defense would like you to believe that my client is unhinged and confrontational, but he did what many others before him have done. But that is not the reason we are in court right now and the defense has done everything in their power to make the case about my clients interactions with other members while not providing a proper defense for the defendant who we have shown was not consistent in the way he allowed the two most recent mod elections to happen.

This trial was just like the most recent election. A travesty made in large part by the defendant and his legal representation. Anything besides a guilty verdict is not only a disservice to my client, but a disservice to the fine members of this community.

Your honor, the plaintiff rests.
yea...we gotta get some order to this shit

im actually typing my clients closing remarks...

-the judge skips me b/c im taking too long

-my client fires me while im making my remarks
21 pages...i think the jury has seen enough to make an informed decision

I wanted to call Race to the stand but...you know

My final remarks are as follows:

Ladies and gentleman of the court, this has been a trying day. The defense's shenanigans by Mr. Chiles was a mockery of the ABW judicial system. I submit this final piece to support our case that in fact Josh was the heavy favorite among very well known posters

To me, this is support from the folks who know what they want in a people's mod, yet, we have no clear way of knowing a) if their vote was counted, b) who else participated in the poll. My client did not attack anyone. His comments, like many other members here were made in jest. A threat is when someone feels they are in danger. Those posters who the defense would have you believe that my client attacked still posted uninterrupted. They never lost posting privileges, they weren't denied access to the site, and their posts were never removed in fear of trying to pass off alternative facts.

They laughed, they ethered, but fearful is one thing they were not. We've all had our moments here where we felt tested or attacked and we did what any reasonable person in that same situation would do. We defended ourselves. Whether that resulted in verbal fisticuffs or backchannel communication, all of us at some point have had to "put someone in check" for disrespecting us at that time. The defense would like you to believe that my client is unhinged and confrontational, but he did what many others before him have done. But that is not the reason we are in court right now and the defense has done everything in their power to make the case about my clients interactions with other members while not providing a proper defense for the defendant who we have shown was not consistent in the way he allowed the two most recent mod elections to happen.

This trial was just like the most recent election. A travesty made in large part by the defendant and his legal representation. Anything besides a guilty verdict is not only a disservice to my client, but a disservice to the fine members of this community.

Your honor, the plaintiff rests.
why is this man addressing the court?

i am sure josh angrly fired him a few minutes ago