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2022 Midterms

...know your audience...

Shed didnt win because whites men amd women didnt vote all that shit you posted is garbage.

Less than 30 perecent of men/ women from the cracker ass cracker demographic voted for her.

Dems historically/typically get 40 45 ish percent of the white vote

I think multiple things played a factor.

Some more than others.

However, the end result is still the same.

They always talk about inclusion and catering to quote/unquote.........."everybody"...........instead of just focusing on black people.

Well, like it or not, based on what you posted............they didn't do enough to get the white vote.

Which doesn't make sense considering that they comprise a majority of the population of GA.

Ironically, those white people didn't have a problem voting for Walker........who, obviously, is a black man.

So you can't blame her loss on being black.

For all his faults, even if he loses, it's more of a loss for the Democratic party that the race was even that close to begin with.
I think multiple things played a factor.

Some more than others.

However, the end result is still the same.

They always talk about inclusion and catering to quote/unquote.........."everybody"...........instead of just focusing on black people.

Well, like it or not, based on what you posted............they didn't do enough to get the white vote.

Which doesn't make sense considering that they comprise a majority of the population of GA.

Ironically, those white people didn't have a problem voting for Walker........who, obviously, is a black man.

So you can't blame her loss on being black.

For all his faults, even if he loses, it's more of a loss for the Democratic party that the race was even that close to begin with.

These moderate, center-left Democrats like Beto and Stacey choose the check.

It's really that simple.

Obama chose the check too once he won.

They smell that sweet WallStreet money, that NGO circuit money. Clintons showing them how to play the game.

The Democrats only win elections when Republicans go mask off and sensible people who are disillusioned and hate everyone in Washington and hope they all drop dead like me, gotta go fucking vote Democrat to prevent a fucking Idiocracy because the Democrats are pussy.

That's why every election cycle Democrats act like it's the end of the world and people like me is tired of the shit but then you see a crazy nigga like Herschel Walker being a serious political candidate and you just want the wrath of a thousand Baby Jesuses to descend on this shitty ass country.

If I was young, educated and upwardly mobile, I would get the fuck out. There's a conservative activist supreme court. The Democrats are weak and ineffective. Half the country believes every damn election is contestable. There's no viable alternative political party or ideology. Why stay here and deal with this shit if you are a young liberal minded person if you don't have to?
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'Donald is in the rear-view mirror, it's time to move on': GOP Lt. Gov of Georgia blames lackluster midterms on ex-President and his 'flawed' candidates - as Republicans put the boot into 'toxic Trump'... while frenemy DeSantis cruises to victory

Duncan, the Lt. Gov of Georgia, said Republicans would have had better success with a different pool of candidates.

'It turns out Mitch McConnell knew what he was talking about with candidate quality,' he said, referring to McConnell's prediction in August that poor quality would impact the result.

'If they would have just woke up 12 months ago, and stopped taking his lead and took the lead of what real Republican, real conservative policies meant and mattered, we'd be in a different place.

'I wouldn't want to be the one delivering him the news last night or this morning as to what the results of the candidates they supported and poured money into were, it's time to turn the page. I'm ready to move on.

'Who knows. Donald Trump is moving from a movement to a distraction for the Republican Party now.
I don't understand what some of ya expect in predominantly deep red states, like pushing progressive ideas and thoughts and getting away from the center is gonna suddenly lift up the minds and hearts of a lot of these voters... and it's NOT!! NOT in FLA, NOT in AL, NOT in AR, NOT in MS, NOT in MO, NOT in Wyoming, NOT in Louisiana... etc
I agree, but Republicans are pro level gerrymanderers. We need to move around AND make sure Democrats control the state legislatures when it comes time to redraw the maps.

That is true especially here. Our black senator in charge of all the majority black areas. I understood Norfolk, Hampton, Portsmouth but Richmond is a different region lol they changed things now but it was like that for a minute
You gotta know your region... Dems are stuck when it comes to certain states just like Repubs are for certain states and until the mindset of the ppl change, the game gonna stay the same
Yea @deadeye has a point, but thats for Georgia.

I get that if the Dems keep pushing themselves as the party of pro abortion, weed legalization, pro lgbtq, and diversity (lol), theyll never win Georgia, but if they denounce all that, theyll lose the seat they just gained in PA.

Cant have a policy that pleases everyone.

And this aint a pro democrat post. This is a just saying post. I been saying dems are garbage at politics for years now.

I disagree that its just for Georgia. The bold is the perfect example. Dem voters are not like Repub voters. Meaning that a good portion of Dem voters don't just vote Dem no matter what the platform being ran on is. So Dems need to specify platforms for the area or state that they are in. Running on all that shit in Georgia is dumb and it's part of the reason they lose. Dems don't have the ability to run on a one size fits all platform like Repubs because that is not how Dem voters operate.

Dems don't need to denounce those things they just don't need to highlight those things when they are campaigning in certain areas. When asked about them have a good well crafted response that won't turn off your voting base and people you are tryin to reach.

Policy ain't about pleasing everyone. It is about making folks comfortable enough to support you even though you don't and won't agree on everything.
Just my opinion on it.

Honorable mention to the Supreme Court too.

If they hadn't overturned Roe v Wade, a lot of those voters under 30 would've probably stayed home like they normally do.

Especially young, liberal white women.

I think it was @ZMaKEa who said a few months back that liberal white women wouldn't even vote if abortion wasn't always an issue.

Simply because they'd have no reason to since they're part of the most privileged class in America.
I don't understand what some of ya expect in predominantly deep red states, like pushing progressive ideas and thoughts and getting away from the center is gonna suddenly lift up the minds and hearts of a lot of these voters... and it's NOT!! NOT in FLA, NOT in AL, NOT in AR, NOT in MS, NOT in MO, NOT in Wyoming, NOT in Louisiana... etc

Lol and this type of thinking is why the country has shifted further right after the Civil Rights movement and why Democrats basically believes that the more racial minorities you get, the more chances they have to win.

Democrats are basically hoping White people die out in order to remain in power. Demographics is destiny.

People need to look at the history of the political parties of the post 1960s Civil Rights movement.

The Clintons thought the same thing after Nixon decimated the War on Poverty programs. Then Regan finished the job.

Instead of rolling with the progressive energy of the Civil Rights Movement, they decided to try to bring back the suburban White voter.

But too late, they are all the way on the right. But here come the Clintons cutting social programs left and right. Cutting union protections. The White working class are basically becoming ghettoized.

So all the working class White voters get pissed off and where are they gonna go? The White ass Republican Party that is talking about jobs and putting America first or the fucking Democrats talking about women's rights and diversity for the 100th time because their platform is vapid air?

Republicans understand this, Democrats and other liberals refuse to accept it because they think that White people are gonna die out.

But look at Latinos turning right wing and White identifying because the same thing is happening to them that happened to working class Whites. Those fucking nice ass construction jobs throughout 90s and 2010s ain't shit now.

You get the politics you deserve.
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