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2022 Midterms

Honorable mention to the Supreme Court too.

If they hadn't overturned Roe v Wade, a lot of those voters under 30 would've probably stayed home like they normally do.

Especially young, liberal white women.

I think it was @ZMaKEa who said a few months back that liberal white women wouldn't even vote if abortion wasn't always an issue.

Simply because they'd have no reason to since they're part of the most privileged class in America.

Everything in American politics revolve around White women's sensibilities.

But people refuse to see that.

They think White womanhood and the womanhood of other women is the same, then end up confused that White women vote Republican.

Voting Rights was about White women.

Diversity was about White women.

Affirmative Action was about White women.

Now that White women making more money than Black men and Latino men...where you see them on the front lines of these issues now? They were all over it in the 90s.

Got damn Indians and East Asians are more vocal about diversity and affirmative action.

Lol, they only came out to vote for abortion access.

White women are the most powerful voting bloc in America because they are aligned with their fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers because that's who take care of them.

They live in a nice patriarchal bubble. White men always fulfilled the desires of the White women in their lives. Even now, despite the decline of White men since the 50s. A White woman gonna find her a decent White man to propel her forward.

That's why we don't get a major push about labor rights or unionization or universal healthcare or universal college in the Democratic Party. Shit that Black people need.

White women generally don't have these issues, so that's why we get these moderate Democrats, trying to appeal to White moms in surburbia, as if she gonna vote different than her male family members.

They won't.
Lol and this type of thinking is why the country has shifted further right after the Civil Rights movement and why Democrats basically believes that the more racial minorities you get, the more chances they have to win.

Democrats are basically hoping White people die out in order to remain in power. Demographics is destiny.

People need to look at the history of the political parties of the post 1960s Civil Rights movement.

The Clintons thought the same thing after Nixon decimated the War on Poverty programs. Then Regan finished the job.

Instead of rolling with the progressive energy of the Civil Rights Movement, they decided to try to bring back the suburban White voter.

But too late, they are all the way on the right. But here come the Clintons cutting social programs left and right. Cutting union protections. The White working class are basically becoming ghettoized.

So all the working class White voters get pissed off and where are they gonna go? The White ass Republican Party that is talking about jobs and putting America first or the fucking Democrats talking about women's rights and diversity for the 100th time because their platform is vapid air?

Republicans understand this, Democrats and other liberals refuse to accept it because they think that White people are gonna die out.

But look at Latinos turning right wing and White identifying because the same thing is happening to them that happened to working class Whites. Those fucking nice ass construction jobs throughout 90s and 10s ain't shit now.

You get the politics you deserve.

This shows how its all tricks and the stupidity of most voters. They mad but mad at the wrong people. Minorities didn't own or run these corporations that took their jobs overseas for cheap labor. Then bring that cheap ass shit over here and sell it at a super high marked up price.
Lol and this type of thinking is why the country has shifted further right after the Civil Rights movement and why Democrats basically believes that the more racial minorities you get, the more chances they have to win.

Democrats are basically hoping White people die out in order to remain in power. Demographics is destiny.

People need to look at the history of the political parties of the post 1960s Civil Rights movement.

The Clintons thought the same thing after Nixon decimated the War on Poverty programs. Then Regan finished the job.

Instead of rolling with the progressive energy of the Civil Rights Movement, they decided to try to bring back the suburban White voter.

But too late, they are all the way on the right. But here come the Clintons cutting social programs left and right. Cutting union protections. The White working class are basically becoming ghettoized.

So all the working class White voters get pissed off and where are they gonna go? The White ass Republican Party that is talking about jobs and putting America first or the fucking Democrats talking about women's rights and diversity for the 100th time because their platform is vapid air?

Republicans understand this, Democrats and other liberals refuse to accept it because they think that White people are gonna die out.

But look at Latinos turning right wing and White identifying because the same thing is happening to them that happened to working class Whites. Those fucking nice ass construction jobs throughout 90s and 10s ain't shit now.

You get the politics you deserve.
Latinos are true conservative ppl
Blacks are true conservative ppl
Asians are true conservative ppl

The traditions and religion and upbringing plays a part. Dems snatched up the disenfranchised and made a one size fits all agenda. They made it big and diverse. They want everybody

Them deep red state folks can sum up their agenda in 3 or 4 issues... God (anti abortion, anti trans, anti lgbt, anti drugs, Christian country), Guns (second amendment rights, crime, protect the nation), and Gold (money, stop immigrants getting the money, taxes, jobs). They know their audience, they know most are fools with low education who don't wanna listen to "elites" who never walked in their shoes.

The deep reds have been shown how badly things remain for them and the good of progressive ideas and you know what they holla back... COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, Cancel Culture, Replacement Theory... that progressive energy don't beat out willful ignorance
<blockquote class="tiktok-embed" cite="https://www.tiktok.com/@zack_da_mayor/video/7107795685478550826" data-video-id="7107795685478550826" style="max-width: 605px;min-width: 325px;" > <section> <a target="_blank" title="@zack_da_mayor" href="https://www.tiktok.com/@zack_da_mayor?refer=embed">@zack_da_mayor</a> <a title="we" target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/tag/we?refer=embed">#we</a> had a time last night #<a title="funny" target="_blank" href="https://www.tiktok.com/tag/funny?refer=embed">#funny</a> <a target="_blank" title="♬ original sound - Zachary Daniel" href="https://www.tiktok.com/music/original-sound-7107795664993520427?refer=embed">♬ original sound - Zachary Daniel</a> </section> </blockquote> <script async src="https://www.tiktok.com/embed.js"></script>
Whoo my boy, try that again
This shows how its all tricks and the stupidity of most voters. They mad but mad at the wrong people. Minorities didn't own or run these corporations that took their jobs overseas for cheap labor. Then bring that cheap ass shit over here and sell it at a super high marked up price.

Yes but Democrats don't say this.

That's my point.

Democrats lead with diversity, LGBT rights, women's rights and obscure job programs and education programs nobody got the time or interest to look up. Meanwhile the minimum wage ain't gone up, healthcare is high as hell, and zombies on the street.

All Republicans gotta do is say, "Look at the Democrats ruining the country. Look at them giving away government money."

A fucking GED dropout White boy isn't gonna be the type of person to understand why he is a working at Wal-Mart for 10 an hour.

Democrats talking about trans bathrooms, at least the White boy can turn on to Fox and someone is talking about shit he can relate to. Tucker Carlson telling White boy the elites are ruining his life and stealing from him, which is true.

But see, the Democrats believe in this weird race and gender essentialism. Like they genuinely believe the GED dropout White boy wants some moderate half-assed lukewarm politician, that is like a free market fundamentalist and socially conservative but nice to Black people.

And White boy really want someone that is gonna make him feel like he has a stake in the country his forefathers founded. That he isn't a cast off.

Nobody but Bernie was able to tap into that without becoming a fucking White Christian Nationalist.
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Yes but Democrats don't say this.

That's my point.

Democrats lead with diversity, LGBT rights, women's rights and obscure job programs and education programs nobody got the time or interest to look ip. Meanwhile the minimum wage ain't gone up, healthcare is high as hell, and zombies on the street.

All Republicans gotta do is say, "Look at the Democrats ruining the country. Look at them giving away government money."

A fucking GED dropout White boy isn't gonna be the type of person to understand why he is a working at Wal-Mart for 10 an hour.

Democrats talking about trans bathrooms, at least the White boy can turn on to Fox and someone is talking about shit he can relate to. Tucker Carlson telling White boy the elites are ruining his life and stealing from him, which is true.

But see, the Democrats believe in this weird race and gender essentialism. Like they genuinely believe the GED dropout White boy wants some moderate half-assed lukewarm politician, that is like a free market fundamentalist and socially conservative but nice to Black people.

And White boy really want someone that is gonna make him feel like he has a stake in the country his forefathers founded. That he isn't a cast off.

Nobody but Bernie was able to tape into that without becoming a fucking White Christian Nationalist.
Where he successfully tap into that in Missouri and Mississippi and Arkansas and Florida and Kentucky and Alabama and Louisiana... where he tap into that at?
Yes but Democrats don't say this.

That's my point.

Democrats lead with diversity, LGBT rights, women's rights and obscure job programs and education programs nobody got the time or interest to look ip. Meanwhile the minimum wage ain't gone up, healthcare is high as hell, and zombies on the street.

All Republicans gotta do is say, "Look at the Democrats ruining the country. Look at them giving away government money."

A fucking GED dropout White boy isn't gonna be the type of person to understand why he is a working at Wal-Mart for 10 an hour.

Democrats talking about trans bathrooms, at least the White boy can turn on to Fox and someone is talking about shit he can relate to. Tucker Carlson telling White boy the elites are ruining his life and stealing from him, which is true.

But see, the Democrats believe in this weird race and gender essentialism. Like they genuinely believe the GED dropout White boy wants some moderate half-assed lukewarm politician, that is like a free market fundamentalist and socially conservative but nice to Black people.

And White boy really want someone that is gonna make him feel like he has a stake in the country his forefathers founded. That he isn't a cast off.

Nobody but Bernie was able to tape into that without becoming a fucking White Christian Nationalist.

You have all the smoke for the wrong people.
Where he successfully tap into that in Missouri and Mississippi and Arkansas and Florida and Kentucky and Alabama and Louisiana... where he tap into that at?

Bernie Sanders is not a popular candidate for the General Election. There's decades of data to prove this.
You have all the smoke for the wrong people.

No I don't.

I have smoke for people that refuse to see that no matter how many elections the Democrats win, no matter how many politicians they put out that are gonna be lukewarm moderates that does what Wall-Street tells them, the Republicans won already because they understand people and their desires.

Democrats don't understand people.

That's why you got ghouls like Nancy Pelosi in office for 100 years it seems like as the Democratic Party chasing the Republicans to the right lol.

Why I'ma be upset at the motherfuckers that understand the moment and history of the country and wields it masterfully.

Republicans have mobilized their base to overthrow the government and attempt political assassinations on their enemies. Got them trying to overturn elections.

Democrats out here making rap videos with a gay rapper trying to get Black men to vote.

Lol. Democrats are not even on the same level of political organization or mobilization or understanding of their own constituents.

Only thing that gets people to vote for Democrats to vote is Republicans and dumbass Democrats thinks that's a win.
Where he successfully tap into that in Missouri and Mississippi and Arkansas and Florida and Kentucky and Alabama and Louisiana... where he tap into that at?

Who you think galvanized more young working class White males in thd South to vote blue.

Bernie Sanders or fucking Hilary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders is the one in Alabama pushing Union drives lol, where are the precious moderate Democrats that are supposed to appeal to White working class people lol.

The South actually has a deep history or organized labor and unionization and leftist politics...but yeah, moderation is gonna turn Alabama around from being a Klan state.
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Black men who turn Republican during elections are the minority of Black male voters. The overwhelming majority of Black men vote Democrat straight up and down the ballot but the voices of the few Black men who constantly spit out these Republican talking points during every election on some slick shit are the voices that get amplified.

More than 84% of Black men voted for Stacey Abrams but niggas wanna focus on the 14% that voted for Kemp as some sort of indictment on Stacey Abrams? Nigga what?

Meanwhile 23% of white women, 27% of white men, 55% of Latino women, and 55 % of Latino men voted for Stacey Abrams. In case you need help with the math that means more than 75% of white people voted against Stacey Abrams and almost 50% of Latinos voted against her too.

Of all of the votes cast only 1 out of every 10 Black men voted against Stacey Abrams yet niggas wanna hop in here on some "She's not centering us" bullshit when the overwhelming majority of us (Black men) are voting for her.

It's time for all the niggas with the Republican talking points to shut the fuck up because the numbers PROVE that you (Black men) are not as disenfranchised in the Democratic party as you're bitch ass whining is implying.

You're being played like a dumb as fool by republicans that DO NOT SUPPORT YOU NIGGA!!!!!!! They don't give a fuck about you.

Look at the numbers nigga. They got you doing videos in your car because they convinced your simple ass that 10% of us (Black men) are not being centered enough.
Yes but Democrats don't say this.

That's my point.

Democrats lead with diversity, LGBT rights, women's rights and obscure job programs and education programs nobody got the time or interest to look ip. Meanwhile the minimum wage ain't gone up, healthcare is high as hell, and zombies on the street.

All Republicans gotta do is say, "Look at the Democrats ruining the country. Look at them giving away government money."

A fucking GED dropout White boy isn't gonna be the type of person to understand why he is a working at Wal-Mart for 10 an hour.

Democrats talking about trans bathrooms, at least the White boy can turn on to Fox and someone is talking about shit he can relate to. Tucker Carlson telling White boy the elites are ruining his life and stealing from him, which is true.

But see, the Democrats believe in this weird race and gender essentialism. Like they genuinely believe the GED dropout White boy wants some moderate half-assed lukewarm politician, that is like a free market fundamentalist and socially conservative but nice to Black people.

And White boy really want someone that is gonna make him feel like he has a stake in the country his forefathers founded. That he isn't a cast off.

Nobody but Bernie was able to tape into that without becoming a fucking White Christian Nationalist.

I know they don't say it. I was agreeing with your post for the most part.
No I don't.

I have smoke for people that refuse to see that no matter how many elections the Democrats win, no matter how many politicians they put out that are gonna be lukewarm moderates that does what Wall-Street tells them, the Republicans won already because they understand people and their desires.

Democrats don't understand people.

That's why you got ghouls like Nancy Pelosi in office for 100 years it seems like as the Democratic Party chasing the Republicans to the right lol.

Why I'ma be upset at the motherfuckers that understand the moment and history of the country and wields it masterfully.

Republicans have mobilized their base to overthrow the government and attempt political assassinations on their enemies. Got them trying to overturn elections.

Democrats out here making rap videos with a gay rapper trying to get Black men to vote.

Lol. Democrats are not even on the same level of political organization or mobilization or understanding of their own constituents.

Only thing that gets people to vote for Democrats to vote is Republicans and dumbass Democrats thinks that's a win.

86% of all Black men who vote cast their votes for Democrats.
Who you think galvanized more young working class White males in thd South to vote blue.

Bernie Sanders or fucking Hilary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders is the one in Alabama pushing Union drives lol, where are the precious moderate Democrats that are supposed to appeal to White class White people lol.

The South actually has a deep history or organized labor and unionization and leftist politics...but yeah, moderation is gonna turn Alabama around from being a Klan state.
I'm not advocating for moderation, but what am saying is Progressive is a bad word in the South and much of the Mid-West and I as of yet to see the South be anywhere open-minded for that shit, show me where... because again if you understand your base and how Progressive has been associated with Communism, Socialism, and anything else negative, I need for you to explain how that will be turned around for voters that ain't bang with any of that ever. Them rural ass muthafuckas ain't give a good damn about that and leftist politics??? Where????
I see Dems acting like they won't yesterday. The Reps not winning as big as they thought they would isn't automatically a win for the Dems. The fact of the matter is that the Reps have already come out and said that if they are able to get any power, they are going to use it for bullshit. If the Reps potentially win the house, at best we're going to see the same stagnation we've seen for the past two years. At worst, they clog up the system with a bunch of bullshit like attempts to impeach Biden.