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2022 Midterms




had 50 fukn years in congress and didn't get shit done. Had very little clout or power.

But he was gonna change everything.......:word?:

He did change everything, he pushed a large number of Democrats to the Left from the center.

Especially the Millennials that lived through the Great Recession, voted for Obama and saw him do nothing that they wanted for 8 years.

Bernie Sanders practically rebuilt the DSA and sparked an public interest in Marxism and socialism in America that hasn't existed since the 1960s.

People under 40 love Bernie Sanders and owe their political worldview and beliefs to Bernie.

But people only wanna look at polling numbers and voting metrics instead of what people are actually discussing, as if people's political beliefs can be condensed into a single act of voting.

I hate Democrats more than I hate Republicans and I vote Democrat, no matter who and it just increases my hatred.There are millions of people like me.

There are probably more Democrats voting haters of the Democratic Party than people who vote Democrat and actually like them and support their policies.

And there are probably millions more that just stopped voting altogether and don't give a fuck.

@Inori you still voting?

Yeah I mailed my ballot in weeks ago but I thought something janky goin on though. When I tracked the status on my ballot it said "Received", but ballots i've sent in the past initially said received and then the status would change to "Accepted"

I even called them up to see what the deal was and to make sure there wasnt some bullshit like the signature or something
From r/conservative in a thread about Dr.Oz losing the election

Someone tell me I am wrong about how electoral politics work in America and who this country is at the mercy of.


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Hold on minute.

You guys never cease to disappoint me w yall voter turn out numbers. like WTF??!!

Each state in terms of total population, the voter turn out is trash. Like less 1/4 turn out.

All my favs lost.

Val to marco
Beto to abbott
Stacy to kemp
Warnock in a run off

Like whut dee hell ppl?

Midterms jus dont move da needle

This sucks. SMH

Hold on minute.

You guys never cease to disappoint me w yall voter turn out numbers. like WTF??!!

Each state in terms of total population, the voter turn out is trash. Like less 1/4 turn out.

All my favs lost.

Val to marco
Beto to abbott
Stacy to kemp
Warnock in a run off

Like whut dee hell ppl?

Midterms jus dont move da needle

This sucks. SMH

Most Americans are disaffected and don't give a fuck anymore because nothing really changes in terms of tangible benefits.

It's a lot of bullshit and smoke and mirrors.
That's interesting. Because to my mind, black folks should just co-opt the term "progressives" and structure it around our agenda. Forcing the moderates and liberals to cater to us.

But youre saying that term is so toxic that it wouldn't work?

Thats that talk of a crusty etablishment dog ie your Carville, Gergens and axelrod types

White centric running on coal
Yall do this constantly and its explained constantly

It's cause all our "Black leaders" mention this shit and Latinos prove time and time again that the entire concept is manufactured by one side.

It's like getting mad your ex-wife is posting her new man on Instagram but she still call you her husband.

Regular Black folk can't take the confusion no more lol. Either they with us or they on the other side and let's stop mention Latinos and Brown people in our politics.