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2022 Midterms

I'm just so done with this whole vision of "Black and Brown" unity. Those muhfuckas let Florida down AGAIN.

Was watching CBS mornings yesterday, and during one of the segments a cuban lady said that one thing people don't understand is:

Cubans don't consider themselves to be Latinos.

Granted, that should be common knowledge..........but I've never heard any of them say it before.
Lol you still don't understand
I understand plenty. I had ZERO hope for this shit. I just people would stop speaking it. It’s clear Latino countries give no tucks, and ain’t fightin that YT man for shit.

At least not with us. They stay clique’n up with Cacs when it’s time to shit on niggas…fuck, even their own. Them muhfucka should be salty as fuck J-Lo dipped on A-Rod and ran back to Ben. They ain’t say shit.
I understand plenty. I had ZERO hope for this shit. I just people would stop speaking it. It’s clear Latino countries give no tucks, and ain’t fightin that YT man for shit.

At least not with us. They stay clique’n up with Cacs when it’s time to shit on niggas…fuck, even their own. Them muhfucka should be salty as fuck J-Lo dipped on A-Rod and ran back to Ben. They ain’t say shit.
This is quite the nonsensical post. We're not a monolith. You still don't get it, kinda like the Democratic Party
I understand plenty. I had ZERO hope for this shit. I just people would stop speaking it. It’s clear Latino countries give no tucks, and ain’t fightin that YT man for shit.

At least not with us. They stay clique’n up with Cacs when it’s time to shit on niggas…fuck, even their own. Them muhfucka should be salty as fuck J-Lo dipped on A-Rod and ran back to Ben. They ain’t say shit.
Wtf is this..

Nigga, I don’t even live in Florida. Y’all can have that shit.

It’s just sad at all the shittin them Cacs do on Latinos, and they still vote for dudes like Rubio and DickSantis.
Cubans don't see themselves as Latinos, ergo, they don't feel like they're getting shitted on... only the other Central, Caribbean, and South American Latinos are. They're white... the White Latino like Ted Cruz or Christina Aguilera or Geraldo Revera or Manu Ginobli
they decided to try to bring back the suburban White voter.

But too late, they are all the way on the right.

Trump has literally lost them the suburbs 3 elections in a row, he was already poison to Suburban White Women voters and now that Republicans have basically promised to take their birth control pills away you can forget that shit lol

Democrats lead with diversity, LGBT rights, women's rights and obscure job programs and education programs nobody got the time or interest to look up. Meanwhile the minimum wage ain't gone up, healthcare is high as hell, and zombies on the street.

What election did you watch last night?

Leading with WOMEN'S RIGHTS literally won lol:


oh and Minimum Wage? wtf are you talking about?

The only states still stuck at $7.25 are a bunch of hillbilly red states and Pennsylvania, all the blue states at $12-15

How the fuck do you not know this? This is the most basic-ass information my nigga smh.

your heart in the right place, but you try too hard to be a Poor Righteous Teacher giving sight to the blind like u Masta Killa in the Triumph video when u clearly underinformed about some of this shit lol
Trump has literally lost them the suburbs 3 elections in a row, he was already poison to Suburban White Women voters and now that Republicans have basically promised to take their birth control pills away you can forget that shit lol

What election did you watch last night?

Leading with WOMEN'S RIGHTS literally won lol:

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oh and Minimum Wage? wtf are you talking about?

The only states still stuck at $7.25 are a bunch of hillbilly red states and Pennsylvania, all the blue states at $12-15

How the fuck do you not know this? This is the most basic-ass information my nigga smh.

your heart in the right place, but you try too hard to be a Poor Righteous Teacher giving sight to the blind like u Masta Killa in the Triumph video when u clearly underinformed about some of this shit lol

It's 2022 and we are talking about abortion and women rights...

That's not a win.

Like I said, y'all will understand when Democrats get wiped out again and again and again, fighting for the same ol' thing, again and again again and nothing fundamentally challenges.

The Republicans already won the war. It's not a contest. The entire world is turning right wing and more right wing each decade. The Republicans tried to go for the kill with the abortion shit and it bit them in the ass in key states, so what? They already dismantling it, just like they dismantled voting rights and affirmative action by pure propaganda.

The Democrats follow behind Republicans in policy and politics despite being there being Democrats than Republicans. Republicans already seized key public institutions of American life. They have the military, the church, law enforcement, the Supreme Court and now they are coming for the schools and they are gonna win that too. All of this while being a numerical minority.

I am not teaching anybody anything, everybody on the marxists, socialists and other leftists side already knows this and already seen the writing on the wall in the 70s.

Elections don't matter. Controlling institutions that reproduce more of your ideology matters. Elections are just a formality we do to have legitimate rule and Republicans already put it in the minds of their base that they can ignore that and bend America to their will at all costs.

And the minimum wage according to productivity of the American worker should be around 25 an hour. $12-15 dollars ain't shit. We should've had that 10 years ago. This is what I am talking about lol.

They keep proving my fucking point. @deadeye

Yay we voted for abortion and women's rights like it's 1965 lol . There are states with $12 minimum wage. We did it guys lol.
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more non sense to excuse what’s going on.

Latinos/Hispanics/Mexicans whatever the fuck you want to call them vote like white people. Whatever works for them they will support.

only black people vote together based on fear.
Nonsense to excuse? Is that what you got from my post? I stated the situation as is
Lol I'm tryna tell ya, people don't get it. The Democrats are a single issue voting party. If White women aren't motivated to go vote for Democrats, they fucking lose.

If the Republicans stopped being so damn racist, they would get 25 percent of the Black male vote at a minimum. Black men are already blamed for Democrats losing anyway, they already blaming us on Twitter for Stacey Abrams loss. They don't blame White women or Latinos.

Republicans gotta be on that ultra racist shit just to separate itself from the Democrats, that's just the modern heritage of the party.

If you look at the Republican Party, it's younger, it's more responsive to it's base. It actually controls key institutions in America like the church, law enforcement and military. It's actually welcoming of straight Black male voices and concerns. It's not ruled by 100 year old ghouls.

If Republicans focused on eliminating the racist elements, emphasize the heritage and legacy of Black Americans and put Black Americans at the forefront of the American story, it's over.

All they gotta say is, "Black Americans deserve more and it's their country too, they built it."

But we are just not included in their project just like we not included in the Democrats project. We are scapegoats and pawns.

Republicans appealing to minority men is a better strategy than appealing to stupid ass Christian nationalists and closeted Neo-Nazis but they don't see the science.

You're missing a very important point. The Republicans have no desire to fix any of the problems the country and are outright against everything that could make the nation better. They don't want to make higher education or healthcare more accessible. They don't want to reform the justice system. They don't want to loosen the grip of corporations on the economy and the political system. They don't want to close the wealth gap. They don't want to attempt to address climate change. They don't to implement common sense gun laws. Their whole strategy revolves convincing their base that everyone else is the enemy, and as a result, their base is largely happy with the Rep politicians just giving off the appearance that they are fighting that enemy.
Yes, having a slim majority is power because it allows them to continue to be obstructionists and that's all they care about. If you think this is a win, then you've set the bar too low. This country doesn't need two more years of gridlock. It needs the government to be able to make substantive change, and that's not going to happen. We're going to keep getting watered down shit because nothing that will have real impact will get through Congress as is.

If you want to be glad that the Reps didn't take over, fine, but people got to get pass looking at the bare minimum of success as being a win. There are too many problems in this country for that.

This is a lazy POV. This is a microwave perspective on politics. Do you understand what a grassroots movement is? If politics were like boxing then the Democrats just won a round but you want the fight to be over so winning a round doesn't move the needle for you?

That's....................too damn bad. Learn how to evaluate the situation in its totality. You're ignoring progress until their is a conclusion. That's how fighters get knocked the fuck out in fights. Every punch isn't a knockout pounch. You need to win rounds to win fights. Within rounds, you need to land more punches. You need to block punches. You need to know when to clinch. You need to know how to take advantage of your opponents weaknesses.

My last point is this and this applies to you and a lot of other people I've seen here with this mindset.


Everything you do matters. Every vote counts. Every meeting you take. Every door you knock on. Every interview you sit down for. Please explain to me how a bare minimum in politics even exist. These people are in a race. They have an opponent. There is no bare minimum. You run the race to win. When you win you accept your win. No politician is going to win their race and give it back because they felt like they did the bare minimum.