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2022 Midterms

Lol so I go on Twitter and look at the fall out of the midterm elections and it's the same shit as last time.

Black liberals blaming Black men for why Stacey Abrams loss because apparently we hate Black women and Black people and part of the patriarchy. Lol, and you wonder why Black men only shown concern in death.

On the flipside, motherfuckers are still shocked that White women don't vote for Democrats like "they are supposed to" and instead of blaming White women for being one of the worst demographics in the country, people say "what can we do to get them to vote..."

Oh and let's not forget our lovable Latino friends and everyone is also surprised they don't "vote Democrat like they supposed to".

Despite all of that education that liberals get they sure don't understand people, sociology, history or math.

Lol, American politics is doomed just due to stupidity of both sides. And us Black people supposed to put our faith and trust in these liberals to get shit done on our behalf?

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Lol so I go on Twitter and look at the fall out of the midterm elections and it's the same shit as last time.

Black liberals blaming Black men for why Stacey Abrams loss because apparently we hate Black women and Black people and part of the patriarchy. Lol, and you wonder why Black men only shown concern in death.

On the flipside, motherfuckers are still shocked that White women don't vote for Democrats like "they are supposed to" and instead of blaming White women for being one of the worst demographics in the country, people say "what can we do to get them to vote..."

Oh and let's not forget our lovable Latino friends and everyone is also surprised they don't "vote Democrat like they supposed to".

Despite all of that education that liberals get they sure don't understand people, sociology, history or math.

Lol, American politics is doomed just due to stupidity of both sides. And us Black people supposed to put our faith and trust in these liberals to get shit done on our behalf?

Post them tweets blaming black men especially seeing their high voter turn-out
Lol so I go on Twitter and look at the fall out of the midterm elections and it's the same shit as last time.

Black liberals blaming Black men for why Stacey Abrams loss because apparently we hate Black women and Black people and part of the patriarchy. Lol, and you wonder why Black men only shown concern in death.

On the flipside, motherfuckers are still shocked that White women don't vote for Democrats like "they are supposed to" and instead of blaming White women for being one of the worst demographics in the country, people say "what can we do to get them to vote..."

Oh and let's not forget our lovable Latino friends and everyone is also surprised they don't "vote Democrat like they supposed to".

Despite all of that education that liberals get they sure don't understand people, sociology, history or math.

Lol, American politics is doomed just due to stupidity of both sides. And us Black people supposed to put our faith and trust in these liberals to get shit done on our behalf?

U looking at bots bro

It's 2022 and we are talking about abortion and women rights...

Yes, and? What's your point? Did you think those issues went away before they cost the Republicans an easy election win?

They may not matter to you, but they clearly mattered to voters.

That's not a win.

Winning elections is winning elections. Its not EVERYTHING, but it is a major part of the process in a Republic and its naive to pretend otherwise.

You seem to enjoy kicking that weak shit tankie communist niggas do where they act like any positive outcome is a L because it didn't immediately usher in Utopia. Save that shit for the birds.

Like I said, y'all will understand when Democrats get wiped out again and again and again

When homie?

Democrats just won their 3rd national election in a row. Fuck is you talkin about lol.

You definitely the type that cut the game off when they team go down by a touchdown w/ 10 minutes left lol.

The Republicans already won the war. It's not a contest. The entire world is turning right wing and more right wing each decade.

Because you say it is, I guess. Because you wanna give up, I guess. Nevermind that Neoliberalism's appeal clearly peaked in the 90s and 00s and has been on the downslope ever since. You got a whole young generation that has a positive view of SOCIALISM, that hasn't happened in Amerikkka in like 80 years bruh.

Meanwhile Lula just beat Bolsonaro in Brazil - a few months after a Leftist won in traditionally right wing Columbia. You sure about THE ENTIRE WORLD?


"The entire world is turning right wing"

ok nigga


The Republicans tried to go for the kill with the abortion shit and it bit them in the ass in key states, so what? They already dismantling it, just like they dismantled voting rights and affirmative action by pure propaganda.

How are they dismantling it in Michigan, California, and Vermont where it was just enshrined into the State Constitution?

They're not alone. All of the coastal blue states and the most populous midwest states are gonna do this. Shit, DeSantis can't even ban abortion in FLORIDA, because he knows its the #3 state for abortions and Floridians love them some Abortions lmao.

So you talkin out your ass when you say "they already dismantling it" nah homie they emptied the clip by overturning Roe. That was their biggest card. And they played it. And now they're out of options. They can't touch the abortion clinics in the blue states and they know it. What they gonna do, send in the marines? You don't even need clinics that much anymore because half of abortions use abortion pills now. Oh yeah good luck enforcing another War on Drugs yall. This is why Chief Justice John Roberts wanted to salami slice Roe instead of overturning it entirely, he knew the game......

The Pro-Life side is SHOOK and divided. They lost in fucking KANSAS and KENTUCKY. "but but that doesn't matter because i say so-" Nigga please. They felt that. That cut deep. They got a bunch of religious crazies that wanna 100% ban all abortions and they can't see eye to eye with Pro-Lifers that either want exceptions for rape or are cool w/ a 8 week ban or whatever. Furthermore, they're finally learning the ugly truth that lots of people just called themselves "Pro-Life" as a political label but actually support abortion.....for various reasons. This was my favorite revealing comment from a conservative site:


Now that ain't surprising to you or me, but this is DEEPLY shocking to them.

These people REALLY BELIEVED that the only racists looking to abort the black babies were libs working in Planned Parenthood. Lol.

Republicans already seized key public institutions of American life. They have the military, the church, law enforcement, the Supreme Court

#1 - the Military is not the conservative bastion it once was. In part because its less white, more diverse.



#2 - Church. Who cares? Does anyone here go to church? The BIGGEST growing demographic in all 50 states the past 20 years has been non-religious people. These Christian ISIS niggas have seen their power wane for decades. How many 30 y/o virgins saving themselves for marriage do you know?


#3 - Fuck the Police.

#4 - If you asked any conservatives nowdays, they would tell you LIBERALS are the ones who have already seized key public institutions of American life.

What's more powerful INSIDE America's borders - The Military or The Media?

What has a bigger influence on shaping the minds of the youth - The Church or The School?

No contest.

Conservatives can't fix these problems with a Don't Say Gay bill or some Charter schools or some dumb law saying you can't delete tweets in Texas.

The Supreme Court can only do so much and Clarence Thomas is a 74 y/o fat black man with High Blood Pressure.

Elections don't matter. Controlling institutions that reproduce more of your ideology matters.

That's retarded. Why you think these cacs so tight about election fraud? You LITERALLY vote for who controls those institutions a lot of the time. You LITERALLY vote for and elect judges in most states. Fuck outta here with this do-nothing smartdumb nigga logic. You wanna feel cool for not voting fine but don't try to sell political apathy and non-action as wisdom and strategy.

I am not teaching anybody anything, everybody on the marxists, socialists and other leftists side already knows this and already seen the writing on the wall in the 70s.

Oh you right cuzzo. There always been a bunch of marxists, socialists, and leftists who believe that we should ignore """social issues""" (such as ANTI-BLACK RACISM) in favor of exclusively focusing on economics and class struggle.

They're wrong. W.E.B Du Bois said they were wrong 100 years ago.

So yeah, you not Bernie Sanders...........you're this guy:
