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2022 Midterms

sooo can they get rid of the fillibuster if they wanted to now?
Will they be able to codify Roe?
Legalize herb federally?
Doesn’t everything need to go through the House first? If Dems hold onto the House and Warnock wins, Dems could potentially get a lot done. Manchin and Sinema could still be roadblocks though if they stand on the same side of an issue.
I look at the polling data and I think Black men should behave more like White women when it comes to voting for the parties.

When there are sane Republicans, they vote Republican.

When there isn't an issue they care about that only Democrats are willing to solve, they vote Republican.

Black men gonna need to get some nuts and go sit down with sane Republicans and do business.

Ask for business loans, scholarships, opportunity zones, incubators just for Black people and make them promise that shit.

Affirmative Action as we know it is fucking gone, you better get some nuts and make some moves out here for you politically.

You keep letting peer pressure and racism fuck your money up voting for Democrats all the damn time.

The Democratic Party been good for Black women, what the fuck you got out of it. I don't see Democratic Black men on MSNBC with their own show other than old ass Al Sharpton back in the day. I don't see a Democratic Black man sitting on the Supreme Court. I don't see a Black man as Vice President. Black American women are probably one of the most educated women in the world and Black American men the most incarcerated motherfuckers in the world.

You better get you some business, look at White women, they vote for whoever the fuck give them the better deal or they sit the fuck out if they don't like it.

Don't let fear, peer pressure and blind loyalty get you cut out and shut out of America permanently. There ain't no fucking we and us at this hour, in this moment.

Everybody scrambling before all the Boomers die and all that wealth get passed down and ain't none coming to Black people, so you better be smart. You better get you something to hold on to.

Fuck around and vote Blue and your bills over due.
I look at the polling data and I think Black men should behave more like White women when it comes to voting for the parties.

When there are sane Republicans, they vote Republican.

When there isn't an issue they care about that only Democrats are willing to solve, they vote Republican.

Black men gonna need to get some nuts and go sit down with sane Republicans and do business.

Ask for business loans, scholarships, opportunity zones, incubators just for Black people and make them promise that shit.

Affirmative Action as we know it is fucking gone, you better get some nuts and make some moves out here for you politically.

You keep letting peer pressure and racism fuck your money up voting for Democrats all the damn time.

The Democratic Party been good for Black women, what the fuck you got out of it. I don't see Democratic Black men on MSNBC with their own show other than old ass Al Sharpton back in the day. I don't see a Democratic Black man sitting on the Supreme Court. I don't see a Black man as Vice President. Black American women are probably one of the most educated women in the world and Black American men the most incarcerated motherfuckers in the world.

You better get you some business, look at White women, they vote for whoever the fuck give them the better deal or they sit the fuck out if they don't like it.

Don't let fear, peer pressure and blind loyalty get you cut out and shut out of America permanently. There ain't no fucking we and us at this hour, in this moment.

Everybody scrambling before all the Boomers die and all that wealth get passed down and ain't none coming to Black people, so you better be smart. You better get you something to hold on to.

Fuck around and vote Blue and your bills over due.
Where you from man? Originally
Christianity is problem in this country...change my mind

lol You missed the whole point of that Tweet.

He basically gave an example of how those people's actions have nothing to do with adhering to their faith.

I already know you hate Christians, so there's no point in trying to change your mind, but I'll ask this. If you took away Christianity, do you really think that those southern white people would be voting along liberal lines?
lol You missed the whole point of that Tweet.

He basically gave an example of how those people's actions have nothing to do with adhering to their faith.

I already know you hate Christians, so there's no point in trying to change your mind, but I'll ask this. If you took away Christianity, do you really think that those southern white people would be voting along liberal lines?

Uh....I very well understand the purpose of the quote....it doesn't negate the fact that white christians are going to vote conservative because the perception that republicans are bible thumping devouts with high morals....

Then combine juxtapose their christian indoctrination which enables them to vote against their own interests with the rise of christian nationalism

uh yeah...i repeat what I said....christianity is a problem this country
Uh....I very well understand the purpose of the quote....it doesn't negate the fact that white christians are going to vote conservative because the perception that republicans are bible thumping devouts with high morals....

Then combine juxtapose their christian indoctrination which enables them to vote against their own interests with the rise of christian nationalism

uh yeah...i repeat what I said....christianity is a problem this country

I honestly don't really get how you can understand the purpose of the quote and believe it supports what you're saying. I really need you to answer a simple question. If we have demonstrable proof that Christian Nationalists will take a stance and push for it even if it is antithetical to Christianity, how can Christianity be the problem? You can hate Christianity all you want, but how can you think Christianity is the problem that needs to be solved if you know for a fact that those people will push a position even if it's not supported by Christianity.

That's like blaming a person's bad health on their vegan diet while also acknowledging that the person doesn't actually maintain a vegan diet.
I honestly don't really get how you can understand the purpose of the quote and believe it supports what you're saying. I really need you to answer a simple question. If we have demonstrable proof that Christian Nationalists will take a stance and push for it even if it is antithetical to Christianity, how can Christianity be the problem? You can hate Christianity all you want, but how can you think Christianity is the problem that needs to be solved if you know for a fact that those people will push a position even if it's not supported by Christianity.

That's like blaming a person's bad health on their vegan diet while also acknowledging that the person doesn't actually maintain a vegan diet.

explain "antiethical" to christianity?
explain "antiethical" to christianity?

The stances they take go against actual Christian doctrine and theology.

I'll give you an example. Probably the most central theme in the New Testament is the importance of love. Pretty much every writer in the New Testament covers it. The Bible makes it clear that Christians should love not only their family and friends but also their enemies and the people they don't rock with. So Christian Nationalism, which is basically built on the hatred of everyone that is seen as nonwhite or unAmerican completely goes against the foundation of Christianity.

Pretty much everything the Republicans push for is against Christian principle.

The Bible says take care of the poor. Reps constantly try to dismantle programs meant to help the poor.
The Bible says take care of the sick. Reps are against universal healthcare or any option to guarantee that everyone can receive care when sick.
The Bible says take care of the elderly. Reps are constantly trying to dismantle the social security system which was put in place to reduce poverty among the elderly.
The Bible says to treat foreigners with kindness. Reps are fine with being brutal towards immigrants.
The Bible says to avoid hoarding earthly treasure. Reps constantly push policies to help the rich get richer.
The Bible says the early Christians adopted a socialistic system among themselves. Reps are adamantly against adopting more socialistic policies for the nation.

I could go on an on. You rightly pointed out that the most of these people will vote against their own interests. The fact that you love to ignore is that most of the policies that they vote against are far more in-line with Christian principles than the things they actually support.
I love how bible thumpers ignore the incest, rape, genocide and infanticide that resides throughout their religion and at the same time trying to point the people who are indoctrinated and say, "they aren't real christians"....like what? What they hell are they worshipping then and would they be that way if someone hadn't put a bible in their hands?

It is a known fact that despite the idea of peace and love, there are plethora of instances of genocide, war, infanticide and slavery. Are there any other ideologies out there that have been responsible for more human suffering than the abrahimc religions?

Religions regardless of the cherry-picking is just another tool of control. Constatine figured that out
I love how bible thumpers ignore the incest, rape, genocide and infanticide that resides throughout their religion and at the same time trying to point the people who are indoctrinated and say, "they aren't real christians"....like what? What they hell are they worshipping then and would they be that way if someone hadn't put a bible in their hands?

It is a known fact that despite the idea of peace and love, there are plethora of instances of genocide, war, infanticide and slavery. Are there any other ideologies out there that have been responsible for more human suffering than the abrahimc religions?

Religions regardless of the cherry-picking is just another tool of control. Constatine figured that out

Christianity =/= Judaism.

Christianity is the religion based on Christ's teachings. Point out where Jesus promoted genocide, war, infanticide, or slavery. You're doing the same thing that every Christian hater that doesn't know shit about Christianity does. You're trying to use all the fucked up shit that happened in the Old Testament to indict Christianity without actually understanding that the whole point of the New Testament is that the shit that happened in the Old Testament was fucked up.

For example, you bring up infanticide, but completely ignore that God specifically punishes the Israelites over and over because of the Israelites practicing child sacrifice, so even if you believed that Christian theology is based as much on the Old Testament as the New, it's still crazy to throw infanticide out like it's something the Bible promotes.
Christianity =/= Judaism.

Christianity is the religion based on Christ's teachings. Point out where Jesus promoted genocide, war, infanticide, or slavery. You're doing the same thing that every Christian hater that doesn't know shit about Christianity does. You're trying to use all the fucked up shit that happened in the Old Testament to indict Christianity without actually understanding that the whole point of the New Testament is that the shit that happened in the Old Testament was fucked up.

For example, you bring up infanticide, but completely ignore that God specifically punishes the Israelites over and over because of the Israelites practicing child sacrifice, so even if you believed that Christian theology is based as much on the Old Testament as the New, it's still crazy to throw infanticide out like it's something the Bible promotes.

overlook and ignore the bad shit in the bible and cherry pick whats supposed to be the good shit

got it