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2022 Midterms

Most Americans are disaffected and don't give a fuck anymore because nothing really changes in terms of tangible benefits.

It's a lot of bullshit and smoke and mirrors.

This post is oxymoronic.

The easiest, quickest, and most efficient path to any tangible benefits and tangible change in our democracy is voting. This isn't a monarchy. This isn't the 18th century. This isn't a remote tribe living off the grid.

We live in a democracy and you're bitching because you don't understand how a democracy works.
Niggas living in a democracy are bitching about voting. Do you want to live in a communist nation? That's what it sounds like from a lot of you niggas.

Or you must want to live in an oligarchy. You won't have to worry about voting then.

Bitching about voting and complaining about how ineffective it is in a DEMOCRACY is some wild ass shit.

It's 2022 and niggas in The United States of America still do not have an understanding how their own government works.

Learn how your government works before you start bitching about what's fucked up.

Niggas aren't even participating in the most basic act in a democracy which is voting and have the nerve to explain how fucked up some shit is.

That's like joining a NASCAR team just to be a passenger in the car. You don't wanna drive. You just wanna sit next to Jimmy Johnson and bitch about the race.
This is a lazy POV. This is a microwave perspective on politics. Do you understand what a grassroots movement is? If politics were like boxing then the Democrats just won a round but you want the fight to be over so winning a round doesn't move the needle for you?

That's....................too damn bad. Learn how to evaluate the situation in its totality. You're ignoring progress until their is a conclusion. That's how fighters get knocked the fuck out in fights. Every punch isn't a knockout pounch. You need to win rounds to win fights. Within rounds, you need to land more punches. You need to block punches. You need to know when to clinch. You need to know how to take advantage of your opponents weaknesses.

My last point is this and this applies to you and a lot of other people I've seen here with this mindset.


Everything you do matters. Every vote counts. Every meeting you take. Every door you knock on. Every interview you sit down for. Please explain to me how a bare minimum in politics even exist. These people are in a race. They have an opponent. There is no bare minimum. You run the race to win. When you win you accept your win. No politician is going to win their race and give it back because they felt like they did the bare minimum.

You're trying to compare political gaming to a boxing match and you're missing the whole point. In a boxing match, there's no stakes other than what's happening in the ring. That's not the case with politics. There are stakes attached to who wins and loses. Slow and steady might be the way to win the game of politics for the Dems, but that doesn't mean that the nation can afford that kind of outlook. We as a nation are at a critical mass in several areas. We can't necessarily wait 5 more election cycles for the Dems to finally get shit together especially when the Reps are putting shit in place that could allow them to checkmate in the next two cycles.

For example, if climate scientists are saying that America needs to play a bigger role in helping the world make big changes in the next 5 years, we don't have 10 years for the Dems to get to a point where they can pass bills that should have been passed a decade ago. My POV isn't lazy. You just have tunnel vision. You care about winning elections. I care about improving the life of the citizens in this country. How many so-called Dem successes do you need to see before you also see that they don't necessarily correlate with a long term improvement for the people?
How can you accomplish this in a democracy without winning elections Socrates?

I'm going to assume you're just being a dipshit and not actually that dumb. However, just in case, the point wasn't that winning elections isn't important. The point was that if the ultimate goal is for people's lives to get better, then wins only matter if they will lead to measurable improvement. When people's lives and livelihoods are at stake, simply not getting crushed shouldn't be looked at as a win. You like sports analogies so much, what would you think of a team that was popping champagne in the locker room because they only lost by two instead of getting blown out like people expected. That's a loser ass mentality.
And when republicans speak to Hispanics they speak to them like Americans. They tell them how their policies will benefit them as Americans.

Black folks don’t even want to take pride in being American. We will argue our position as second class citizens before we take in pride in our country.

What is there to take pride in?
Trump has literally lost them the suburbs 3 elections in a row, he was already poison to Suburban White Women voters and now that Republicans have basically promised to take their birth control pills away you can forget that shit lol

What election did you watch last night?

Leading with WOMEN'S RIGHTS literally won lol:

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oh and Minimum Wage? wtf are you talking about?

The only states still stuck at $7.25 are a bunch of hillbilly red states and Pennsylvania, all the blue states at $12-15

How the fuck do you not know this? This is the most basic-ass information my nigga smh.

your heart in the right place, but you try too hard to be a Poor Righteous Teacher giving sight to the blind like u Masta Killa in the Triumph video when u clearly underinformed about some of this shit lol

bruh he just old and be saying shit bruh Ike 50 rather hear rap over Isley brothers shit crazy lol
Niggas living in a democracy are bitching about voting. Do you want to live in a communist nation? That's what it sounds like from a lot of you niggas.

Or you must want to live in an oligarchy. You won't have to worry about voting then.

Bitching about voting and complaining about how ineffective it is in a DEMOCRACY is some wild ass shit.

It's 2022 and niggas in The United States of America still do not have an understanding how their own government works.

Learn how your government works before you start bitching about what's fucked up.

Niggas aren't even participating in the most basic act in a democracy which is voting and have the nerve to explain how fucked up some shit is.

That's like joining a NASCAR team just to be a passenger in the car. You don't wanna drive. You just wanna sit next to Jimmy Johnson and bitch about the race.

so if I just vote I can bitch an complain like anybody else?
This exactly what I mean. You will have no problem arguing your place as a second class citizen tho.

That’s false bro. We don’t want to be second class citizens lol that was how it was wrote up you know the history. Ain’t no black patriots man. But this country is ours as much as anybody else.