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2022 Midterms

So it's the DNC's fault that dumb ass Georgians chose to vote for Herschel Walker? At what point can you put any blame on the actual voters?

It's both.

We'll start with the DNC.

It's their fault for not being able to read the room.

Better yet, the climate of the country.

And, in this case, not being in touch with the citizens of GA.

Perception is reality.

Right or wrong, the DNC is perceived as the party of LGBT..........transgender rights...gender identity..........."pronouns"........illegal immigration.......abortion.......etc.

Most of GA is probably against all of that.

Now, when I say most, it doesn't necessarily have to be an overwhelming majority.

Just enough to tip the scales in favor of Republicans.

So, until the DNC is willing to bend and/or change their stance on at least one of those things............they're going to continue to lose more and more votes to Republicans.

Simply because people who traditionally vote democrat aren't going to be able to relate to them anymore.
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I always thought that “black men don’t vote” shit was something planted by the Republicans.

Ironically, Stacy Abrams and the DNC perpetuated that myth.

Not necessarily in the same way, but they really went in on the "Black Women are the backbone of the Democratic Party" narrative.

Instead of saying that, they should've just said the black community or black people.

When you single out black women like that..........you're implying that black men aren't the backbone of the Democratic Party.

Which is a slap in the face to all the black men who've been loyal to them.

If enough black men get offended by this, they're gonna re-evaluate their stance and stop supporting the party.

Doesn't have to be a mass exodus.

Just enough to tip the scales.

Doesn't necessarily mean they'll vote Republican either.

Just means they'll sit out the election.
This man knows how to play the game.

He says all the right things. He has the right background. He has the right look.

If he goes further to the left he would be a good presidential candidate.

If he said the shit that Bernie says but in a cooler way and don't look like the stereotypical old Jewish man in Brooklyn, he would be undeniable as long as he don't listen to the Clinton and Obama regime that will try to get him to moderate his message for conservative crackers.

He could become the next Obama...for better or worse or however the saying goes.
Whats funny is I thought the same thing myself. Nigga remind me of a young Obama. Dude got a ton of charisma
Just not enough metropolitan areas to really shift the country blue.

I hate the party system anyway. Everyone should run as an independent. People would truly vote in their own interests instead of mindlessly voting blue or red just because.
Just not enough metropolitan areas to really shift the country blue.

I hate the party system anyway. Everyone should run as an independent. People would truly vote in their own interests instead of mindlessly voting blue or red just because.
That's because we comfy in crowded ass cities and very rarely in a vast mob spread out to other corners
LLS & SMH at losing to Herschel fucking Walker!!

I knew Stacy Abrams was going to lose. IMO she just didn't carry the same popularity and support from when she was cheated in the first race.

Some yall can disagree but @deadeye has some points to be looked at and for the democrats to ignore that would be dumb.
LLS & SMH at losing to Herschel fucking Walker!!

I knew Stacy Abrams was going to lose. IMO she just didn't carry the same popularity and support from when she was cheated in the first race.

Some yall can disagree but @deadeye has some points to be looked at and for the democrats to ignore that would be dumb.
Warnock didn't lose. It's going to a runoff