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20 teens beat a 15-year-old girl on a Brooklyn sidewalk

they r young. plus nobody in the community is disposable.

i just dont understand this level of cruelty and ruthlessness. *shudders* humans scare me

I wouldn't say they're disposable, but they need to be taught a hard lesson. Something like what they did should be unthinkable. The fact that they could go through with it means they need some heavy handed correction.
imo traditional prisons provoke more violence than they prevent and are so fundamentally flawed, they CANNOT be reformed.

in fact they should be abolished and replaced by "anti-prisons," that is, locked, secure residential spaces, therapeutic communities, and centers for human development—emphasizing therapy and education rather than punishment, and restorative rather than retributive justice.

prisons as they stand currently only exacerbate the problems in society.

Angela Davis said it best:

“Prisons do not disappear social problems, they disappear human beings. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view when the human beings contending with them are relegated to cages.”
Impressive take shorty
Yall still with the "tough on crime" mentality uh huh. Because following the white mans old saying of "we need to make an example out of them" has done wonders for our community.

What's your suggestion?

Let me just say flat out I don't have a problem with police and prisons or the ideas of them. My problem is the flat out shitty execution of them.

So again. What's your suggestion? Became I don't think any of us are actually thinking what you're saying.

But me personally I'm not letting these niggas slide cause prisons and cops are run shitty tho.