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20 teens beat a 15-year-old girl on a Brooklyn sidewalk

imo traditional prisons provoke more violence than they prevent and are so fundamentally flawed, they CANNOT be reformed.

in fact they should be abolished and replaced by "anti-prisons," that is, locked, secure residential spaces, therapeutic communities, and centers for human development—emphasizing therapy and education rather than punishment, and restorative rather than retributive justice.

prisons as they stand currently only exacerbate the problems in society.

Angela Davis said it best:

“Prisons do not disappear social problems, they disappear human beings. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view when the human beings contending with them are relegated to cages.”

people miss this part and you should say this everytime
You think being tough on crime is white man shit? Y'all should really do some research before you make some of these comments.
Well I'm talking about an incident in America not in Africa. So maybe you need to do some research.

Even if this was boys beating up a girl, this all boils down to teens fighting. Yall really got triggered like I said they didnt do anything wrong. I simply dont think the solution is to lock them up for decades with hardened career crimes that have mental illness and permanently lock them in the system. This has been continuously proven to not work.

News stations love videos like this. It perfect bait to scare white people into thinking black people are just running wild and need to be taught a lesson. Weird seeing this tactic work on POC.
Couldn’t have been my child.

If this was an Africa or Asian nation they might have been killed
Ok...... So decades in prison over here is a slap on the wrist because, in other countries on the other side of the world, they could of been killed?
Ok...... So decades in prison over here is a slap on the wrist because, in other countries on the other side of the world, they could of been killed?

You stated it is a white mans mentality.

I stated in a non-white nation they could have been killed for that shit
I'm hoping this gets more pages than the shit Gayle said..

Just saying.....We gotta keep the same energy
Well I'm talking about an incident in America not in Africa. So maybe you need to do some research.

Even if this was boys beating up a girl, this all boils down to teens fighting. Yall really got triggered like I said they didnt do anything wrong. I simply dont think the solution is to lock them up for decades with hardened career crimes that have mental illness and permanently lock them in the system. This has been continuously proven to not work.

News stations love videos like this. It perfect bait to scare white people into thinking black people are just running wild and need to be taught a lesson. Weird seeing this tactic work on POC.

The point is that all cultures everywhere have had tough on crime laws. To act like people who support being tough on crime are subscribing to some white man shit is stupid. And not this doesn't boil down to people fighting. WTF? Since when has 10+ people stomping one person out on the ground ever been considered a fight. They mobbed that girl, and they could have done serious damage. People love kicking and stomping other people in the head nowadays. You can kill someone like that. What if that had happened. Would you still be in here trying to downplay this incident? Who gives a fuck what white people think? Wrong is wrong.
I literally felt like I have to throw up since yesterday. I can’t eat,” Howell told The Post, adding that her son would be “on punishment” for years to come for his role in the incident.

“My heart breaks for the victim’s family. I’m just very, very sorry. I feel very, very bad for her.”

ii feel so sorry for her. she also seems to be a rational person. especially when she said “I dont expect him to be perfect, i do expect him not to act like an animal in the street”
She deserves a better son.

The silverlining is that everyone of those kids are going to be identified, all of them will turn on each other once a little pressure gets applied.
ive done worse things