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13 and 15 year old girls carjack an uber eats driver, kill him when they crash

It’s a crime no doubt but they ain’t intend to kill dude. I don’t think they should do life.
They came at dude with stun gun. On that alone they could have killed him, they don't know his medical situation at 66. Then the sped off with him hanging out of the car. Kill them both. None of this shit would have slid in any part of the world 100+ years ago. Society is soft
Even adults caught in crazy situations aren't always able to compose themselves and make the right decisions.

They're 13 and 15, a life (or death) sentence doesn't bring anyone back from the dead. The 'what if it was someone you loved" arguments are emotional and have no place in matters of law.
Murder isn't a crazy situation, stop downplaying this shit

they're still kids but got damn sum of yall are ruthless, no chance for redemption huh?


Yup. Imo it's beyond reproach.

I've never understood how you can redeem yourself for taking a life. Redeem yourself to who?
Yall need to stop dictating folks reaction to inhumane acts.

Like how is that the topic of discussion more than what these monsters did?

We aint the fucking murderers!

Pearl clutching asses aint experienced the dark side of humanity yet, so you see potential in even the most lost. Nah life dont work that way and you are wasting your damn time.

Lol pearl clutchin' what are you guys on about? You niggas aren't hard coz you want some barely teenage children to fry.
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Lol pearl clutchin' what are you guys on about? You niggas aren't hard coz you want some barely teenage children to fry.
Aint about being hard.
It's about knowing that some folks aint gon react with compassion to certain actions.

Theivery and murder are some of those actions that massive amount of people will have an old testament response to.
Anger, Rage and Vengeance are all perfectly normal responses to have when watching such senseless violence.

Lol talking bout the dark side of humanity an shit like we asked him to be a combat veteran or something
My status aint got shit to do with what I said.

My post also didn't say I agreed or disagreed, merely that they had a right to be as angry as they were and yall were distracted and more appalled at the fact they FELT the way they felt vs what them murderers did.

But thanks for letting me know you misread my post and still elected to take my post personal.

Wanting them to face the consequences of their reckless and now deadly actions is “lynching” them now?

Aight. Just be glad that dude that died wasn’t YOUR relative.

I’d love to see how you’d act then.

But he wasn't. So I'm acting like a rational person who doesn't think there's anything ok about adults advocating for the execution or lifetime imprisonment of a 13 year old under any circumstances.

You're not going to justify lynching children to me by tugging on my heartstrings.
Aint about being hard.
It's about knowing that some folks aint gon react with compassion to certain actions.

Theivery and murder are some of those actions that massive amount of people will have an old testament response to.
Anger, Rage and Vengeance are all perfectly normal responses to have when watching such senseless violence.

My status aint got shit to do with what I said.

My post also didn't say I agreed or disagreed, merely that they had a right to be as angry as they were and yall were distracted and more appalled at the fact they FELT the way they felt vs what them murderers did.

But thanks for letting me know you misread my post and still elected to take my post personal.


I have no issue with somebody saying hey I would want the killer of my mom killed too. But justice ain’t based on how you feel. It’s a reason people don’t agree with giving kids life in jail we can’t be those people?
Wanting them to face the consequences of their reckless and now deadly actions is “lynching” them now?

Aight. Just be glad that dude that died wasn’t YOUR relative.

I’d love to see how you’d act then.

yea but you aren’t the law if the girls got 25 years instead of the death penalty how would it matter to you?
I have no issue with somebody saying hey I would want the killer of my mom killed too. But justice ain’t based on how you feel. It’s a reason people don’t agree with giving kids life in jail we can’t be those people?

You can.

Aint a damn thing wrong with how anybody has responded to this tragedy.

Whats wrong is drawing a fucking line in the sand and bickering about the level of anger each side has.

Thats fucking stupid.