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13 and 15 year old girls carjack an uber eats driver, kill him when they crash

Ahh okay I gotcha

that being said I still feel like that’s not enough time for killing somebody

It's tricky because these are still children. I don't know if it's enough time but I have to remember that these are kids that made a bad decision that ended in someone's death.
It's tricky because these are still children. I don't know if it's enough time but I have to remember that these are kids that made a bad decision that ended in someone's death.
Ehhh at 15 and 13 years old you tried to steal his car though and because of it he died

if you can decide to do that you can go sit in jail like you should

but that’s just me
if they got out at 30 or 40 would it be any better?
A whole lot. They got plenty of time to rot and think about what they did every day for 39 or 40 yrs. And hope by the grace of luck they might not make it to see their release.
Sounds like manslaughter. Sometimes it takes a stupid fucking mistake to wake you the fuck up. Yeah you gotta pay for your fuck up because your stupid ass choices killed another human being but they shouldnt be in jail for more than a decade. There is opportunity for serious growth. Had they just put a gun to his head and shot and killed yeah, nah they a little too messed up to get out before 20yrs.