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“if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or trump, then you ain’t black.”

Didn't Obama have preventative measures incase a pandemic occurred that trump got rid of that would have helped the battle against the virus?

I'm actually asking.
Yes, well prob didnt literally got rid of, but paid zero attention to? Absolutely
Trump downplayed the virus and called it a democratic hoax, and politicized a pandemic . This is on par with what people were saying about his character, morals etc etc before the virus.

If you truly believe a Democratic President would’ve done the same thing as trump, I don’t know what else I can tell you.

how do you know? lmaooooo how do u know the dems call to action would be swift? they cant even keep the cops from killing ya ass but will be there to protect you from a virus???
how do you know? lmaooooo how do u know the dems call to action would be swift? they cant even keep the cops from killing ya ass but will be there to protect you from a virus???

Im basing it off of the reaction from Obama for H1N1 and Ebola as well as the playbook he left behind.

Even Bush took pandemics more seriously than Trump.
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I ain’t read last 10 pages. I just feel like this a trash ass election with terrible choices. But everyday I understand why a lot of Americans don’t vote. That un shakeable feeling that things won’t change in regards to corporations and politics. I’m not saying don’t vote I’m just saying I can understand why many people don’t even give a damn. Of course black people gotta vote or else we can’t complain about anything.

Niggas need to Move to Mars

I can understand why people don't vote in terms of feeling as if there's a larger thing in play keeps individual votes from mattering as much as they should...what I don't get though is the "Well shit will be the same no matter who is in office" people. It's easy as fuck to point out the ills of both the Dems and Republican side, but to say that shit would 100% be the same if a Dem president was in office right now, or even in general, is just factually wrong. I am NOT a fan of Hilary Clinton. Think she lost that damn election due to a bunch of shit mostly her fault, but I also can be objective enough to know that she would have had a vastly different response to this pandemic than Trump and his "They made this up to get me out of office" Fox News brigade.
I know the UK is real trash right now but somehow its head and shoulders above the us. There got to be people with better policies no one wants workers rights, free health care etc?
All you too woke to vote people... you do realize someone is gonna get elected, right?

Like out of either Trump or Biden one of them is gonna be the president for the next 4 years. Even if only 1 person voted. So are you really that lazy that you can't just choose one that's better for you than the other? And if you are that lazy... why post your opinions on the internet trying to justify it? Just don't vote and stay out of this shit.

Lol bro they have no answers
Main thing is dont reward the DNC for bad behavior otherwise they dont learn..this biden shit is the upmost of bad behavior


Ole Joe got a lil TOO comfortable indeed.
But alas, this all amounts to nothing, as majority of the black people that are "outraged" usually don't vote any damn way and don't participate in politics in any meaningful way outside of being mere commentators
Biden said something wack then apologised, there should be no Trump comparisons.

Someone has to be president. It's a choice between two. Niggas shudda supported Bernie while they had the chance but but but he kept mentionin' his march with MLK and and er er he's had the same message for 40 years.

Even after a pandemic wherein thousands have died needlessly, its still "what will be, will be?" are you niggas serious???????
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In a two man race, niggaz should vote for Biden.

But not because he's a black savior
Not because he loves black people
Not because you ain't black if you don't vote for him

But because Trump having too fun and enough is enough

its ok daddy obama will be saying something soon in an effort to lull us back to sleep


Obama critics and naysayers are going to be just that regardless of what he says or doesn't; say

Their minds were made up on that long ago,
and at this point it's not only naive but disingenuous to believe other wise

With that,I don't see Joe losing any voters, as the people who were going to vote for him will still push the leveler in his favor come election time