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“if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or trump, then you ain’t black.”

So y’all think if the 16 million who do vote niggas withhold their Votes? On November 9th reps and dems gonna be asking damn where were those negroes?
This is gonna be funny watching people justify reelecting trump because Biden said one ignorant thing versus... is anyone still keeping score on the ignorant shit Trump says?

Or the fact that we're all literally locked the fuck up in our homes and dying and shit?

LOL. Smart dumb niggas are gonna for real be the death of us all.

trump is being reelected regardless

This is gonna be funny watching people justify reelecting trump because Biden said one ignorant thing versus... is anyone still keeping score on the ignorant shit Trump says?

Or the fact that we're all literally locked the fuck up in our homes and dying and shit?

LOL. Smart dumb niggas are gonna for real be the death of us all.

Who justified re-electing Trump tho
Who justified re-electing Trump tho

re-electing doesn't mean voting for. not voting is just as effective. But hey if we're all cool with re-electing the ignorant boob whose only agenda is erase the legacy of the first black president even if it means wiping out black people with a global plague that could be curtailed with a little bit of logic and reason then I'll play along.
re-electing doesn't mean voting for. not voting is just as effective. But hey if we're all cool with re-electing the ignorant boob whose only agenda is erase the legacy of the first black president even if it means wiping out black people with a global plague that could be curtailed with a little bit of logic and reason then I'll play along.

Relax nobody in here is voting for Trump. Don’t worry all 20 million registered black voters will vote Democrat and racism will be a thing of the past like it was from 2008 to 2016.
Relax nobody in here is voting for Trump. Don’t worry all 20 million registered black voters will vote Democrat and racism will be a thing of the past like it was from 2008 to 2016.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said though.
Tell me how this would've played out different with a Dem president in office

@Hellczar already answered but I'll take it one step further... it doesn't have to be a democrat... all we need is someone who's not a proven idiot, liar, sociopath and racist.

Trump had his chance and he did exactly what most of us rational people knew he would... he made our country and the world a significantly worse place than it was before he started.

In just 4 years.
@Hellczar already answered but I'll take it one step further... it doesn't have to be a democrat... all we need is someone who's not a proven idiot, liar, sociopath and racist.

Trump had his chance and he did exactly what most of us rational people knew he would... he made our country and the world a significantly worse place than it was before he started.

In just 4 years.
Trump is trash and he can't help but take the bait every. Single. Time. Making a fool out of himself everyday.

But the media is exacerbating and politicizing every thing.

Both can be true.

Those are both op-ed pieces based on quotes from the same guy who if you actually read the articles says that Trump basically did disband the pandemic response team but since it was on his watch he's trying to absolve himself by adding insignificant nuance and say Trump only kinda disbanded the pandemic response team.
Those are both op-ed pieces based on quotes from the same guy who if you actually read the articles says that Trump basically did disband the pandemic response team but since it was on his watch he's trying to absolve himself by adding insignificant nuance and say Trump only kinda disbanded the pandemic response team.
And also obama even left a pandemic playbook on wtf to do if one popped off, but of course trump being a petty ass bitch about everything obama just prob threw the shit away
Those are both op-ed pieces based on quotes from the same guy who if you actually read the articles says that Trump basically did disband the pandemic response team but since it was on his watch he's trying to absolve himself by adding insignificant nuance and say Trump only kinda disbanded the pandemic response team.
Not disbanded but "streamlined" as it was considered to be too 'bloated' to work effectively. Which is why Reuters deemed the headline "partially true".

Below: [after streamlining] "if anything the combined directorate was stronger"

Read below and clicked 'presidential memorandum'

Led to:

"Executive order 13747 of Nov 4 2016":
In PDF form

Trump was for this executive order

The 'bloating' of the NSC was talked about before Trump (April 2016 article)

Susan Rice was shrinking the shit before Trump came into office


These aren't op eds
Sorry but those screenshots are humongous on my screen. I can't read that shit.

And of the original two links you posted, one was an op-ed and the first was a "retraction" based on quotes in the op-ed that was the second link. From a dubious source.