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1 liberal teen vs 20 trump supporters

This gentleman isn't Umar Johnson

7th time


Post a recent Umar video that I can watch so that I can give my opinion

I don't be on Umar like that. He's a pan-africanist and that's a dead ideology

And again that's probably why you will prefer him over Tariq because he's still on some form of Kumbaya and hold everybody's hand fuckshit

Watch the clip I shared

I don't be on Umar like that. He's a pan-africanist and that's a dead ideology

And again that's probably why you will prefer him over Tariq because he's still on some form of Kumbaya and hold everybody's hand fuckshit

Watch the clip I shared

You could've just lead with this from jump like I lead with I'm not the biggest Tariq fan

Now that that's been established, in good faith, I'll watch the video you posted and give my opinion
I get it, I'm pretty sure the question could have been answered, and I'm also sure buddy asking the question wasn't looking for a real answer.

Whatever this FBA stuff// tether stuff has become on the internet, I am starting to see folks latching on to it off this internet. That's all I'm saying.

I do it, albeit in a half joking manner. I don’t have no real problems with the “tethers”… only difference between us is where the ships dropped us off at.

Dont get it twisted tho, they can get they teeth slapped down their mouths for that reckless talk, like anybody else.

They want reparations, they need to holler at whatever nation was in control of where they’re from. These US dollars are OURS.
I do it, albeit in a half joking manner. I don’t have no real problems with the “tethers”… only difference between us is where the ships dropped us off at.

Dont get it twisted tho, they can get they teeth slapped down their mouths for that reckless talk, like anybody else.

They want reparations, they need to holler at whatever nation was in control of where they’re from. These US dollars are OURS.

Look at this dude yall. Somebody come look at this shit. lol

I feel it bro. I'm with you on that, I think bud tried to cause some shit, I'm sure he knew what space he was walking into.

Buddy was about to skull drag dude lol.
I get it, I'm pretty sure the question could have been answered, and I'm also sure buddy asking the question wasn't looking for a real answer.

Whatever this FBA stuff// tether stuff has become on the internet, I am starting to see folks latching on to it off this internet. That's all I'm saying.
Fba means foundational black American. It's a new way to classify our lineage. All it means is you're a
descendants of slaves in America and you're not from an immigrant background. Anything else you've heard is a lie

Charlize Theron is an African American. Elon Musk is an African American, need I say more?

It's necessary that we delineate because we need to be recognized as our own ethnic group apart from the rest of the black diaspora because "we all black" isn't working for black Americans. It's used against us. Our welcoming love and Grace has been used against us, so we need to look out for us and nobody else unapologetically

We don't owe anybody anything, we owe ourselves everything
Fba means foundational black American. It's a new way to classify our lineage. All it means is you're not from an immigrant background and are descendants of slaves in America. Anything else you've heard is a lie

Charlize Theron is an African American. Elon Musk is an African American, need I say more?

It's necessary that we delineate because we need to be recognized as our own ethnic group apart from the rest of the black diaspora because "we all black" isn't working for black Americans. It's used against us. Our welcoming love and Grace has been used against us, so we need to look out for us and nobody else unapologetically

We don't owe anybody anything, we owe ourselves everything

Dayum @Elzo69Renaissance Lol