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1 liberal teen vs 20 trump supporters

I'm curious and you don't have to answer if you don't want to

What is it that you got with the Tariq cat? I've seen some posts where you dismiss dude but you don't even listen to him, I guess I'm asking, how did you gain this energy towards this dude when you don't even listen to him? Are you going off the rhetoric from others who don't like dude?

Again, I'm just asking,

Tripp out

Another thing - this may not be intentional- but notice he use language that assumes responsibility to the entire 13% collectively for all the crime within the group all over, without regard to geographical regions with varying rates that are accordingly higher or lower, and despite the fact the entire 13% isn’t criminal.

The true number is even way smaller. The data he’s going off doesn’t account for how many arrests were unique as opposed to the same individuals. This a totally unrelated video but I recommend check out data they got off this study mentioned at the 8:25 mark. They found that out of 3300 total arrests 2200 of them were arrests of the same 97 individuals in that community over a 5 year time span. That means 3% account for 67% of the arrests. We don’t know the break down of the race of these individuals, but it shows how big a difference a few in number can make in this data.

In light of that, the guy from the clip in that tweet isn’t even giving an accurate representation of how small the group he’s referring to really is, considering his whole point was about trying to say it’s a relatively small group (13%) doing the crime. Well, turns outs it’s actually an even smaller number when you break it down down.
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This was the very last segment and I checked out. I rolled my eyes at every single point he made

I don't think it was a coincidence it was last
I found the white dude who kept mentioning the church stuff everytime he engaged Charlie insufferable lol. Mind you, I'm agnostic
I found the white dude who kept mentioning the church stuff everytime he engaged Charlie insufferable lol. Mind you, I'm agnostic
Oh I saw the play

Charlie said he recognized him from tik tok so it was obvious he was trying to get some clips to go viral

He was debating in bad faith the entire time