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Now that I think about it, Cube actually said the dems basically dissed him and at least Orange listened.

Lol people weren't mad at Cube plan. They thought he was stupid to think Trump actually took him seriously and would actually implement any of it. The Cube shit honestly showed just as folks like to criticize Black democrats for being happy with "representation and a seat at the table"..many of their critics fall for the same tactics
Every time the "All black people should stop voting" crowd pops up, I always ask the same question and I've never gotten a real answer.

They always assume that if black peple take our 13% out of the voting pool that the system will crash and politicians will rush back to us to court our vote. What do we do if that doesn't happen? Hispanics are a bigger voting block than us now. What do we do if the Dems just start courting them (they already have), and just replace us? We will have basically given up all our power and lost any leverage we had. That's a very real possibility.

It also ignores the following reality of the next whatever number of years that follows of Black folks giving up their political power. It assumes that 4 years later Dems will somehow, with acknowledged even more limited political power due to the lack of Black vote, will somehow be able to create and be able to implement policies to push through. We already know what a US with no Black political power looks like and advocating going back to that doesn't acknowledge the reality afterwards is selling that internet born dream of being a revolutionary where you don't really do shit
Lol people weren't mad at Cube plan. They thought he was stupid to think Trump actually took him seriously and would actually implement any of it. The Cube shit honestly showed just as folks like to criticize Black democrats for being happy with "representation and a seat at the table"..many of their critics fall for the same tactics

Stop stalkin' me
Skimmed through 9 pages and no one has suggested anyone other than Kamala, lol.

I don’t understand how people can be such loyalists to people like Nasheed and Umar but not want someone like them to become a politician and actually effect change. Or at least push them to lobby people who might be able to make the change. They’re actually ok with them just sitting back and complaining.

Demand more from your leaders.
If you read through most of the responses in this thread, this is exactly why every politician and party ignore yall and dont take you serious.

Loudly & aggressively demand your voices to be heard. When they say, "fine, what are the things you want? I'll see what I can do to help you.". They get yall all together yell reparations, then a bunch of inaudible mumblings. They already know getting this government to agree to paying reparations is impossible, just like finding out who gets paid, & how much they should be paid.

But the cherry on top is just about every time during the back & forth, it eventually gets revealed that majority of these same people proudly say they dont vote. That ends the convo right there. Why would you waste your time trying to please a group that doesnt even vote. Or for their vote they want you to somehow check 20 hard to get boxes & if even 1 box isnt fully checked, they'll pull their vote. That shit would be a waste of energy or time.
Skimmed through 9 pages and no one has suggested anyone other than Kamala, lol.

I don’t understand how people can be such loyalists to people like Nasheed and Umar but not want someone like them to become a politician and actually effect change. Or at least push them to lobby people who might be able to make the change. They’re actually ok with them just sitting back and complaining.

Demand more from your leaders.

Because for some complaining is all they can do. And if their problems actually get addressed then they have nothing else to attach their identity to
Since the consensus pretty much is that Kamala Harris as President isn't going to address the wants and needs of Black Americans (ie reparations), who is the politician that's going to make Blacks a priority on their agenda?

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It seems like no matter who's in office some if not most black folks cannot be satisfied at all. It was the same argument when Obama held office. It wasn't his job to be the President of the entire black race just as it isn't Kamala's job either (if she's elected). When the folks are campaigning to be President they have to appeal to ALL VOTERS from various backgrounds. Reparations aren't getting ready to happen so get it out of their vocabulary.
If you read through most of the responses in this thread, this is exactly why every politician and party ignore yall and dont take you serious.

Loudly & aggressively demand your voices to be heard. When they say, "fine, what are the things you want? I'll see what I can do to help you.". They get yall all together yell reparations, then a bunch of inaudible mumblings. They already know getting this government to agree to paying reparations is impossible, just like finding out who gets paid, & how much they should be paid.

But the cherry on top is just about every time during the back & forth, it eventually gets revealed that majority of these same people proudly say they dont vote. That ends the convo right there. Why would you waste your time trying to please a group that doesnt even vote. Or for their vote they want you to somehow check 20 hard to get boxes & if even 1 box isnt fully checked, they'll pull their vote. That shit would be a waste of energy or time.

Well, that's not the case, I have a thread on here, front page, that asks posters "who vote or who don't vote" to list their Top 10 things that they would like to see a President Candidate or any candidate do for ONLY BLACK FOLKS.

Here's my thing, folks who do vote, like to say to the folks who don't vote, all they do is cry out reparations, reparations, reparations, when in fact, black folks are owed this, but that's not the only thing black folks who don't vote state that they would like to see happen.

You can easily read what Ice Cube proposed, he may not vote or vote, but he has a plan, but many black folks just omit that this dude lobbied for both parties to sit down with him. Trump was about to do so, Biden and his crew didn't even try

I find it very cool that nobody ever brings that part to the front. How Biden and Kamala "whose running now" didn't even attempt to call the man to at least hear about what Black folks need. What I do find cool is how folks who vote cast much shame towards folks who don't vote than they do to the actual candidates who don't even sit down to listen to them.

If you were standing in line with your kid/children at school and you wanted help, directions to a class or just around the school, and the principal/teacher that's on duty did not address your needs how would you feel? Would you still say that principal, teacher is cool

If a worker a Popeyes did not take your order, wouldn't even address anything you wanted, how would you feel?? Would you want to elevate that worker to a manager there?

I posted 10 things in that thread and not 1 item mentions Reparations. I would ask folks who DO vote, what items, 10 if you can list 10, what they would like to see Kamala or Trump do for black folks??
There's a thread already created.

What I find cool, is that those who do vote wag their finger at folks who don't seem to care or vote, the voter folks never seem to have a detailed outline item that they would like a candidate to do for black people. It's always some vague thing, latched on with other groups of folks say. Health Care, Education, just slogans. Well, what about education? what about health care, who needs it. Never nothing beyond the surface that details what exactly is needed.
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It seems like no matter who's in office some if not most black folks cannot be satisfied at all. It was the same argument when Obama held office. It wasn't his job to be the President of the entire black race just as it isn't Kamala's job either (if she's elected). When the folks are campaigning to be President they have to appeal to ALL VOTERS from various backgrounds. Reparations aren't getting ready to happen so get it out of their vocabulary.
There is a path to get reparations, it's just going to take unified effort from all of us to get it done.

Look at rise of the freedom caucus/tea party of the Republican party. They were so pissed off after Obama was elected they started running for literally every kind of political office that they could at all levels eventually having enough power to sway the party to their will.

We gotta start recruiting and electing people who really believe in our issues and this is the perfect time to get started because the era of middle of road Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Munchin, and Schumer who simply fake pander to Blacks will be coming to an end and party will move in a more progressive direction. Plus the number Trump has done with Republicans will probably take at least a generation to repair.
There is a path to get reparations, it's just going to take unified effort from all of us to get it done.

Look at rise of the freedom caucus/tea party of the Republican party. They were so pissed off after Obama was elected they started running for literally every kind of political office that they could at all levels eventually having enough power to sway the party to their will.

We gotta start recruiting and electing people who really believe in our issues and this is the perfect time to get started because the era of middle of road Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Munchin, and Schumer who simply fake pander to Blacks will be coming to an end and party will move in a more progressive direction. Plus the number Trump has done with Republicans will probably take at least a generation to repair.

This will require a lot of niggas that think things should be Black only (niggas with a white mans mindset.....) to understand that the majority of the things that will benefit Black people will also benefit other people.

Like, we have niggas on this site that like to call out other groups getting things done and list LGBTQ as one of those groups which is ignorant as fuck considering that there are Black people who are LGBTQ. Imagine being Black and LGBTQ and having somebody else Black say that you should not have rights or whatever it is until Black people (which you are) get theirs.

Niggas need to stop being racist and start using logic.
Well, that's not the case, I have a thread on here, front page, that asks posters "who vote or who don't vote" to list their Top 10 things that they would like to see a President Candidate or any candidate do for ONLY BLACK FOLKS.

Here's my thing, folks who do vote, like to say to the folks who don't vote, all they do is cry out reparations, reparations, reparations, when in fact, black folks are owed this, but that's not the only thing black folks who don't vote state that they would like to see happen.

You can easily read what Ice Cube proposed, he may not vote or vote, but he has a plan, but many black folks just omit that this dude lobbied for both parties to sit down with him. Trump was about to do so, Biden and his crew didn't even try

I find it very cool that nobody ever brings that part to the front. How Biden and Kamala "whose running now" didn't even attempt to call the man to at least hear about what Black folks need. What I do find cool is how folks who vote cast much shame towards folks who don't vote than they do to the actual candidates who don't even sit down to listen to them.

If you were standing in line with you kid/children at school and you wanted help, directions to a class or just around the school, and the principal/teacher that's on duty did not address your needs how would you feel? Would you still say that principal, teacher is cool

If a worker a Popeyes did not take your order, would even address anything you wanted, how would you feel?? Would you want to elevate that worker to a manager there?

I posted 10 things in that thread and not 1 item mentions Reparations. I would ask folks who DO vote, what items, 10 if you can list 10, what they would like to see Kamala or Trump do for black folks??
There's a thread already created.

What I find cool, is that those who do vote wag their finger at folks who don't seem to care or vote, the voter folks never seem to have a detailed outline item that they would like a candidate to do for black people. It's always some vague thing, latched on with other groups of folks say. Health Care, Education, just slogans. Well, what about education? what about health care, who needs it. Never nothing beyond the surface that details what exactly is needed.

My thing is why we the only ethnic group that relies on entertainers? Why Ice Cube and not the 100s of black politicians or activists. Not to sound uppity but I don’t hear about white folks using rock stars to come up with political plans.
This will require a lot of niggas that think things should be Black only (niggas with a white mans mindset.....) to understand that the majority of the things that will benefit Black people will also benefit other people.

Like, we have niggas on this site that like to call out other groups getting things done and list LGBTQ as one of those groups which is ignorant as fuck considering that there are Black people who are LGBTQ. Imagine being Black and LGBTQ and having somebody else Black say that you should not have rights or whatever it is until Black people (which you are) get theirs.

Niggas need to stop being racist and start using logic.
Agreed. Folks need to stop acting like those people didn't deserve or the government gave these groups a benefit or compensation on a whim instead of recognizing the hard work and dedication to get these bills passed.

We should be looking at their blueprint and following suit.
This will require a lot of niggas that think things should be Black only (niggas with a white mans mindset.....) to understand that the majority of the things that will benefit Black people will also benefit other people.

Like, we have niggas on this site that like to call out other groups getting things done and list LGBTQ as one of those groups which is ignorant as fuck considering that there are Black people who are LGBTQ. Imagine being Black and LGBTQ and having somebody else Black say that you should not have rights or whatever it is until Black people (which you are) get theirs.

Niggas need to stop being racist and start using logic.

Because a lot of these niggas view black and gay from a political point. Like you have to be one or the other. But we let the stupid niggas be the loudest
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My thing is why we the only ethnic group that relies on entertainers? Why Ice Cube and not the 100s of black politicians or activists. Not to sound uppity but I don’t hear about white folks using rock stars to come up with political plans.

I just posted a tweet from the Tariq dude who asked both Trump and KH to do a sit down with him.

He has a huge following. Some politicians vouch for him; they listen to the things he say.

He's a mover
There is a path to get reparations, it's just going to take unified effort from all of us to get it done.

Look at rise of the freedom caucus/tea party of the Republican party. They were so pissed off after Obama was elected they started running for literally every kind of political office that they could at all levels eventually having enough power to sway the party to their will.

We gotta start recruiting and electing people who really believe in our issues and this is the perfect time to get started because the era of middle of road Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Munchin, and Schumer who simply fake pander to Blacks will be coming to an end and party will move in a more progressive direction. Plus the number Trump has done with Republicans will probably take at least a generation to repair.

Exactly. Like I saw a post earlier about the judge who was involved in the Breona Taylor case was voted out. And that doesnt happen if people stay home. Folks can't talk about sitting out the political process then consistent wonder why things are increasingly being stacked against us. Intentionally removing yourself from a process that affects your life does more harm than good.
My thing is why we the only ethnic group that relies on entertainers? Why Ice Cube and not the 100s of black politicians or activists. Not to sound uppity but I don’t hear about white folks using rock stars to come up with political plans.
There's nothing wrong with Cube coming up with a political plan, but after meeting with political leaders what was going to be the next step? Was/is he willing to continue lobbying this plan within congress?
There is a path to get reparations, it's just going to take unified effort from all of us to get it done.

Look at rise of the freedom caucus/tea party of the Republican party. They were so pissed off after Obama was elected they started running for literally every kind of political office that they could at all levels eventually having enough power to sway the party to their will.

We gotta start recruiting and electing people who really believe in our issues and this is the perfect time to get started because the era of middle of road Democrats like Biden, Pelosi, Munchin, and Schumer who simply fake pander to Blacks will be coming to an end and party will move in a more progressive direction. Plus the number Trump has done with Republicans will probably take at least a generation to repair.
Trump has really fucked up the Republican Party and I agree a lot of those old head politicians like the Pelosi's, the Manchin's, etc., need to retire and The Supreme Court & Congress needs to have term-limits set in place.

Like you said, we got to recruit & elect people who actually believe in deal with minority issues though. The only problem is we can't get shit done with a Republican majority House or Senate (depends on how the election goes).
Trump has really fucked up the Republican Party and I agree a lot of those old head politicians like the Pelosi's, the Manchin's, etc., need to retire and The Supreme Court & Congress needs to have term-limits set in place.

Like you said, we got to recruit & elect people who actually believe in deal with minority issues though. The only problem is we can't get shit done with a Republican majority House or Senate (depends on how the election goes).
The bolded is another reason why not voting at all is crazy to me. We focus so much on the presidential election not realizing that Congress is the key...
So much to unpack with this. I have an idea where this convo is going to go, but im going to give it a shot anyway.

You can easily read what Ice Cube proposed, he may not vote or vote, but he has a plan, but many black folks just omit that this dude lobbied for both parties to sit down with him. Trump was about to do so, Biden and his crew didn't even try

I find it very cool that nobody ever brings that part to the front. How Biden and Kamala "whose running now" didn't even attempt to call the man to at least hear about what Black folks need. What I do find cool is how folks who vote cast much shame towards folks who don't vote than they do to the actual candidates who don't even sit down to listen to them.

One of you major gripes is, they didnt meet with Ice Cube when he wanted to & haven't reached out to him to hear what black people need? Did I really read that right? For this argument did you just elevate a former gangster rapper/actor, to the leader of black people in America? Let me counter that with this question. What has Ice Cube done in the black community, or any community, that warrants the President & Vice President to allocate time out of their loaded schedule, for an exclusive meeting with him? And dont say he gives out turkeys and backpacks every year.

If you were standing in line with your kid/children at school and you wanted help, directions to a class or just around the school, and the principal/teacher that's on duty did not address your needs how would you feel? Would you still say that principal, teacher is cool

If a worker a Popeyes did not take your order, wouldn't even address anything you wanted, how would you feel?? Would you want to elevate that worker to a manager there?

Both these analogies are terrible because they arnt accurate for the majority of yall.

A more fitting one is you going down to that school and demanding a meeting with the principle to complain. Then while you're chewing their ear off about how your expectations arnt being met, they find out your kids are home schooled and arnt even students there.

Or going to Popeyes and complaining about how they run the business & menu, then they find out you're vegan, dont spend any money with them, but you might consider it if they changed their whole business to cater to you.

Of course they'd ignore you & move on if they thought you were wasting their time with nonsense.

Well, that's not the case, I have a thread on here, front page, that asks posters "who vote or who don't vote" to list their Top 10 things that they would like to see a President Candidate or any candidate do for ONLY BLACK FOLKS.

Here's my thing, folks who do vote, like to say to the folks who don't vote, all they do is cry out reparations, reparations, reparations, when in fact, black folks are owed this, but that's not the only thing black folks who don't vote state that they would like to see happen.

I posted 10 things in that thread and not 1 item mentions Reparations. I would ask folks who DO vote, what items, 10 if you can list 10, what they would like to see Kamala or Trump do for black folks??
There's a thread already created.

I saw it, and when I read your 100% unrealistic & impossible to accomplish list, I ignored it. I'm NGL. That list read like it was a troll post and theres no way a adult would put that out and be serious. Its like you read some aristocratic manga & got inspired to try and make blacks the nobles of North American. That list was so bad its just slightly above having no ideas.

What I find cool, is that those who do vote wag their finger at folks who don't seem to care or vote, the voter folks never seem to have a detailed outline item that they would like a candidate to do for black people. It's always some vague thing, latched on with other groups of folks say. Health Care, Education, just slogan. Well, what about education? what about health care, who needs it. Never nothing beyond the surface that details what exactly is needed.

Like other posters mentioned, Kamala is for getting funding to healthcare, social services, & education. That will literally directly benefit black people. The last time a checked blacks are the poorest demo in this country & need help in all of the above. But for some reason some, of yall are acting like racist poor whites & would rather get nothing, than to get help that also could possibly help another ethnic group.

Lastly, Im really laughing at the thought of you seriously thinking Trumps administration would do anything to help just black people. You seriously think you could present them with a proposal filled with things like "black only land grants free of all taxes & free utilities, free education for black where ever they want to go with a $6k a month stipend, 100% free healthcare & childcare for only blacks, & if you kill a black person its automatic life in prison" and get serious consideration. They'd look at each other and buss out laughing as soon as you left the room. Thats if they even manage to hold it in while reading that.

I wanna say they'd throw that proposal right in the trash, but the reality is they'd keep it, take pics and pass it around so more people can laugh at it.
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So much to unpack with this. I have an idea where this convo is going to go, but im going to give it a shot anyway.

One of you major gripes is, they didnt meet with Ice Cube when he wanted to & haven't reached out to him to hear what black people need? Did I really read that right? For this argument did you just elevate a former gangster rapper/actor, to the leader of black people in America? Let me counter that with this question. What has Ice Cube done in the black community, or any community, that warrants the President & Vice President to allocate time out of their loaded schedule, for an exclusive meeting with him? And dont say he gives out turkeys and backpacks every year.

Both these analogies are terrible because they arnt accurate for the majority of yall.

A more fitting one is you going down to that school and demanding a meeting with the principle to complain. Then while you're chewing their ear off about how your expectations arnt being met, they find out your kids are home schooled and arnt even students there.

Or going to Popeyes and complaining about how they run the business & menu, then they find out you're vegan, dont spend any money with them, but you might consider it if they changed their whole business to cater to you.

Of course they'd ignore you & move on if they thought you were wasting their time with nonsense.

I saw it, and when I read your 100% unrealistic & impossible to accomplish list, I ignored it. I'm NGL. That list read like it was a troll post and theres no way a adult would put that out and be serious. Its like you read some aristocratic manga & got inspired to try and make blacks the nobles of North American. That list was so bad its just slightly above having no ideas.

Like other posters mentioned, Kamala is for getting funding to healthcare, social services, & education. That will literally directly benefit black people. The last time a checked blacks are the poorest demo in this country & need help in all of the above. But for some reason some, of yall are acting like racist poor whites & would rather get nothing, than to get help that also could possibly help another ethnic group.

Lastly, Im really laughing at the thought of you seriously thinking Trumps administration would do anything to help just black people. You seriously think you could present them with a proposal filled with things like "black only land grants free of all taxes & free utilities, free education for black where ever they want to go with a $6k a month stipend, 100% free healthcare & childcare for only blacks, & if you kill a black person its automatic life in prison" and get serious consideration. They'd look at each other and buss out laughing as soon as you left the room. Thats if they even manage to hold it in while reading that.

I wanna say they'd throw that proposal right in the trash, but the reality is they'd keep it, take pics and pass it around so more people can laugh at it.

It’s a dream list. Like I get the cause and all but it’s not realistic. And half of us wouldn’t even go for it. Land grants are cool but need realism.

I just feel like healthcare and etc are good thing for everybody and that would benefit us. If it about exclusive stuff like hbcu funding from government that different. Reinvesting in urban communities so the money the school gets can reflect the neighborhood