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Trump & The Baby Snatchers

Then cry about that when it happens to the children of American citizens locked up for their various crimes. I don't see any of that from any of you and that's the hypocrisy of the matter: Illegal immigrant comes here and their kids end up in the system and it's a problem, American arrested for some shit and their kid ends up in the system and it's crickets.
I heard they found a mass grave of immigrants, is that shit true? didnt read the article just saw it posted on FB but cant recall who the source was.
all you need to do is type in ‘inside border detention facilities’

All you gotta do is read the Washington Post's fact checking on it.


If you come to me with shit claiming it's fact, you had better have links ready. Saying "google this" or "search for that" is the same as saying "I' don't have an answer for you, but I'm sure that if you look hard enough for something I'm presenting as fact you'll find it"
In my other posts I clearly said "whatever words you wana use - cage, enclosed area"

There are prison facilities that are "fine, clean and safe" also, what's your point? People are getting fed in solitary confinement so that's cool too.

Keeping and moving young children around these random places like tetris when they have no access to their parents and no idea where they are is fucked up.

They could turn them away with their kids intact like they do to the Haitians. Which by the way is the only group that gets done dirty like that. Wonder why?
Make me nigga! Fuck you gonna do Gabi???!!! Send iGoons my way? Fuck all the way outta here you delusional ass broad.
I'm delusional but you been hovering over my every keystroke in this thread. Why do you want my attention so bad? Lol fuck off nigga. There's plenty of other people that have been engaging you.
Bruh, you asked me for photos and videos and stories, I gave you the words to type into google.
Folks love to take the most extreme stances on here.. like we cant be upset about folks south of the border being separated from their children and pissed about issues that affect the black community simultaneously. The fuck is up with yall? We cant be outraged about more than one thing at the same time?
I'm delusional but you been hovering over my every keystroke in this thread. Why do you want my attention so bad? Lol fuck off nigga. There's plenty of other people that have been engaging you.

Did you ever have to respond to me? Were you ever once forced to reply and quote me?


But I'm hovering over YOUR keystrokes...

Delusions of importance and grandeur. In the grand scheme, Gabi, you're meaningless to me; don't get that fucked up ever again. You're just an avatar of Daria and words on a screen, nothing more. You and your entire existence are as trivial to me as a dust mote on a buffalo's scrotum somewhere on the Serengeti. You have to be a self absorbed cretin to believe I actually WANT your attention.

Beat it nigga.
Bruh, you asked me for photos and videos and stories, I gave you the words to type into google.

Exactly, I asked for something and didn't get what I asked for. Instead you're asking me to do the work. I assume that when you bring something up that you can back it up as I've always done. I'm only asking for reference points, the very same thing I give y'all and have given y'all since the IC when I engage in debate.
Did you ever have to respond to me? Were you ever once forced to reply and quote me?


But I'm hovering over YOUR keystrokes...

Delusions of importance and grandeur. In the grand scheme, Gabi, you're meaningless to me; don't get that fucked up ever again. You're just an avatar of Daria and words on a screen, nothing more. You and your entire existence are as trivial to me as a dust mote on a buffalo's scrotum somewhere on the Serengeti. You have to be a self absorbed cretin to believe I actually WANT your attention.

Beat it nigga.
I ignored your posts. I replied to Babelipsss twice and both times you replied to me when I neither mentioned nor quoted you. So yes you were hovering over my keystrokes wanting my attention. Any other titangraphs you need to get off your chest that I won't read?
Folks love to take the most extreme stances on here.. like we cant be upset about folks south of the border being separated from their children and pissed about issues that affect the black community simultaneously. The fuck is up with yall? We cant be outraged about more than one thing at the same time?

It's intellectual dishonesty at it's worst. I'm not saying you can't be upset about it, I'm just wondering where was all of this outrage when we first learned about it. I'm wondering where the outrage is when kids are separated from their parents when they're pulled over for a traffic ticket and discover they had a warrant (this happened to my wife in Pontiac, Mi long before we got together).

What I'm getting at is that y'all are outraged for something that has always happened in the US to our own citizens; why is it an issue now? Are not infants taken from their mothers when they're born in jail or prison? Isn't that morally wrong as well?

The politicians are using this as a political football and y'all are jumping on the field with your arms up trying to catch a pass but don't even know the plays. I'm sittin back watching this shit in amazement, because it's been going on for years and the evidence of that has been published over and over and yet all of y'all willfully ignore it and keep regurgitating the same debunked talking points as if it's still correct.
I ignored your posts. I replied to Babelipsss twice and both times you replied to me when I neither mentioned nor quoted you. So yes you were hovering over my keystrokes wanting my attention. Any other titangraphs you need to get off your chest that I won't read?

Gabi... you're lying. You responded to EVERY one of my posts and I replied in kind.


It's all there. So now not only are you delusional you're a liar. Maybe you should run for office, you'll do well.
I played along and did the Google. I searched "inside border detention facilities". I saw some videos of adults in jails but no children. I'm willing to look if someone would narrow it down or just post the pic.
Separating families is unique to Trump and has come under unique scrutiny. Taking children away from their sole caregivers costs the US tremendously and can traumatize the children. For all Obama's detention, deportation, and skirting of due process, the families remained together.