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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

I care more how she continues to disrespect and lie about George Floyd to entertain her white supremacist fanboys…
She continues to disrespect and expose the same white supremacist Jews.
And ima keep on highlighting it while you do the rest.
  • Ether
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You should never highlight the actions of a grifter. She's on the side you support now, but when the money changes so will her stances.
I don't feel like debating about it.

You don't know who I support

Don't tell me what to do. aight?

Think whatever you wanna feel..

Ima keep posting whatever i want to post with no fucks to give.
Please don't waste your time debating me about this.
Thank you

carry on
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That's literally what Klansmen and their ilk claim is going to happen and is the reason they justify their racism. It would be interesting to see actual numbers for how often people mixed with black marry black people as opposed to white people. At one point, the whole premise depicted here would be nonsense because white people in general weren't procreating with black or mixed people in major numbers. Shit is probably a little different now though.