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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

Can you translate that for the class brother elzo🤔

I thought I was the only one that thought it was weird that he just posted that in here like we all speak french. That said, Google translate is pretty good for languages from the same family.

There is Leopold Sedar Senghor from Senegal and his...white wife. There is Mamadi Doumbouya from Guinea and his...white wife. There is Alassane Dramane Ouattara from Ivory Coast and his...white wife. To name just a few. They all have in common the fact of being or having been presidents in black Africa, and of having white wives.

And Nathalie Yamb is against this practice. "(...) An African politician who has a white, Asian or Latina woman as a wife should not be allowed to be president of the republic in black Africa," she posted on X.

My question is where are these niggas in the heart of Africa finding all these white women?
Being married to a CAC while leading a nation that is 90% black is supreme coon behavior imo

Ahhh well... Some niggaz love them some White womenz from time immemorial... Can't nothing be done about that

However the African continent was seized upon by Europeans for commercial profits and countries created and amalgated so that when the CACs left ... It would be conflict and chaos moving forward
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The jews coming after Candice Owens.
They suspended her account

Kamala Harris is the real Bedwench

I'm just a messenger. Fuck you🖕🏾

I thought I was the only one that thought it was weird that he just posted that in here like we all speak french. That said, Google translate is pretty good for languages from the same family.

My question is where are these niggas in the heart of Africa finding all these white women?

These white hoes for everybody monk
They'll travel too